Hyperpolarized Media MR Study Group 2007 Berlin Program
Wednesday, 23 May 2007 @ 19:30
Hall 4/5 ICC-Berlin




Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion MRI – from Basic Science to Clinical Applications.


1. What hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion MRI tells us about lung structure and lung disease?

·           Talissa Altes (CHOP, UVA): He3 Diffusion MR in Children

·            Jim Quirk (Washington University): What can be learned about emphysema progression from He3 Diffusion MR measurements?

2. What steps should be taken to move hyperpolarized gas MRI from research gadget to clinical tool?       

 ·           Roundtable discussion


The Hyperpolarized Media MR Study Group gratefully acknowledge and thank Spectra Gases, Inc., for their sponsorship of refreshments for this meeting.

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