ISMRM 21st
Annual Meeting & Exhibition
20-26 April 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA |
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (16:00-17:00) Exhibition Hall |
Pulse Sequences: Research
Computer # |
3696. |
1 |
Real-Time MRI of Tablet
Disintegration: Visualization and Quantification 
Amir Moussavi1,2, Julian Quodbach3,
Jens Frahm2,4, and Roland Tammer1,2
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, am
Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie,
Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany, 2DFG
Research Center for Molecular Physiology of the
Brain (CMPB), Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany, 3Institut
für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie,
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf,
NRW, Germany, 4Biomedizinische
NMR Forschungs GmbH, Max Planck Institute, Göttingen,
Niedersachsen, Germany
The efficiency of orally administered pharmaceutical
dosage forms depends on the disintegration
characteristics of the tablet. In contrast to
conventional approaches that only observe the
surface of tablets during the disintegration process
via CCD cameras, the real-time MRI-based method
proposed in this work is able to visualize the
interior of disintegrating tablets. The achieved
spatiotemporal resolution with real-time MRI is
sufficient to get a detailed representation of the
disintegration dynamics. Furthermore, the introduced
method is able to determine the disintegration time
of tablets.
3697. |
2 |
T1-W SE-Prop to
Overcome Flow Artifacts in Post-Gd Brain Imaging 
Stefan Skare1, Magnus Mårtensson2,
Patrik Ring1, and Anders Lilja1
1Dept Neuroradiology, Karolinska
University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 2EMEA
Research and Collaboration, Applied Science
Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Stockholm, Sweden
T1-w Spin-Echo imaging of the brain after Gadolinium
(Gd) administration to the patient suffers typically
from significant flow artifacts, in particular in
the basal parts of the brain. In this study we show
that T1-w Spin-Echo Propeller acquisitions largely
can solve these issues.
3698. |
3 |
Mulit-Echo Averaging in
MR Elastography for Improved SNR 
Bing Wu1 and
Yongchuan Lai1
1GE healthcare, Beijing, China
High spatial resolution and SNR in phase images are
key factors for high quality elastogram in MR
elastography and conflict with the scan time, which
is a critical issue as breah hold is usually
performed during the liver scan. The use of a fast
acquisition strategy such as EPI partly solves this
issue, but has its own limitations such as limited
SNR and large distortions. In the method, we reduce
the scan time by using a minimum TR and uses
multi-echo acquisition to compensate for the loss of
phase SNR due to shortened TR. Phantom and in vivo
experiments have been performed to evaluate this
method qualitatively and quantitatively.
3699. |
4 |
Temporal Phase
Transition Via Fractional Wave Cycle TR in MR
Bing Wu1 and
Yongchuan Lai1
1GE healthcare, Beijing, China
In MR elastography (MRE), an external driver is used
to generate a periodic wave and applied to the
subject. A key factor for high quality elastogram is
accurate synchronization of the external wave and
the motion encoding gradient (MEG). To achieve this,
a TR that is the multiple of the wave periods is
usually used, which limits the flexibility for TR
selection and requires additional discarded data
acquisitions (DDA) in the scan. An improvement of
the pulse sequence implementation of MRE is
proposed. Instead of relying on re-triggering the
external wave in every temporal phase, the
transition from one temporal phase to the other is
achieved by sliding the relative temporal positions
of the external wave and MEG. In this way, the TR
may be more flexibly selected and also eliminate the
need of DDAs.
3700. |
5 |
T1 Mapping in Real
Time: Single Inversion-Recovery Radial FLASH with
Nonlinear Inverse Reconstruction 
Shuo Zhang1, Martin Uecker2,
and Jens Frahm1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH am
Max-Planck-Institut fuer biophysikalische Chemie,
Goettingen, Niedersachsen, Germany, 2Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California, Berkeley, California,
United States
Previous MRI studies of quantitative T1 mapping are
limited mainly by a long acquisition time for high
resolution and sufficient spatial coverage. Here, we
applied the recently introduced real-time MRI
technique based on highly undersampled radial FLASH
together with a single magnetization inversion
pulse. Consecutive brain images with a spatial
resolution of 0.5 0.5 5
mm 3 covering
typically 5 to 9 slices were acquired within 4 s and
were reconstructed by regularized nonlinear
inversion. Quantitative T1 maps were obtained
through a pixel-by-pixel three parameter curve
fitting, with T1 values of different tissues in good
agreement with literature findings.
6 |
B1 Gradient
Encoding with the Rotating RF Coil 
Adnan Trakic1, Ewald Weber1,
Ming Yan Li1, Jin Jin1, Feng
Liu1, and Stuart Crozier1
1The School of ITEE, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is achieved by
pulsing gradient coils, which invariably leads to
notable acoustic noise, eddy current induction in
nearby conductors/ patient, and costly power and
space requirements. We describe a new silent, B0
gradient-free MRI technique, B1 gradient encoding
with a mechanically rotating RF coil (B1-RRFC),
which facilitates a large number of B1 gradients
over time. Preliminary results suggest that
representative images with intensity deviations of <
5% from original image can be obtained using the new
approach. Potential applications include silent,
low-cost and simplified (gradient coil - free) MRI
7 |
Gradient Encoding: Artifacts Resulting from Destructive
Signal Interference 
Gerrit Schultz1, Stefan Kroboth2,
Daniel Gallichan3, Jürgen Hennig1,
and Maxim Zaitsev1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 2Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 3Center
for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland
The researcher or engineer who is working with
nonlinear gradient fields is addressed. Maybe the
most challenging problem with multi-dimensional
trajectories is that they tend to be extremely
sensitive to calibration errors. In this abstract a
band-shaped artifact that may result from
miscalibration is investigated and explained. The
analysis reveals how such an artifact can be avoided
when designing new multi-dimensional encoding
8 |
Segmented Multi-Echo
MPRAGE Acquisition for Accelerated T1-Weighted Brain
Pavel Falkovskiy1,2, Tobias Kober1,2,
Denise Reyes3, Kaely Steinert3,
Matthias Seeger4, Matthew Bernstein3,
and Gunnar Krueger1,2
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology,
Siemens Healthcare IM S AW, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2CIBM-AIT,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United
States, 4Laboratory
for Probabilistic Machine Learning, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Patient comfort and short scan times are crucial in
clinical settings. The MP-RAGE pulse sequence
produces an excellent T1-weighted contrast but has
relatively long acquisition times. In contrast to
conventional parallel imaging, this work accelerates
the acquisition by using an EPI-type multi-echo
k-space segmentation scheme. Obtained images were
rated to appear with clinically useful image quality
at up to 4x scan time reduction (9:14 to 2:20 min).
The concept is independent of the coil design and
could be applied in situations when parallel imaging
technology is limited, e.g. when there are
restrictions in imaging dimensions and coil
9 |
A Whole Brain High
Temporal and Spatial Resolution SE Simultaneous
Multislice Sequence for Task fMRI at 7T 
Rasim Boyacioglu1, Jennifer Bersch1,
Nils Müller1, Peter J. Koopmans1,2,
Markus Barth1,2, and David Norris1,2
1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition
and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen,
Netherlands, 2Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) imaging enables 2D
sequences to be accelerated in the slice direction.
The power deposition however remains as the limiting
factor for SE based SMS sequences. By using standard
SMS excitation pulses and Power Independent Number
of Slices (PINS) pulses for refocusing, we show that
a whole brain high spatial (1.5 mm isotropic)
resolution SE SMS acquisition can be achieved with a
considerably short TR (1.97s) at 7T. We compare the
SE SMS protocol with a matched GE SMS sequence in
terms of tSNR and sensitivity with task (Stroop)
10 |
Superior GRAPPA
Reconstruction with Reduced G-Factor Noise Using 2D
Mayur Narsude1,2, José P. Marques1,2,
Daniel Gallichan3, and Rolf Gruetter2,4
1Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland, 3Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, Ecole
Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud,
Switzerland, 4Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud,
Efficient GRAPPA or SENSE reconstruction is largely
dependent on coil geometry in the direction in which
phase encoding steps reduction is performed during
partially parallel acquisition. In this study we
demonstrate the ability to perform a 2D CAIPIRINHA
trajectory in a 3D EPI sequence to reduce the
geometry factor (g-factor) noise amplification in
the reconstructed images for a predefined total
acceleration. 2D CAIPIRINHA style k-space patterns
provide improved reconstructions when using very
large accelerations on one phase-encode direction,
thanks to the ability to use the coil sensitivities
along the other phase-encode direction to compensate
the reduced coil sensitivity variation.
3706. |
11 |
Reduced Scan Time 3D
FLAIR Using Variable Repetition Time 
Neville D. Gai1 and
John Anthony Butman1
1Radiology & Imaging Sciences, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
3D FLAIR now provides high resolution images of the
entire brain in a clinically reasonable scan time
using extended modulated refocusing trains. However,
the repetition time still includes a relatively long
dead time to allow for magnetization recovery. Here,
we describe a technique that reduces the scan time
by varying the repetition time in a predetermined
fashion using a Blackman-Harris window function. As
a result, the effective TR of the sequence is still
maintained which results in comparable SNR and CNR
while reducing the total scan time. Simulation and
measurements in volunteers confirm the utility of
the technique.
3707. |
12 |
Short TR Resting State
Data Acquired with a Simultaneous Multislice Multi-Echo
Sequence at 7T, a Comparison with Multi-Echo 
Rasim Boyacioglu1, Jennifer Bersch1,
Benedikt A. Poser2, Peter J. Koopmans1,3,
Markus Barth1,3, and David Norris1,3
1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition
and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen,
Netherlands, 2John
A. Burns School of Medicine, U. of Hawaii, Honolulu,
HI, United States, 3Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) imaging enables 2D
sequences to be accelerated in the slice direction.
We have implemented a short TR SMS multi-echo (ME)
sequence to investigate the potential improvement in
sensitivity compared to ME at 7T for resting state
(RS) fMRI. We also explored different echo weighting
schemes (TE vs. Average) as RS BOLD signal
characteristics might impose different constraints
than previously shown task fMRI results. We found
that SMS acquisition improves sensitivity compared
to a standard ME sequence and combining echoes by
averaging might be more favourable than TE weighting
at 7T for RS fMRI data.
3708. |
13 |
Weighted Dual-Echo T1-W
Spin-Echo Propeller with Mutual Cross-Calibration 
Stefan Skare1, Magnus Mårtensson2,
Ajit Shankaranarayanan3, Patrik Ring1,
and Anders Lilja1
1Dept Neuroradiology, Karolinska
University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 2EMEA
Research and Collaboration, Applied Science
Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo
Park, CA, United States
A dual-echo (blade) Spin-Echo propeller is presented
for motion and flow robust T1-w imaging. With the
echoes are played out orthogonally to each other, a
parallel imaging acceleration of R=2 is used relying
on mutual cross-calibration. Shortening the blade
acquisition time is important to avoid intra-blade
head motion.
3709. |
14 |
MP2RAGE Imaging at 9.4T
Using a PTX System 
Daniel Brenner1, Kaveh Vahedipour1,
Tony Stöcker1, Jörg Felder1,
Frank Geschewski1, Eberhard Daniel Pracht1,
and Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1INM-4, Forschungszentrum Juelich,
Juelich, Germany, 2JARA
- Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
Conventional T1 weighted Neuroimaging at 9.4T (using
the MP2RAGE sequence) is complicated by strong RF
inhomogeneities that cause areas of contrast loss.
These can be partially removed by utilising a pTX
system with two distinct RF shims and efficient HSN
inversion pulses.
3710. |
15 |
Improved Compressed
Sensing Reconstructions with MOET 
Daniel Neumann1, Felix A. Breuer1,
Peter M. Jakob1,2, and Mark A. Griswold3,4
1Research Center MR Bavaria (MRB),
Würzburg, Germany, 2Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg,
Germany, 3Radiology,
University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States
MOET is a 2D sampling scheme based on radial
sampling combined with oscillating gradients
providing incoherent aliasing artifacts. This is
essential to the success of Compressed Sensing
algorithms. Real-time in-vivo cardiac data along a
MOET and a standard radial trajectory were acquired
and reconstructed using CS exploiting sparsity in
the frequency domain with a temporal resolution of
51.2ms per frame. The reconstructed MOET images
exhibit an overall improved image quality with fewer
residual aliasing artifacts compared to the radial
3711. |
16 |
Reducing Fluctuation of
Train Trajectories in 3D TSE Imaging with Compressed
Guobin Li1, Maxim Zaitsev1,
Esther Meyer2, Dominik Paul2,
and Jürgen Hennig1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
In MR imaging using a 3D TSE sequence with long echo
trains, k-space reordering is a critical part of the
sequence design, especially when Compressed
Sampling(CS) is applied, because the irregular
distribution of sampled views in CS leads to
dramatic fluctuation of the train trajectories. In
this work, It is shown that the fluctuation of train
trajectories can be dramatically reduced by
introducing a concept of 'echo ambiguity'in the
flexible k-space reordering.
3712. |
17 |
Reducing Off-Resonance
Artifacts in O-Space Imaging 
Dana C. Peters1, Leo K. Tam1,
Gigi Galiana2, and Robert Todd Constable2
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale Medical
School, New Haven, CT, United States, 2Diagnostic
Radiology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United
In O-space, the z2 non-linear gradient generates a
quadratic field, which at the center-placement, CP,
has a very low effective magnetic field gradient
(i.e Hz/pixel). Therefore off-resonant spins in the
CP location will be inaccurately encoded based on
their frequency. Here we explore the effects of
off-resonant signal on O-space. The reconstruction
was modified, based on the insight that the spatial
encoding magnetic field has little information, and
significant off-resonance error, in the location
around the CP. In the modified ART reconstruction,
for each CP, the image estimate in the neighborhood
of the CP is not updated. Simulations show
3713. |
18 |
Variable Flip Angle
Balanced SSFP for Low SAR Cardiac Cine Imaging 
Subashini Srinivasan1,2 and
Daniel B. Ennis1,2
1Department of Bioengineering, University
of California, Los Angeles, California, United
States, 2Department
of Radiological Sciences, University of California,
Los Angeles, California, United States
Cardiac structural and functional imaging is
routinely performed using balanced steady-state free
precession (bSSFP) due to its high contrast and high
SNR efficiency. Higher flip angles generate higher
blood-myocardial contrast, but can result in
substantially increased SAR, which may result in
exceeding SAR limitations or limit its applicability
in patients with implanted devices. In our work, we
describe novel variable flip angle (VFA) scheme
coupled with a k-space acquisition strategy for low
SAR bSSFP cardiac cine imaging. Our results show
that VFA-bSSFP cardiac cine imaging can reduce the
SAR by at least 45% compared to conventional bSSFP,
while maintaining blood myocardial SNR and CNR.
VFA-bSSFP can also increase the CNR by at least 29%
with SAR matched to a conventional bSSFP scheme.
3714. |
19 |
Robust Dual-Contrast 3D
Abdominal Imaging Within a Single Breath-Hold
-permission withheld
Nadine Gdaniec1, Peter Koken2,
Peter Börnert3, Christian Stehning2,
Holger Eggers2, Mariya Doneva4,
and Alfred Mertins1
1University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany, 2Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany, 3Philips
Research Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany, 4Philips
Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany
A method for dual-contrast imaging of the abdomen
within one breath-hold is proposed, that is able to
cope with potential premature breathing-onset.
Because of ultra-fast sequence switching the scans
are performed quasi-simultaneously and without
spatial misregistration. The first scan is sampled
conventional one, while the second is adapted to the
breath-hold capabilities of the patient. An adaptive
sampling pattern was chosen that enables flexible
scan termination. Shorter breath-hold duration comes
as a compromise at the cost of lower resolution.
3715. |
20 |
K-Space Density
Weighted Echo Planar Imaging 
Mario Zeller1, Alexander Müller1,
Marcel Gutberlet2, Andreas J. Bartsch3,4,
Daniel Stäb1, Dietbert Hahn1,
and Herbert Köstler1
1Institute of Radiology, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 2Institute
for Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology,
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 3Department
of Neuroradiology, University of Heidelberg,
Heidelberg, Germany, 4FMRIB
Centre, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
In Cartesian imaging, optimal SNR can be achieved by
filtering the k-space proportional to the signal
(SNR matched filter). This however leads to Gibbs
artifact amplification. In contrast, Gibbs artifacts
are reduced by filters that apodize the k-space
periphery, leading to non-optimal SNR. K-space
density weighting allows combining both approaches.
The application of an SNR matched filter ensures
optimal SNR, while a non-Cartesian k-space sampling
allows achieving a prospectively defined point
spread function. In this work, k-space density
weighting was applied to echo planar imaging. The
results indicate significant SNR advantages of
density weighting over Cartesian imaging with
retrospective filtering.
3716. |
21 |
A Systematic Approach
to Design Flip Angle Modulation in Pseudo-Steady-State
3D Fast Spin Echo Acquisition 
Weitian Chen1, Kristin Granlund2,
Donglai Huo3, and Garry E. Gold2
1Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 3PSD
Applications, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United
Pseudo-steady state 3D fast spin echo acquisition
has recently shown great promise in high-resolution
3D anatomical imaging. Flip angle modulation is used
in these techniques to acquire data with very long
echo train without excessive blurring. The flip
angle modulation provides additional dimensions of
freedom to achieve desired image quality. Different
flip angle modulation can result in significant
change of image contrast, sharpness, and SNR, which
usually are tradeoffs among each other. Such
flexibility imposes challenge but also opportunity
to design flip angle modulation in 3DFSE to achieve
desired image quality. In this work, we proposed a
systematic approach to design flip angle train in
3DFSE to achieve desired image quality.
3717. |
22 |
W=2 Acceleration Single
Carrier Wideband MRI Technique and Blur Mitigation
Yun-An Huang1, Edzer L. Wu1,2,
Tzi-Dar Chiueh1, and Jyh-Horng Chen1,2
1Dept. Electrical engineering, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Institue
of biomedical engineering, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
In this study, we demonstrate the Single carrier
Wideband MRI technique and its associated blur
mitigation method. The W=2 accelerated Single
carrier Wideband MRI produced the same contrast
comparable to the standard gradient echo imaging
while reducing half the scan time. Our results
suggest a potential to speed up scan time without
losing image quality, which is valuable in clinical
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (16:00-17:00) Exhibition Hall |
Pulse Sequences: Education
Computer # |
3718. |
23 |
Using Extended Phase
Graphs: Review and Examples 
Brian Andrew Hargreaves1 and
Karla L. Miller2
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2FMRIB
Centre, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
The extended-phase-graph (EPG) formalism, which allows
efficient simulation of the signal from numerous
commonly-used pulses sequences, is summarized
intuitively, with example applications and software. EPG
treats a group of spins within a voxel undergoing
integer numbers of cycles of gradient dephasing by using
a Fourier basis that reduces a large spin ensemble to a
limited number of states. Effects of relaxation, RF
nutation, gradient dephasing and rephasing, diffusion
and static dephasing are easily included. Links to
Matlab code with intuitive examples of how to build up
pulse sequence simulations are provided.
