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MR of Cancer Study Group
Sunday, 7 May 2006

15:30 – 17:30
Room 615-617

Last updated 05 May 2009

15:30 Business Meeting
Introduction of New Officers Jeffry Alger 15:30 – 15:35
Incoming Chair Thomas Chenevert
Incoming Secretary Simon Robinson
Chair-Elect TBA
Secretary-Elect TBA

Update on 2006 Study Group Workshop Jim Delikatny 15:35 – 15:45
Update on Poster Walking Tour Harish Poptani 15:45 – 15:50
Report on Negendank Fund Ross Maxwell 15:50 – 15:51
Other Matters Membership 15:51 – 16:00

16:00 Scientific Meeting: "Hot Topics in Cancer Imaging from Young Investigators"
  Up to 5 investigators aged 35 years or less will be given the opportunity to present their latest results as a 10 min oral presentation with 2 min for questions.
Presentations that are identical (or closely related) to oral presentations in other sessions of the annual meeting  will be disqualified.
Presentations related to posters will be acceptable.

The Study Group List Server will be used to solicit candidates.

In the event that more than 5 young investigators request a presentation, the Study Group officers will rank the best 5 based on a short submitted abstract A prize of $500 from the Negendank fund will be awarded to the best young investigator presentation.

The Study Group officers will act as judges to determine the best presentation.

The winner will be announced at the completion of the session.

17:00 Scientific Tribute to Bill Negendank
Jeffrey Evelhoch with contributions from Robert J. Gillies