ISMRM Nordic Chapter supports the ESMRMB Lectures on MR:
Simultaneous multi-slice/multiband imaging Nijmegen/NL January 18–20
Acquisition strategies for hyperpolarised spin systems: Spectral, spatial and temporal Munich/DE February 24-26
Quantitative MRI for characterising brain tissue microstructure Leipzig/DE June 6-8
Create your own echo: How to generate, calculate and manipulate echoes Tübingen/DE June 20-22
RF coils: Design, build and characterise your own L´Aquila/IT June 21-23
Non-Cartesian MRI: Implementation and application Würzburg/DE August 25-27
RF pulses: Design and applications Krakow/PL September 8-10
In vivo MR spectroscopy: Basic and advanced strategies Vienna/AT September 26-28
Download the flyer for these lectures here!