Novel Nanoparticle Contrast Agents

Room 602 - 604         16:30 - 18:30                 Chairs: Jeff W. M. Bulte and Klaas Nicolay


Prog #

16:30 180.

Novel MRI Reporter Gene for Determination of Cell Viability

Phillip C. Yang1, Manickam Krishnan1, Sally Zhang1, Takayasu Arai1, Thomas Quertermous1, Irving Weissman1,

Joe Wu1, Micha Drukker1, Robert Robbins1

1Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
16:42 181.

Microarray Analysis of the Effect of Feridex-Labeling on Gene Expression in Neural Stem Cells

Piotr Walczak1, Assaf A. Gilad1, Dorota A. Kedziorek1, Jesus Ruiz-Cabello1, Bradley Barnett1, Jeff W. Bulte1

1Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
16:54 182.

Imaging of Islet Transplantation in a Pre-Clinical Animal Model Using an FDA-Approved Contrast Agent: In Vivo Studies

Natalia Evgenov1, Zdravka Medarova1, Pamela Pantazopoulos1, Simone Leyting1, Guangping Dai1, Anna Moore1

1Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA
17:06 183.

Multimodality Molecular Imaging of Tumor Angiogenesis Using Quantum Dots

Willem J.M. Mulder1, Gustav J. Strijkers1, Celso de Mello Donegá2, Ricardo J. Brandwijk3, Patrick T.K. Chin1,

Rolf Koole2, Karolien Castermans3, Gert Storm2, Arjan W. Griffioen3, Klaas Nicolay1

1Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands; 2Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; 3Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
17:18 184.

Differentiation of Glioma from Radiation Necrosis by MRI Using Magnetically Labeled Cells

Ali Syed Arbab1, Ali M. Rad1, ASM Iskander1, Steve L. Brwon1, Swayamprava Panda1, Karyn A. Ledbetter1, Guangliang Ding1,

James R. Ewing1, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh1, Donald J. Peck1

1Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan, USA
17:30 185.

Fluorine MR Angiography with Intravenously Delivered Nanoparticle Emulsions at 1.5 T

Anne Morawski Neubauer1, Shelton D. Caruthers1, 2, Todd D. Williams1, Frank D. Hockett1, Tillman Cyrus1,

John S. Allen1, Gregory M. Lanza1, Samuel A. Wickline1

1Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA; 2Philips Medical Systems, Best, Netherlands
17:42 186.

Assessing Early Effects of Angiogenesis Inhibitors Using MR Molecular Imaging

Willem J.M. Mulder1, Gustav J. Strijkers1, Daisy W.J. van der Schaft2, Gert Storm3, Kevin H. Mayo4,

Arjan W. Griffioen2, Klaas Nicolay1

1Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands; 2Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands; 3Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; 4University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
17:54 187.

Labeling and Imaging Stem/Progenitor Cells with Multiple Unique Nanoparticulate Fluorine Markers:  the Potential for

Multispectral Stem Cell Detection with 19F MRI

Junjie Chen1, Kathy Crowder1, Jason Brant1, Anne M. Neubauer1, Shelton D. Caruthers2, Gregory M. Lanza1,

Samuel A. Wickline1

1Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA; 2Philips Medical System, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

18:06 188.

Gd@(Carbon Nanostructures) as High Relaxivity Nanoprobes Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Balaji Sitaraman1, Raja Muthupillai2, LA Tran1, RA Bolskar1, Scott D. Flamm3, AG Mikos1, LJ Wilson1

1Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA; 2Philips Medical Systems, and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA; 3St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
18:18 189.

Ultra-Short Echo Time Difference (USTED) Data Acquisition for T2* Contrast Reversal

Fernando Emilio Boada1, Erik Wiener1

1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA