

E-news from the
International Society for Magnetic Resonance
in Medicine

Vol. 1, Issue 2, 23 Oct 2012

Message from the President

Thomas M. Grist, M.D., FACR
2012-13 ISMRM President
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI, USA

Workshops:  The ISMRM
Working for You!

In our last edition of the MR Pulse, I described my goal this year of enhancing our sense of “community” throughout the year, including at times outside of the annual meeting. One needs to look no further than our workshop program to identify a great example of how we can enhance this sense of community in the ISMRM.  Our workshop program is thriving; the recent MR safety workshop set record attendance of more than 225 members. Congratulations to the organizers Titti Owman and Freddy Stahlberg for conceiving of and leading a great program, and many thanks to the speakers who contributed so much to the workshop. During the safety workshop, we also rolled out our first live twitter coverage of the event, thanks to Greg Brown and his colleagues.   Our annual meeting is a great event, but sometimes the sheer size of the meeting, and the number of parallel sessions, leave our members a bit frustrated, because they were unable to attend all of the events or meet all of the colleagues that they wished to see. The workshops provide an outstanding opportunity for closer collaboration as well as professional and social dialogue amongst colleagues that is so important to moving our field forward.  So please, take a few moments to read this edition of the MR pulse to review the upcoming workshops schedule, identify workshops that are of interest to you, and register to participate in these outstanding events.  The workshop organizers and the ISMRM central office work hard to make these workshops work for you, so please take advantage of their effort by signing up today!

We will be highlighting other ISMRM workshops in future issues of MRPulse!

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