JULY 2014 • Vol. 3, Issue 3

SMRT Participates in the United Kingdom Radiology Congress

Muriel Cockburn, DCR, BSc. Hons., FSMRT

“Although the numbers at the session were small the feedback was very positive with a real interest in SMRT.”

On Wednesday the 11th of June the SMRT held their first educational session at the United Kingdom Radiology Congress (UKRC). This was an excellent opportunity to showcase and share the value and services and raise awareness of the SMRT in the United Kingdom.

The session was organised by Muriel Cockburn fellow of SMRT and former policy board member, who was fortunate to have the support and contribution of two current policy board members Vanessa Orchard and Nina Salman who both delivered presentations. The third presentation was delivered by Jacqui Pursey. Although the numbers at the session were small the feedback was very positive with a real interest in SMRT.

Muriel Cockburn met with the current president of UKRC Professor Iain Lyburn, who was delighted with the addition of the SMRT to the programme. He stated his intention that this will become an annual invitation, as well as collaboration in future meetings. On a personal note I think this was a very worthwhile venture and will be beneficial most importantly to radiographers and technologists in the future.

Vanessa Orchard at the podium Jacqui Pursey addresses the audience Nina Salman shares her experience