Perfusion Study Group and Detection & Correction of Motion in MRI & MRS Study Group

Monday, 7 May
10:45 – 12:45

Perfusion:  One of the central goals of the ISMRM Perfusion Workshop in Amsterdam (October 2012) is to produce a consensus white paper on the current status of perfusion imaging using MRI and recommendations for scan protocols for various applications.  As a kickoff for that project, we will be using the ISMRM Perfusion Study Group Meeting to start the discussion.  At our Study Group Lounge, there will be white boards set up, each with an assigned topic, and the membership is invited to post opinions, discuss, argue, defend, critique, and collaborate.  At the end of the meeting, the contents of the white boards will be recorded and used as input for an initial draft of the white paper.  Questions include:

  • Best ASL method for accurate CBF quantitation in healthy subjects
  • Best ASL method for dynamic CBF quantitation for fMRI
  • Best ASL methods for use in various clinical settings  (AD, MS, large vessel disease, etc) 
  • Best image acquisition methods for ASL
  • Best approach for OEF/CMRO2 mapping
  • Best approach for vascular territory imaging
  • How to trade off speed vs coverage in DSC MRI
  • Best imaging methods for DSC MRI  (SE/GRE/combined) 
  • Best  post-processing methods for DSC MRI


Motion Correction:  The Detection & Correction of Motion in MRI & MRS Study Group meeting will be held simultaneously with the Perfusion Study Group and is organized to encourage interaction between members. The main components will be:

  • Educational sessions and selected abstract presentations in the form of e-posters or traditional posters. Both rigid and non-rigid motion correction methods will be covered, with relatively more emphasis on non-rigid motion correction.
  • A poster presentation on image registration, with specific emphasis on challenges with motion correction in ASL and contrast-enhanced perfusion
  • Interactive demos featuring external-tracking based head motion correction.


No formal oral presentations will be held.