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Body MR Problem Solving
Caroline Reinhold, Organizer

Monday, 8 May 2006, 11:00 -13:00
Last updated 20 February 2009

The Hepatitis C Patient:
Early Diagnosis of Cirrhosis and HCC
Educational Objectives:
Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:
• recognize early morphologic signs of cirrhosis, before nodular texture or contour abnormalities are evident;
• describe the spectrum of findings of portal hypertension; and
• list the categories of nodular lesions, and be able devise a differential diagnosis and appropriate follow-up.
Problem Solving with Breast MRI
Educational Objectives:
Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:
• Identify useful clinical indications for breast MR imaging;
• Describe and apply diagnostic criteria for benign masses and non-mass-related enhancement; and
• Describe and apply diagnostic criteria for invasive and intraductal malignant lesions, as well as mass-related enhancement
  from DCIS.


Monday, 8 May
11:00 The Hepatitis C Patient: Early Diagnosis of Cirrhosis and HCC Donald G. Mitchell, MD
12:00 Problem Solving with Breast MR Christiane K. Kuhl, MD
13:00 Adjournment