3719. |
24 |
arrayShow: A Guide to an
Open Source Matlab Tool for Complex MRI Data Analysis 
Tilman Johannes Sumpf1 and
Markus Untenberger1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH am
Max-Planck-Institut fuer biophysikalische Chemie,
Goettingen, Germany
Especially for development and testing of new
reconstruction and post processing algorithms, the
Matlab environment became a popular choice in the MRI
community. However, the visualization and comparison of
multidimensional complex MRI data arrays is still rather
uncomfortable with standard Matlab routines. To overcome
these limitations, we introduce a freely available tool
which has been designed specifically for MRI data
analysis. This e-poster gives a quick tour through the
concepts and features of the tool and, therewith, offers
practical solutions to some common MRI data
visualization problems in Matlab.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (17:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
Advances in Image Analysis: Image Analysis
Computer # |
3720. |
1 |
Fast and Robust Framework
for PET-MR Attenuation Map Generation with Joint MR Bias
Estimation and Tissue Segmentation 
Dattesh D. Shanbhag1, Sheshadri Thiruvenkadam1,
Sandeep Kaushik1, Gaspar Delso2,
Scott D. Wollenweber3, Sonal Ambwani3,
Rakesh Mullick1, and Florian Wiesinger4
1GE Global Research, Bangalore, Karanataka,
India, 2GE
Healthcare, Glattbrugg, Zurich, Switzerland, 3GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 4GE
Global Research, Garching b. Munchen, Bavaria, Germany
MR-based PET attenuation correction (AC) is a
prerequisite for quantitative PET and a key determining
factor for the success of PET/MR. RF shading with phased
array coils results in segmentation based MR-AC map
generation failure. In this work we present a novel
approach for MR-AC map generation within the phase field
based framework based on joint estimation/correction of
the RF shading and tissue segmentation maps using Dixon
MRI images. The method provides for parameter variation
resilient body contour and tissue class segmentation,
obviates the need to “re-tune” the algorithm for
specific cohort of data acquisition and coils and
results in simplified workflow for PET-MR attenuation
map generation.
3721. |
2 |
Quantitative Oxygenation
Venography from MRI Phase 
Audrey Peiwen Fan1, Berkin Bilgic1,
Louis O. Gagnon2,3, Thomas Witzel3,
Himanshu Bhat3, Bruce R. Rosen2,3,
and Elfar Adalsteinsson1,3
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States, 2Health
Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT, Cambridge, MA,
United States, 3Radiology,
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, MA, United States
Comprehensive venograms which map quantitative
oxygenation along each vessel are shown for the first
time. Susceptibility maps are created from MR phase
images and cerebral veins are graphed into a node-edge
representation. Quantitative oxygen saturation (SvO2)
along each vessel is then displayed onto a 3D mesh
generated from the graph to create oxygenation venograms.
We probe the dependence of reconstructed SvO2 in
vivo as a function of vein tilt angle relative to the
main field, and found increased SvO2 at
angles undersampled by the dipole imaging kernel. This
observation motivates future work to incorporate vessel
angle priors from graphing for more accurate model-based
reconstruction of SvO2 venograms.
3722. |
3 |
An MR Brain Image
Classifier System Via Particle Swarm Optimization and Kernel
Support Vector Machine
-permission withheld
Yudong Zhang1,2, Chuanmiao Xie1,3,
Bradley S. Peterson1,2, and Zhengchao Dong1,2
1Columbia University, New York, NY, United
States, 2New
York State of Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY,
United States, 3Department
of Medical Imaging & Interventional Radiology, Sun
Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
We proposed a novel hybrid system to classify an MR
brain image as either normal or abnormal. The method
employed digital wavelet transform to extract features
and used principal component analysis to reduce the
dimensionality of the feature space. Afterwards, we
constructed a kernel support vector machine with Radial
Basis Function kernel, using particle swarm optimization
to optimize the parameters in the training function. We
tested the method with a dataset of 90 brain images
consisting of 17 diseases. A 5-fold cross validation
showed that our method achieved 97.78% classification
accuracy, higher than 86.22% by BP-NN and 91.33% by
3723. |
4 |
Robust Reproducible
Semi-Automated Perfusion-Diffusion Mismatch Assessment in
Acute Ischemic Stroke Setting
-permission withheld
Venkata Veerendranadh Chebrolu1, Dattesh D.
Shanbhag1, Arun Govinda Rao2,
Patrice Hervo3, Marc-Antoine Labeyrie4,
Catherine Oppenheim4,5, and Rakesh Mullick1
1Medical Image Analysis Lab, GE Global
Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2GE
Healthcare, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 3GE
Healthcare, Buc, France,4Departments of
Radiology and Neurology, Centre Hospitalier,
Sainte-Anne, Paris, France, 5Université
Paris Descartes, Paris, France
In semi-automated stroke lesion segmentation based on
user defined seed inputs, the location and shape of the
input could vary. We developed robust and reproducible
semi-automated DWI and PWI lesion segmentation
algorithms and evaluated their performance and
reproducibility in assessing perfusion-diffusion
mismatch in a cohort of acute ischemic stroke patients.
Repeated measures ANOVA did not show any statistically
significant differences between ground-truth lesion
volumes and those obtained using the semi-automated
methods (p < 0.05). Mismatch agreement was achieved in
88% of the cases with a kappa (κ) of 0.766.
3724. |
5 |
Myelin Water Fraction Using
Multiple-Echo 2D and 3D GRE at 3T with Whole-Brain Coverage 
Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens1, Sandra M. Meyers2,
Alex L. MacKay2, and Nadim Jon Shah1,3
1INM-4, Research Centre Jülich, Jülich,
Germany, 2Department
of Physics and Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 3Faculty
of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
It is increasingly recognised that myelin is ubiquitous
in determining MR contrast in the living brain,
especially at high fields. Investigating its
distribution is not only useful in the study of several
neurodegenerative diseases but can also be used for the
in vivo parcellation of the brain. The current “gold
standard” method for characterisation of myelin content
in vivo is based on the investigation of the water
trapped between myelin layers. Separation of the myelin
water and tissue water pools, which have different
mobility, is possible with an NNLS-based analysis of T2
decay curves. We introduce here a method which allows
for discrimination between the two water pools based on
their T2* properties. The data are acquired at 3T with
either a 2D or a 3D multiple-echo gradient echo sequence
and analysed with NNLS. Evaluation of the raw data (no
additional resampling or image filtering) allows for
separation of myelin (T2* < 20ms) and tissue water (T2*>
20ms) in the majority of white matter voxels. The
average value of brain myelin water fraction for 12
volunteers is found to be 6.4%. Several improvements in
data analysis are suggested. The method is proposed as
an alternative to (high-SAR) spin-echo based myelin
water analysis for use with high-field systems.
3725. |
6 |
Automated Bolus Tracker
Positioning for MRI Liver Scans 
Takao Goto1 and
Hiroyuki Kabasawa1
1Global Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare,
Hino-shi, Tokyo, Japan
We present a new method of the automated bolus tracker
positioning for MRI liver scans. Bolus tracker is used
to monitor bolus signal to know the arrival of the
bolus. Placing the bolus tracker inside the aorta
accurately with looking at scout images is complicated
task and one of the factors making operatorfs workflow
worse. In proposed method, the aorta was detected using
AdaBoost by searching aorta around spine. 234 axial
images of 64 volunteersf datasets were tested and
showed 98.3 % success rate of the aorta detection.
Automated size of the tracker will be necessarily
towards practical use.
3726. |
7 |
Streaking Artifact
Reduction in Orthogonal Super Resolution Reconstruction of
MRI Data Sets
-permission withheld
Niranchana Manivannan1, Bradley Dean Clymer1,
Anna Bratasz2,3, and Kimerly A. Powell2,3
1Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 2Small
Animal Imaging Shared Resources, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Informatics, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, United States
The goal of this research is to explore the effect on
image quality of including an additional LR view to the
orthogonal super resolution geometry. The visual
evaluation of this technique was performed in low
resolution data sets simulated from isotropic high
resolution data. The results of simulation indicate that
the quality of an SRR image based on orthogonal
acquisition may be improved by the addition of a fourth
view acquired obliquely to the through-plane direction.
Additionally, the observed increase in image quality
would be worth the minimal increase in acquisition time
required for one additional view.
3727. |
8 |
Comparison of Bayesian and
Linear Regression-Based Partial Volume Correction in Single
Time Point ASL 
Ruth Oliver1, Michael A. Chappell2,3,
David Thomas1, and Xavier Golay1
1Institute of Neurology, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 3FMRIB
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Partial volume effects due to low spatial resolution are
known to introduce errors in quantification of perfusion
estimates using ASL. This is particularly problematic in
patients where atrophy is present and cortical thinning
occurs. A comparison is made for single-TI data of an
existing method that employs adaptive spatial priors,
and a linear regression approach that assumes constant
perfusion for each tissue over a specified kernel area.
Both methods offer good correction, increasing GM
perfusion by a factor of 1.7 on average, although the
adaptive spatial prior method introduces less smoothing
and better preserves detail.
3728. |
9 |
Computer Aided Diagnosis of
Parkinson’s Disease from T1-Weighted MRI 
Mohit Saxena1, Namita Aggarwal2,
Bharti Rana2, S. Senthil Kumaran3,
Ramesh Kumar Agrawal2, and Madhuri Behari1
1Department of Neurology, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2School
of Computer & Systems Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 3Department
of NMR, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New
Delhi, Delhi, India
Support vector machine (SVM) is used to distinguish PD
from controls in terms of white matter changes in
substantia nigra, thalamus and/ or combination of both
areas from the T1-weighted MR images. We extracted
voxels from white tissue probability maps of substantia
nigra and thalamus region. The performance of the
decision system was evaluated in terms of sensitivity,
specificity and accuracy. Experimental results
demonstrate the importance of white matter change in
thalamus and effectiveness of SVM to automatically
distinguish PD from controls.
3729. |
10 |
3D Co-Registration of MRI
and Histology in a Mouse Model of Obesity and Non-Alcoholic
Fatty Liver Disease 
Eli Gibson1,2, Lanette J. Friesen-Waldner2,3,
Amanda M. Hamilton2, Emeline J. Ribot2,
Trevor P. Wade2,3, Curtis N. Wiens4,
Kundan Thind2,3, Jacqueline K. Harris3,
Nica M. Borradaile5, Charles A. McKenzie1,3,
and Aaron D. Ward1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 3Medical
Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada, 4Physics
and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada, 5Physiology
and Pharmacology, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada
Validation of quantitative MRI for non-invasive
quantification of liver fat ideally uses accurate
registration to an accepted reference standard (e.g. histology).
We demonstrate accurate co-registration of murine in
vivo 3D
whole-body water-only and fat-only images to stained
histological liver images. Three 129/SVJ mice were fed a
high fat diet to induce hepatic steatosis and obesity,
imaged using 3D quantitative IDEAL MRI at 3T, then
sectioned on a cryomicrotome, where 3D optical and
histology images were collected. We successfully
co-registered MR-optical images and optical-histology
images interactively using thin-plate-spline
transformations with mean target registration errors of
0.7 mm and 0.1 mm, respectively.
3730. |
11 |
Non-Rigid Registration of
Sequential DCE-MRI in the Assessment of Response to
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer 
Tess E. Catherwood1, Andrew J. Patterson1,
Kamarul Zaki2, Mahesh Iddawela2,
Helena Earl2, Carlos Caldas3,
Karen Sayal4, Martin John Graves1,
and Fiona J. Gilbert1
1Radiology, University of Cambridge, NHS
Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Oncology,
Addenbrooke's Hospital and University of Cambridge, NHS
Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3Cancer
Research UK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 4University
of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Tumor heterogeneity is well recognized in breast cancer
and is associated with differential responses to
chemotherapy. Voxel-wise analysis of sequential DCE-MRI
requires that images be spatially registered. Patients
were studied with 3T MRI during neoadjuvant
chemotherapy. Mutual information-based rigid and
non-rigid registration was used to align dynamic and
sequential volumes to account for motion artifacts and
larger inter-session deformations. Semi-quantitative
perfusion metrics were extracted and generation of
spatially registered parameter maps allowed voxel-wise
assessment of treatment response. This approach provides
an insight into tumor microstructure and physiology and
developments will ideally increase statistical
sensitivity in differentiating responders and
3731. |
12 |
Time Correlation of EPI
Versus Real-Time fMRI Time Series 
Radu Mutihac1,2, Allen Braun3, and
Thomas J. Balkin2
1Department of Physics, University of
Bucharest, Bucharest, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 2Psychiatry
& Neuroscience, Department of Behavioral Biology, Walter
Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring,
Maryland, United States, 3Language
Section, NIDCD / National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States
Analysis of real-time fMRI time series is subject to
temporal dispersion of the hemodynamic response and
aliasing of physiological noise. Echo-volumar imaging (EVI),
inverse imaging (InI), highly undersampled projection
imaging (PI), and compressed sensing (CS) imaging
reconstruction enable temporal resolution down to 100
ms. Extremely short acquisition (TR) poses the problem
of serial correlations among voxels studied here in the
context of autoregressive (AR) models.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (17:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
Advances in Image Analysis: Image Reconstruction & Processing
Computer # |
3732. |
13 |
Improving Through-Plane
Resolution for Multi-Slice Acquisitions 
Thomas A. Depew1 and
Qing-San Xiang1,2
1Physics & Astronomy, University of BC,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of BC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
3D MRI is becoming increasingly popular in clinical
diagnostic imaging and interventional studies. In
multi-slice acquisitions, the through-plane resolution
is limited by the slice selection profile. We present
here a simple and scalable technique to improve
through-plane resolution in 3D multi-slice acquisitions
that can be employed on any set of MRI data by acquiring
a few extra datasets.
