Lauterbur Lecture
Monday, 3 May 2010

William G. Bradley, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.R.
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
MRI Over the Next Decade: Quo Vadis?

Dr. Bradley is Professor and Chairman, Department of Radiology, at the University of California, San Diego.  He received his B.S. at the California Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. at Princeton, both in chemical engineering.  He received his M.D. and did his radiology residency at the University of California, San Francisco, where he first became involved in MRI in 1979.  He has published over 177 papers, 52 chapters, and 20 textbooks, including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3rd Edition), coedited with David Stark.  He was President of the SMRI (now ISMRM) 1988-89 and was honored with the Gold Medal of the SMRM (now ISMRM) in 1989 and that of the RSNA in 2003 for “pioneering research in MRI."  He served on the Board of the Research and Education Foundation of the RSNA 1995-2001 and was Chairman of the RSNA Fund Development Committee from 1996-2007.  He was on the Board of Chancellors of the American College of Radiology where he chaired the Commission on Neuroradiology and MRI from 1999 to 2005 and served as Vice President 2005-2006.  He is currently on the Boards of the Association of University Radiologists, the Clinical MRI Society, and the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology.