MR Engineering Study Group 2007 Berlin Program
Sunday, 20 May 2007 @ 15:30
Hall 7 ICC-Berlin

15:30 Business Meeting

Invited talks: “Extreme Engineering”

15:45 “Highest Resolution MRI”
Steve Blackband, Professor of Neuroscience, McKnight Brain Institute
University of Florida

16:05 “Highest Field NMR Spectroscopy”
Andrew Webb, Professor of Bioengineering
Pennsylvania State University

16:25 “Lowest Latitude / Coldest Outside Temperature NMR/MRI”
Craig Eccles, Development Engineer
Magritek Ltd., Wellington, New Zealand

16:45 “Longest FIDs and Lowest Field NMR/MRI”
Frank Seifert
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin

17:05 “Using the Strongest Gradient Fields for Nanoparticle Imaging”
Steve Conolly, Associate Professor of Bioengineering
University of California, Berkeley

17:30 Adjourn

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