MR Physics for Physicists
Michael H. Buonocore and Chrit T. Moonen, Organizers
Sunday, 22 April 2001

Last updated 20 January 2009

Educational Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to
Identify the elements of pulse sequence design;
Explain and describe the hardware used to create an MRI image;
Describe techniques used to improve imaging speed;
Compare specialized pulse sequence methods for cardiovascular imaging;
Explain specialized pulse sequence methods for perfusion and diffusion imaging.
Pulse Sequence Design
08:00 RARE, GRASE, EPI Jürgen Hennig
08:30 Gradient Echo (GRE, gradient, and RF spoiled, true FISP) Jeff H. Duyn
09:00 RF System Ed B. Boskamp
09:30 Gradient System Franz Schmitt
10:00 Control System for Real Time Stefan E. Fischer
10:30 Break
Special Techniques for Fast Imaging
10:45 The Use of Navigator Echoes Rene Botnar
11:15 PRESTO, SENSE, and SMASH Chrit T. Moonen
11:45 Break
RF Pulse Design
13:00 SLR Algorithm, Spectral-Spatial Pulses, 2D and 3D Pulses John Pauly
13:30 Bloch Equation-Based Algorithms, Inversion Pulses David G. Norris
Pulse Sequences for Specialized Measurements
14:00 Cardiovascular Measurements David N. Firmin
14:30 Perfusion and Diffusion Measurements Peter van Zijl
15:00 Adjournment