Sunrise Course:
Modeling & Quantitative Analysis for Body DCE MRI
Organizers: Henry Rusinek, Ph.D., and Min-Ying Lydia Su, Ph.D.
Skill Level: Intermediate - Advanced
Tuesday - Friday, 4-7 May 2010
07:00 - 08:00

This four-hour course will provide in-depth review of modern techniques for developing and clinical validation of kinetic models for dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI. Speakers are scientists who are actively involved in developing and analyzing DCE models for functional body imaging. Course material follows a top-down sequence, from theoretical/abstract view to practical/clinical issues. Topics include:
  • Principles of modeling & simulations: model analysis and validation, sensitivity of parameters to noise, reduction of parameters, Monte Carlo analysis of bias and variability;
  • Tracer kinetics, compartmental/distributed models, differential equations, convolution equations;
  • Model complexity and feasibility;
  • Measurement challenges: how do we measure arterial input? Inflow artifacts, population averaged input function. How do we convert MRI signal to tracer concentration? Linear conversion, direct conversion, water exchange regimes;
  • Contrast agents available for DCE MRI: molecular size and its consequence, factors that contribute to relaxivity, gadolinium, iron oxide, and manganese agents; hyperpolarized tracers;
  • Trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution; and
  • Model/parameter validation studies, reproducibility/repeatability studies.
  • The goal is to provide researchers with hard-to locate information on kinetic modeling and model analysis and validation methodology.
Upon completion of this course participants should be able to:
  • Describe various DCE models used for different organs including kidney, liver, breast, and prostate;
  • Describe analysis methods used to measure vascularity, permeability, and blood flow;
  • Implement Monte Carlo noise simulation method to predict parameter bias and precision;
  • Compare conventional compartmental kinetic models and distributed models;
  • Apply procedures for converting MRI signal intensity to tracer concentration; and
  • Explain current method for measuring vascular input function and analyzing its impact on obtained DCE parameters.

  Moderators: David L. Buckley, Ph.D., and Douglas C. Noll, Ph.D.
07:00 Principles of Modeling & Simulations Steven P. Sourbron, Ph.D.
07:30 Tracer Kinetics Tong San Koh, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjournment  
  Moderators: Steven P. Sourbron, Ph.D.
07:00 From Simple to Complex David L. Buckley, Ph.D.
07:30 Renal Filtration Models Louisa Bokacheva, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjournment  
  Moderators: Henry Rusinek, Ph.D. and Min-Ying Lydia Su, Ph.D.
07:00 DCE-MRI Measurement Challenges Mary E. Loveless, M.S.
07:30 Contrast Agents Youssef Zaim Wadghiri, Ph.D.
08:00  Adjournment  
  Moderators: Henry Rusinek, Ph.D. and Min-Ying Lydia Su, Ph.D.
07:00 ROI or Voxel Min-Ying Lydia Su, Ph.D.
07:30 The Future John C. Waterton, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjournment  


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