3733. |
14 |
An Exact Phase Unwrapping
Method Based on FFT 
Renjie He1, Joshua P. Yung1, David
T. A. Fuentes1, R. Jason Stafford1,
and John D. Hazle1
1Department of Imaging Physics, The
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, Texas, United States
FFT Based phase unwrapping is a straight, flexible and
fast method; however, it suffers from the phase
distortion in practice. We tried to recover the phase
unwrapping exactly by quantizing the dispersed integer
filed into an integer field through Powell optimization.
The exact phase unwrapping was obtained for phantom
phase MR images. This approach is useful in quantitative
analysis based on phase images.
3734. |
15 |
A Bilinear Noise Transfer
Model for SENSE Reconstruction 
Yu Ding1, Rizwan Ahmad1, Hui Xue2,
Lee C. Potter1, Samuel T. Ting1,
Ning Jin3, and Orlando P. Simonetti1
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 2Corporate
Research, Siemens Corporation, Princeton, NJ, United
States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Columbus, OH, United States
SENSE is a widely used parallel imaging technique. The
so-called g-factor represents how noise in the raw data
affects the noise in the reconstructed image. However,
the g-factor calculation does not take into account the
noise in the channel sensitivity map. In this abstract,
we present a noise transfer model in SENSE
reconstruction that takes into account the noise in both
the raw data and the channel sensitivity map. A phantom
study showed that the model has satisfactory accuracy.
We observed that a large portion (> 35%) of the image
noise originates from the noise in the sensitivity map.
3735. |
16 |
An Efficient De-Convolution
Reconstruction Method for Spatiotemporally-Encoded
Single-Scan 2D MRI 
Congbo Cai1, Jiyang Dong1, Shuhui
Cai1, Jing Li1, Lin Chen1,
and Zhong Chen2
1Department of Communication Engineer and
Electronic Science, Xiamen university, Xiamen, Fujian,
China, 2Department
of Communication Engineer and Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Spatiotemporally-encoded single-scan MRI method is
relatively insensitive to field inhomogeneity compared
to EPI method. Conjugate gradient (CG) method has been
used to reconstruct super-resolved images from the
original blurred ones. In this article, a new
de-convolution reconstruction method is proposed.
Through removing the quadratic phase modulation from the
signal acquired with spatiotemporally-encoded MRI, the
signal can be described as a convolution of desired
super-resolved image and a point spread function. The
de-convolution method proposed herein not only is
simpler and more efficient than the CG method, but also
provides super-resolved images with better quality.
17 |
Adaptive Synthesis of Prior
Image and New Acquired Data in Repetitive 3D Examinations 
Guobin Li1, Maxim Zaitsev1, Esther
Meyer2, Dominik Paul2, and Jürgen
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
High resolution isotropic 3D MR imaging is often
repeatedly performed for preoperative evaluation and
postoperative follow-up. Usually only a little
information is updated each time in a following
examination compared to the previous one if neglecting
the change of pose. an adaptive synthesis of the prior
data and the new acquired data from separate 3D
examinations is presented. It shows that the information
synthesis can help to reduce residual aliasing artifacts
in Compressed Sensing (CS) imaging with highly
undersampled k-space.
3737. |
18 |
Comparison of the Accuracy
of PET/CT and PET/MR Spatial Registration in Multiple
Metastatic Lesions 
Linda DeMello1, Rajan Rakheja1,
Christopher B. Glielmi2, Christian Geppert3,
Hersh Chandarana4, and Kent Friedman1
1Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, New York, United States, 2MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, New York, New
York, United States, 3MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Medical Systems, New York,
New York, United States, 4Radiology,
NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New York, United
This study was performed to compare the accuracy of
spatial registration of PET/CT and PET/MR in patients
with FDG-avid metastatic lesions. Thirteen patients
underwent PET/CT followed by PET/MR, and the spatial
coordinates of the visually estimated centers of
nineteen metastatic lesions were measured. Total
distance between the isocenters was calculated, along
with averages and standard deviations. Morphologic PET/MR
sequences showed significantly more accurate spatial
registration than PET/CT, likely secondary to
simultaneous acquisition of PET and MR data. However,
EPI-based DWI sequences demonstrated significant
misregistration compared to PET/CT, likely due to
respiratory motion and the inherent spatial distortion
of DWI.
3738. |
19 |
Fast Platform Independent
Web-Based Visualization of MRI Data for Computers, Tablets
and Smartphones 
Daniel Hähn1,2, Nicolas Rannou1,2,
Thomas J. Re1,3, Patricia Ellen Grant1,2,
and Rudolph Pienaar1,2
1Radiology, Boston Children's Hospital,
Boston, MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Radiology,
University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Recent advances in web browser technology enable fast
loading and visualization of medical imaging data. We
developed a parser for MR data in DICOM format which
shows workstation-like performance while enabling access
to such data across devices (smartphones, tablets,
3739. |
20 |
Optimal Phase Sensitive
Combination of Multi-Channel, Multi-Echo Images 
L. Martyn Klassen1 and
Ravi S. Menon1
1Robarts Research Institute, The University
of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
Increased use of multichannel coils and phase sensitive
analysis requires coil combination techniques beyond the
traditional square root of sum of squares. For multiple
echo acquisitions used in B0 and quantitative
susceptibility mapping, pixel wise singular value
decomposition can be used to generate phase sensitive
optimum, in a least squares sense, coil sensitivity and
image magnetization estimates.
3740. |
21 |
A Magnitude-Based
Asymmetric Fourier Imaging (MagAFI) 
Tokunori Kimura1 and
Naho Imamura1
1MRI development department, Toshiba medical
systems corp., Otawara, Tochigi, Japan
We proposed and assessed a new partial Fourier technique
named MagAFI (Magnitude-based Asymmetric Fourier Imaging
) where only magnitude image with 0-filling is used and
also it is possible to combine with POCS technique.
