Safety: MRI and Contrast Agents

Hall 1     13:30 - 15:30         Chairs: Penny Anne Gowland and Martin R. Prince


Prog #

13:30 731.

Experimental Determination of Human Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Thresholds in a 3-Axis Planar Gradient System

Rebecca Emily Feldman1, Christopher Judson Hardy2, Bluent Aksel2, John F. Schenck2, Blaine Alexander Chronik1

1University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; 2GE Global Research, Niskayuna, New York, USA

13:40 732.

Understanding Risk of Cardiac Stimulation When Pacemaker Patients Undergo MRI Scanning

Dave Manahan1, Jonathan Edmonson1, Ben Herberg1, Ashish Singal1

1Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

13:50 733.

Safety of Human MRI at Static Fields Above the FDA 8T Guideline: Exposure to a 9.4T Static Magnetic Field

Does Not Change Vital Signs and Cognitive Ability

Ian Atkinson1, Holly Burd1, Michael P. Flannery1, Laura Renteria1, Theodore Claiborne1, Neil Pliskin1, Eddy Boskamp2, Keith R. Thulborn1

1University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 2GE Healthcare, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA


14:00 734.

Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Resistivity on Specific Absorption Rate at 3 T MRI

Leonardo M. Angelone1, 2, Giorgio Bonmassar2

1Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA; 2Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA

14:10 735.

Fast Mapping of RF-Induced Heating Along Conductive Wires by MRI Thermometry

Philipp Ehses1, Florian Fidler2, Peter Nordbeck1, Eberhard Pracht1, Marcus Warmuth1, Peter M. Jakob1, 2, Wolfgang Rudolf Bauer1

1University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; 2Magnetic Resonance Bavaria, Würzburg, Germany

14:20 736.

SAR and Temperature Rise Evaluation for Pregnant Woman Models During MRI

Dagang Wu1, Ji Chen1, Wolfgang Kainz2, Shumin Wang3

1University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA; 2FDA, Maryland, USA; 3NIH, Maryland, USA


14:30 737.

Investigation on RF Heating of Standard Implants in a Gel Phantom During MRI with a 1.5 T MR System

(GE Medical Systems)

Gregor Schaefers1, Tatsiana Malechka1, Mark Pawlenka1, Frank Reintke1, Waldemar Zylka2

1MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, NRW, Germany; 2Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany


14:40 738.

Diagnostic MR-Electrophysiology Catheter with Highly Resistive Wires for Reduction of RF-Heating

Daniel Wirtz1, Oliver Lips1, Bernd David1, Sascha Krueger1, Steffen Weiss1

1Philips Research Europe - Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany


14:50 739.

Factors Relating to Development of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis Following Gadolinium

Michael F. Morris1, Jennifer MacGregor1, Honglei Zhang2, March Grossman1, David Silvers1, Anthony Valeri1, Jeff Silberzweig2, Rajan Kapoor2, N. Scott McNutt2, Martin R. Prince1

1Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York, USA; 2Cornell University Medical Center, New York, New York, USA


15:00 740.

Gadolinium and the Development of Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy

Andrew Louis Wentland1, Elizabeth A. Sadowski1, Lindsey K. Bennett1, Andrea L. Garrett1, Robert W. Garrett1, Frank R. Korosec1, Arjang Djamali1

1University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, USA


15:10 741.

Gadolinium Contrast Agents as a Possible Trigger for the Development of Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NFD)

Hubertus Pietsch1, Martin Sieber1, Jakob Walter1, Thomas Frenzel1, Hanns-Joachim Weinmann1

1Schering AG, Berlin, Germany


15:20 742.

Evaluation of a Possible Risk Association Between Nephrogenic Sclerosing Dermopathy  (NFD) and

Gadolinium Enhanced MRI

Khalil N. Salman1, Roger Moreira1, Puneet Sharma1, Dana Tudorascu1, Chad Holder1, Diego R. Martin1

1Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA