Weekday Educational Course:
Imaging the Fetus & Newborn
Organizers:  Petra Hüppi, M.D and Pek Lan Khong, M.D.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
10:30 - 12:30

This two-hour course for physicians, radiologists and scientists aims to highlight the techniques, challenges and clinical applications of MR imaging in the fetus and newborn. The course will be presented in lectures by clinicians and scientists, each followed by discussion. The audience will be able to appreciate the novel developments in techniques, especially with respect to motion, and the contribution of MRI in various pathologies in the fetus and newborn, including:
  • The interpretation of timing of injury in perinatal asphyxia by MRI and MRS;
  • The diagnosis of biliary and ductal anomalies by MRCP;
  • The clinical implications and management of ventriculomegaly in the fetus and newborn; and
  • Implementation and applications of DWI in the fetal brain.
Upon completion of this case based session, participants should be able to:
  • Describe novel developments in techniques and applications of fetal and neonatal MR imaging;
  • Explain technical challenges in fetal and neonatal MR imaging, in particular motion, and the methods that have been applied to circumvent them;
  • Describe clinical applications and implement techniques in cardiovascular MR in neonates and infants;
  • Explain the role and contribution of MRI in the evaluation of ventriculomegaly in the fetus;
  • Evaluate the timing of perinatal asphyxia and the complementary roles of MRI and MRS, especially with regard with potential intervention; and
  • Assess the role of MRI and MRCP in the diagnosis of biliary atresia and ductal anomalies

Wednesday, 22 April 2009
10:30 Advanced MR Imaging in Perinatal Brain Injury: Timing of Injury-Potential for Intervention Terri E. Inder, M.D.
10:50 Advanced MR Methods for Evaluating the Fetus; MRS, DTI and ASL: Feasibility and Application Robert V. Mulkern, Ph.D.
11:20 MRI of Moving Subjects Joseph V. Hajnal, Ph.D.
11:40 Cardiovascular MR in Neonates and Infants Taylor Chung, M.D.
12:00 MRCP in the Neonate Myung-Joon Kim, M.D.
12:20 Panel Discussion  
12:30 Adjournment