MagAFI introduced smaller artifacts than standard
homodyne method and the POCS combination sepecially in
the portion of large and spatially high-frequency phase,
reflecting the difference of residual phase errors after
phase correction. Our proposed MagAFI is practically
useful algorithm from the views of balancing image
quality and simplicity. If allowing us to use phase
information and to take processing time, MagAFI
combining POCS is further better to improve image
quality and robustness.
3741. |
22 |
Measuring and
Characterizing Short-Term High Order Eddy Currents with a
Dan Xu1, Joseph K. Maier1, Kevin
F. King1, and R. Scott Hinks1
1GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Uncompensated high order eddy currents (HOEC) can cause
various image artifacts, including image distortion in
echo planar imaging (EPI) and phase errors in phase
contrast imaging. While a recently proposed method is
capable of measuring and correcting long term HOEC to
minimize distortion in EPI, it cannot provide accurate
characterization of short term HOEC, which is believed
to be one of the main sources of phase errors in phase
contrast imaging. In this paper, we propose to extend
the Duyn’s method to 3D to measure and characterize
short term HOEC with a phantom.
3742. |
23 |
Navigators Improve Accuracy
of Quantitative Sodium MR Imaging Compromised by Head Motion
During with Long Acquisition Times 
Aiming Lu1, Ian C. Atkinson1, and
Keith R. Thulborn1
1Ctr Magnetic Resonance Research, University
of Illinois, Chicago, IL, United States
Quantitative sodium MR imaging with flexible twisted
projection imaging (flexTPI) provides valuable
information about regional changes in tissue sodium
concentration (TSC) in human brain tumors responsive to
fractionated radiation treatment. The acquisition time
of 10 minutes is at the upper limits for which a patient
can be expected to remain stationary. Stimulations show
that quantification of TSC is compromised by even small
head motions without appreciable degradation of the
visual impression of image quality. Navigators
incorporated within the flexTPI sequence have been
investigated as a means of detecting head motion during
acquisition and then correcting the quantification of
3743. |
24 |
Ultra-Low-Field MRI Noise
Suppression Using a Data Consistency Constraint 
Fa-Hsuan Lin1,2, Yi-Cheng Hsu3,
Panu Vesanen2, Jaako O. Nieminen2,
Koos C. J. Zevenhoven2, Juhani Dabek2,
Lauri T. Parkkonen2, and Risto J. Ilmoniemi2
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science,
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 3Department
of Mathematics, Nnational Taiwan University, Taipei,
To mitigate the challenge of low SNR in ultra-low-field
(ULF) MRI (typically B0 ~ 100  T),
we exploit the simultaneous measurements from multiple
superconductive quantum interference device (SQUID)
sensors to enforce a linear dependency among local
k-space data points across coils. Experimental data
using 47 SQUID sensors demonstrate that this data
consistency (DC) constraint can improve the ULF MRI peak
SNR by 2 fold.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (16:00-17:00) Exhibition Hall |
Artifacts & Correction: Motion
Computer # |
3744. |
25 |
Retrospective Rigid Body
Motion Correction of Interleaved Slice-Selective
Murat Aksoy1, Melvyn B. Ooi1, Anh
Tu Van1, and Roland Bammer1
1Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging,
Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
A method is described to retrospectively correct rigid
body motion artifacts in interleaved slice-selective
acquisitions. Instead of the conventional slice-by-slice
reconstruction, the proposed method relies on
reconstructing the 3D volume using all the slices
simultaneously using an iterative technique. Simulations
demonstrate that, if the motion information is known, it
is possible to correct through-plane motion in an
interleaved slice-selective acquisition.
3745. |
26 |
T1- And T2-Weighted MR
Acquisition for Bulk Motion Correction for Simultaneous PET-MR 
Christoph Kolbitsch1, Claudia Prieto1,
Charalampos Tsoumpas1, Christian Buerger1,
and Tobias Schaeffter1
1Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
Simultaneous PET-MR acquisition has recently been
proposed to improve cancer diagnosis by combining
metabolic information from PET-acquisitions with
high-resolution MR-images. Since PET data is usually
acquired in multi-stations, 3D MR-images need to be
obtained during the PET scan. Bulk motion during
acquisition can severely impair image quality of both
techniques. Here we present an MR acquisition which
acquires T1- and T2-weighted 3D images and allows for
the estimation of bulk motion from the data itself. The
motion information can be used to correct MR and
PET-images. Our approach was successfully tested in
healthy volunteers in real MR-acquisitions and PET
3746. |
27 |
Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Fetal Brain MRI 
Ali Gholipour1, Judy A. Estroff1,
and Simon K. Warfield1
1Department of Radiology, Boston Children's
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
This educational E-Poster provides an overview of the
recently developed motion-robust super-resolution
volumetric MRI reconstruction methods with exemplary
application in fetal MRI. The mathematical details of
the methods will be discussed and illustrated with
visual examples.
3747. |
28 |
Cardiac Functional
Assessment Without ECG Using Physiological Self-Navigation 
Christoph Kolbitsch1, Claudia Prieto1,
and Tobias Schaeffter1
1Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
ECG-gated cine MRI provides accurate functional
information on the heart, however reliable ECG signals
are not always available. We propose a novel framework
to assess heart function based on physiological
information obtained from MR images without an ECG. A
Golden-Angle radial acquisition is used to obtain
quantitative cardiac gating signals from blood volume
changes in real-time images. This is used for
reconstruction of retrospectively gated 2D multi-slice
cine images. Finally, information on heart valve closure
is used for slice synchronisation. Functional assessment
of the left ventricle in five volunteers showed
deviations less than 5% compared to standard ECG-gated
Cartesian approach.
3748. |
29 |
SPIRiTmc -
Autocalibrating Parallel Imaging with Non-Rigid Motion
Claudio Santelli1,2, Johannes F.M. Schmidt2,
Tobias Schaeffter1, and Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering,
King’s College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
Scan acceleration and motion compensating techniques are
invaluable to reduce acquisition times and breathing
artifacts in cardiac imaging. Respiratory motion
compensation with navigator based gating or
breathholding is widely used, but may be limited in
non-compliant patients. In this work, the SPIRiT
reconstruction framework is extended by incorporating
linear motion operators into the signal model allowing
for scanning during the entire breathing cycle in
cardiac imaging. Simulation and in-vivo phase-contrast
data demonstrate the benefits of the technique: Results
show reduction in blurring artifacts for magnitude and
velocity induced phase.
