Cardiac MRI:  Innovations and Advances
Roderic I. Pettigrew and Warren J. Manning, Organizers
Saturday, 18 May 2002

ast updated 20 February 2009

Educational Objectives:

Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to
 Describe the methodological basis of ultrafast/real-time cine MR techniques;
Describe ultrafast black blood imaging and explain its potential clinical role;
Explain the physiologic basis of and methods for myocardial perfusion and pharmacologic stress imaging to detect ischemic coronary disease;
Contrast the CMR techniques for assessing myocardial viability and explain the clinical role of CMR in patients with ischemic heart disease;
Describe the current status of coronary MRA and atherosclerotic plaque imaging.

Five (5) minutes following each lecture will be reserved for discussion.

08:30 Welcome and Introduction: Innovations in CME Roderic I. Pettigrew
08:35 Clinical SENSE Scott D. Flamm
09:10 Real-Time Imaging and Applications Bob S. Hu
09:45 Clinical Black Blood Imaging Robert R. Edelman
10:20 Break
10:40 Stress MRI in Ischemic Heart Disease Eike Nagel
11:05 Contrast Enhanced Viability John N. Oshinski
11:40 Acute Coronary Syndrome Evaluation Andrew E. Arai
12:15 Break
13:45 Advances in Cardiomyopathy Evaluation Dudley J. Pennell
14:20 Advances in Image Analysis Rob J. van der Geest
14:55 Clinical Coronary MRA Update Peter Danias
15:30 Break
15:50 Atherosclerotic Plaque Imaging Zahi A. Fayad
16:25 Interventional Cardiovascular Imaging David A. Bluemke
17:00 Adjournment