Dynamic Contrast Imaging of Tumors

Room A201
10:30 – 12:30

Chair: Michael V. Knopp and Michal Neeman

Educational Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Explain the basic pathophysiological principles underlying the contrast enhancement in tumors with emphasis on dynamic Gd-chelate contrast-enhanced methodologies;
  • Perform dynamic contrast imaging of tumors in the brain, thorax, breast, liver, pelvis and musculoskeletal system;
  • Analyze and interpret dynamic contrast enhanced studies;
  • Select and recommend appropriate dynamic MR techniques for different situations;
  • Describe the range of diagnostic and therapeutic questions that can be evaluated by dynamic contrast enhanced MRI
10:30   Introduction, Bruce A. Berkowitz.
11:00   Brain Tumors, John N. Gomori.
11:15   Breast Tumors, Michael V. Knopp.
11:30   Liver Tumors, Mitchell Schnall.
11:45   Musculoskeletal Tumors, June Taylor.
12:00   Panel Discussion, Hakan Ahlstrom, Hadassah Degani, Jeffrey Evelhoch, Michael V. Knopp, Nina Mayr, Val Runge, June Taylor, William T. C. Yuh.

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