Gray Matter: From Anatomy to Function

Dachgarten     16:30 - 18:30         Chairs: Nicola De Stefano and Carlo Pierpaoli


Prog #

16:30 204.

High-Field MRI of Brain Cortical Substructure Based on Signal Phase - not available

Jeff H. Duyn1, Peter van Gelderen1, Tie-Qiang Li1, Jacco A. de Zwart1, Alan P. Koretsky1, Masaki Fukunaga1

1National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

16:42 205.

A Multiple Field Study of Permeability Difference Between Gray and White Matters

Kai Zhong1, Jochen Leupold1, Joerg Stadler2, Claus Tempelmann3, Oliver Speck1, 4

1University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; 2Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany; 3Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany; 4Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany

16:54 206.

Preoperative Mapping of Language with fMRI: Frequency Maps and Comparison of Three Tasks in Healthy Subjects

Leonardo Cerliani1, Maria Luisa Mandelli1, Domenico Aquino1, Giuseppe Filosa1, Maria Grazia Bruzzone1, Alberto Bizzi1

1Fondazione Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milano, Italy

17:06 207.

Analysis of Structural Connectivity of the Human Language Pathways Using Diffusion and Functional

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Arabinda Mishra1, Allen T. Newton1, Adam W. Anderson1, John C. Gore1, Victoria L. Morgan1, Zhaohua Ding1

1Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

17:18 208.

DTI Fiber Tracking and Fractional Anisotropy-Reaction Time Correlations in Visual Word Recognition

David K. Powell, PhD1, Peter Hardy, PhD2, Liang Xuan, PhD, Brian Gold, PhD

1University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA; 2University of Kentucky, USA

17:30 209.

Differences Between Boys and Girls in the Development of Neuroanatomical Functional Connectivity

Underlying Intelligence Found Using Bayesian Connectivity Analysis

Vincent J. Schmithorst1, Scott K. Holland1

1Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

17:42 210.

Comparison of T1-Weighted 3D High-Resolution Anatomical Sequences for the Brain at 3 Tesla: FLASH,


Christine Lucas Tardif1, Gilbert Bruce Pike1

1Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

17:54 211.

Quantitative Brain Anatomy in a Sample (N=93) of Healthy Elderly People

Martin Ystad1, Sindre Ekren1, Steinunn Adólfsdottir1, Eike Wehling1, Jonn-Terje Geitung2, Astri J. Lundervold1, Arvid Lundervold1

1University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; 2Haraldsplass Deaconess University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

18:06 212.

Cross-Validation of Brain Parenchymal Volumes Between SPM5 and SIENAX - not available

Hedok Lee1, Isak Prohovnik1

1Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA

18:18 213.

Relating Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Analyses of Atrophy in Alzheimer's: BSI, SIENA and SIENAX

Stephen Smith1, Anil Rao2, Nicola De Stefano3, Mark Jenkinson1, Richard G. Boyes4, Jonathan M. Schott4, Paul M. Matthews2, Nick C. Fox4

1Oxford University, Oxford, UK; 2GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK; 3University of Siena, Siena, Italy; 4Institute of Neurology, UCL, London, UK