Online Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Deadline: 23:59 US EST on 13 November 2013


To facilitate the blinded peer review process and to ensure that abstracts are properly formatted, we suggest the following, which is supplemental to the instructions at the upload web site.

The uploaded file should contain only the body of the abstract (NO TITLE, AUTHORS, AFFILIATIONS, OR SYNOPSIS), all of which are captured in data entry fields at the upload site.

The document MUST be in .rtf, .doc, or .docx format. If creating your abstract in WordPerfect, just "save as" .rtf.

The text should be formatted in one column across the page
(see sample on left below).

PLEASE NOTE! The bottom margin of Word files must be set at .5” with 2” of clear space left above that (total of 2.5" of space from the bottom of the page) to allow for insertion of the title/author text at the top of the page. Text will be pushed onto a second page if you set the bottom margin at 2.5” resulting in a document that it too long.

Please use standard fonts such as Arial, Times, or Times New Roman. The font size should be 8pt or larger.

SUGGESTED ISMRM Abstract Format:

  • Target audience – “Who will benefit from this information?”
  • Purpose – “Why was this study/research performed?”
  • Methods – “How has this problem been studied?”
  • Results – “Principal data and statistical analysis”
  • Discussion - “What is the interpretation of the data?”
  • Conclusion – “What is the relevance to clinical practice or future research?”
  • References – “References"


  • The uploaded file should contain only the body of the abstract.
  • The text should be formatted in one column across the page.
  • Text wrap around equations, tables, and figures will be accommodated in the output.
  • In order to achieve a proper conversion of your abstract to its final form, please use a template that is 8.5" (21.5 cm) wide x 11" (28 cm) high with a top margin of 0.5" (1.25 cm), bottom margin of0.5" (1.25 cm) You must leave 2" blank at the bottom of the page to allow for the title and author insertion or you will get the "document too large" error message), and right and left margins of 0.5" (1.25 cm).
  • Your abstract should be no more than one page in length once the title and authors are added by the submission system.
    In order for your abstract to be blinded for peer review, DO NOT include title, authors, and affiliations in your uploaded file.

Your abstract should be no more than one page in length once the title and authors are added by the submission system (see sample on right below).

PLEASE NOTE! Author information entered during the submission process will appear in the abstract and the meeting program. You must check:

  • Are authors in the correct order?
  • Are any authors missing?
  • Are all author names spelled correctly?
No title, authors, affiliations, or synopsis in
the body of the abstract file

<<< The online system takes the file you upload

(with no title, authors, affiliations. or synopsis)

and converts the file to this
Provided by online system


Abstract Submission Website is NOW CLOSED


The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.