

E-news from the
International Society for Magnetic Resonance
in Medicine

Vol. 2, Issue 1, 3 Feb 2013

2012-2013 Junior Fellow

Myriam M. Chaumeil
University of California, San Francisco

My entire education has been driven by my passion for all sciences, most particularly physics and biology, which I have purposely studied in parallel since the end of high school. Combining these fields within a Master of Medical Physics at first, my entire graduate and post-doctoral research has since been exclusively dedicated to the study of the brain, both in normal and pathological conditions, using MR-based methodologies.

I conducted my Ph.D. training at NeuroSpin, a cutting-edge research center that uses highly innovative MRS/MRI techniques to study the central nervous system, from mice to humans. After graduating in 2008, I successfully applied for a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco. My strong motivation to move the field of MR in medicine forward in the outstanding environment provided by UCSF lead me to write new research projects. In June 2011, I was awarded a fellowship from the American Brain Tumor association (ABTA) to study response to therapies in glioblastoma models using MRS-based neuroimaging techniques.

I joined the ISMRM society in 2007, a year after the start of my Ph.D. training, and had the opportunity to give my first oral presentation at the ISMRM conference in Berlin. The discussions and exchanges that followed were numerous and extremely helpful. Some of them lead to human and scientific connections that still last to date. This first immersion within the ISMRM community was a personal confirmation of my dedication to the field of MR in medicine. I have made a point to attend the ISMRM conferences since then, as they are always an exciting time of ideas exchange, learning about cutting-edge MR developments, understanding the more recent healthcare challenges and building-up new collaborations and connections.

At this point in my career, the ISMRM Junior fellowship is a tremendous step in my long term goal of pursuing a career in academia in the field of MR imaging and spectroscopy. In particular, a one-year personalized mentorship by a senior ISMRM fellow is an extraordinary opportunity for the development of my career. Indeed, I recently applied to several “Pathway to Independence” awards (NIH K99/R00 and National Multiple Sclerosis Society Career transition fellowship) in order to start my own research in the field of MR methods applied to the study of brain diseases, and such guidance is of wonderful help.

Furthermore, as my commitment and understanding of the field of MR in medicine are growing, so is my interest in getting more involved in the development and support of the ISMRM society. Participating in the Annual Meeting Program Committee as a non voting observer In Melbourne was a tremendous opportunity to connect, interact and learn about the field and the society. It also gave me a great insight in the ISMRM structure and services.

To conclude, the ISMRM Junior Fellowship is a wonderful step forward into my engagement in the field of MR in medicine, as well as great opportunity to help contributing to the development and success of the ISMRM society. I am extremely thankful for this honor.