FEBRUARY 2014 • Vol. 3, Issue 1


Julie Strandt-Peay, B.S.M., R.T., (R)(MR), FSMRT
Signals Editor

“The extraordinary action of those active in the SMRT is evidenced by the reports and articles in this issue of Signals.”

Welcome to E-Signals, the quarterly electronic newsletter produced for the membership and those who support the efforts of the SMRT.

2014 is just underway however the volunteers serving as leaders, chairs and committee members are already diligently working on behalf of the SMRT. Sustaining the world-wide professional organization for MRI technologists and radiographers requires many hours of effort each year. The extraordinary action of those active in the SMRT is evidenced by the reports and articles in this issue of Signals.

We begin with a stirring message from President, Ben Kennedy who demonstrates the leadership qualities in the SMRT. New leaders have recently been elected by the membership as reported by Past-President Vera Kimbrell, who continues to be an extremely dynamic participant in the work of the SMRT. Striving to keep current with global trends, former officer, Steve Shannon has accepted responsibility to lead the social media movement of the SMRT.

The Annual Meeting of the SMRT is a major event that requires yearlong tasks and assignments. 2014 Program Chair, Rhonda Walcarius has lead her committee to produce an outstanding didactic offering. A potential record breaking number of abstracts are being submitted this year as reported by Education Chair, Sheryl Foster. Jim Stuppino reminds us to join the discussion at the Joint Forum with speakers from the ISMRM and the SMRT.

One of the ways the SMRT reaches out to provide education between the annual meetings is to host local chapter or regional educational seminar. The ANZ chapter has had several years of successful meetings as described by Chair, Kendra Huber. For the convenience of SMRT members and non-members alike, Anne Marie Sawyer manages the significant contribution to continuing education; the home study offerings available on line.

Of course we would not exist without the support and assistance of Jennifer Olson, Associate Executive Director, Mary Keydash, Publications Director, Linda O-Brown, SMRT Coordinator, Sally Moran, Director of Electronic Communications, and the entire staff in the Berkeley, California, USA office of the ISMRM and SMRT.

As always your comments and suggestions as to topics and content are welcome.

Happy Reading!