3749. |
30 |
Optimal Channel Selection
for Respiratory Self-Gating Signals 
Robert Grimm1, Simon Bauer2,
Berthold Kiefer2, Joachim Hornegger1,
and Kai Tobias Block3
1Pattern Recognition Lab, FAU
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City,
NY, United States
In most respiratory self-gating techniques, the
self-gating signal can be derived from all acquired
channels. However, only coil elements close to the
diaphragm deliver a reliable signal. Therefore, previous
approaches usually required manual selection of an
appropriate coil element or fixed scan protocols, both
of which is infeasible for clinical routine
applications. This work proposes a fully automatic
method for this task, based on a score to characterize
how well the self-gating signal shape resembles
physiological respiration.
3750. |
31 |
Fast, Robust and
Self-Navigated 3D Cylindrical Imaging: MP-RAGE and FLAIR 
Wei Lin1, Qin Qin2,3, Stewart H.
Mostofsky4,5, and George Randy Duensing1
1Invivo Corporation, Philips Healthcare,
Gainesville, Florida, United States, 2Radiology,
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 3F.M.
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4Neurology
and Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 5Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
A fast, robust and self-navigated 3D imaging method is
proposed, based on sampling k-space with pairs of
orthogonal view planes forming a cylinder. Rotation
around its main axis is corrected in real-time, while
other motions are corrected retrospectively at a
temporal resolution of every 1-2 second. The method
achieves the same off-resonance behavior and
reconstruction speed as the conventional 3D Cartesian
imaging. When array coil is used, scan time can be
reduced significantly by acquiring less view planes. The
efficacy of the proposed technique is demonstrated in
healthy volunteers using a T1-weighted MP-RAGE sequence
and a T2-weighted FLAIR sequence.
3751. |
32 |
Real-Time Motion Correction
in 2D Multi-Slice Imaging with Through-Plane Navigator 
Wei Lin1, Tim Nielsen2, Qin Qin3,4,
Stewart H. Mostofsky5,6, and George Randy
1Invivo Corporation, Philips Healthcare,
Gainesville, Florida, United States, 2Philips
Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany, 3Radiology,
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 4F.M.
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 5Neurology
and Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 6Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
A real-time strategy for 3D rigid-body motion correction
in 2D multi-slice multi-shot MRI scans is proposed. Two
through-plane navigator (tNav) echoes are collected on
each imaging slice to derive two tNav projection images
within each TR. Rotation/translation within each tNav
image plane is detected using an image correlation
measure. Rotation within the imaging plane is detected
by replacing tNav with an orbital navigator on one
slice. The proposed method does not introduce any
additional 3D RF excitation, and does not require any
additional hardware. The efficacy of the proposed method
is demonstrated with in vivo brain studies.
3752. |
33 |
Free Breathing Abdominal
Imaging Via Self-Navigation and Subvolume Registration 
Gregory R. Lee1,2, Yong Chen3,4,
Nicole Seiberlich4,5, Mark A. Griswold3,4,
and Vikas Gulani4,6
1Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, United States,3Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 4Radiology,
University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, United
States,5Biomedical Engineering, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 6Radiology,
University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH,
United States
Dynamic contrast enhanced imaging of the abdomen is
complicated by respiratory motion and often requires
multiple breath-holds to be completed. In this work, the
properties of a recently developed multi-echo 3D radial
acquisition are leveraged to develop a method of
self-navigation and subvolume registration.
Self-navigation was performed by reconstructing low
resolution images every 0.5 seconds to allow the
extraction of a pencil-beam navigator. Nonlinear
registration of extended duration images corresponding
to each respiratory position was performed. Subsequent
combination of undersampled images using the
corresponding registration parameters allowed rapid,
free breathing dynamic abdominal exams to be performed.
3753. |
34 |
Motion-Immune Structural
MRI Based on Repeated K-T-Subsampling and
Artifact-Minimization (REKAM) 
Mei-Lan Chu1,2 and
Nan-Kuei Chen3
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics
and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC, United States, 3Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University, Durham,
NC, United States
A robust motion-immune MRI acquisition and
reconstruction strategy is presented in this study. The
experimental results indicate that the proposed REKAM
method can effectively suppress motion-related artifacts
even for highly challenging cases, such as continual
head tremor during scans. As compared with the
conventional SPGR that is highly susceptible to
intra-scan motion, the REKAM method can produce
artifact-free images of the same spatial resolution
within the same scan time. Even though the REKAM method
is demonstrated here with T2*-weighted imaging, the
developed technique can be applied to structural MRI
pulse sequences of other weightings and contrasts.
3754. |
35 |
Compressive Manifold
Learning Respiratory Self-Gated Liver MRI: Estimating the
Respiratory Motion Directly from Undersampled K-Space 
Muhammad Usman1, Paul Aljabar1,
Tobias Schaeffter1, and Claudia Prieto1,2
1King's College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Pontificia
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Manifold learning approaches can be applied in MRI to
extract meaningful patterns of variation from the
high-dimensional set of images. An example is
respiratory self-gating where the low dimensional
respiratory signal can be extracted from a set of free
breathing images. In this work, we propose Compressive
Manifold learning for respiratory self-gated MRI. This
approach estimates the respiratory signal directly from
undersampled k-space data, without the need for image
reconstruction. Results from simulated free-breathing
liver MR data show that the respiratory signal can be
accurately extracted from highly undersampled k-space
samples using the proposed method. Free-breathing
acquisitions, performed prospectively in 3 volunteers,
also demonstrate the feasibility of CML respiratory
self-gating in k-space.
3755. |
36 |
Bringing Prospective Motion
Correction to Clinical Routine - Fast Camera Calibration 
Cris Lovell-Smith1, Julian R. Maclaren2,
Michael Herbst1, Ilja Kadashevich3,
K.A. Danishad3, Oliver Speck3, and
Maxim Zaitsev1
1Department of Radiology, University Medical
Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States, 3Faculty
of Natural Sciences, Institute of Experimental Physics
(IEP), Magdeburg, Germany
Motion-induced artefacts in MR images degrade quality.
The use of an optical tracking system to prospectively
compensate for head movement during brain imaging has
been shown to reduce these artefacts. To successfully
apply motion correction, the cross-calibration matrix
defining the transform between tracking system
coordinates and scanner coordinates must be accurately
known. We previously reported a method to determine this
transform, however it required two experienced MR
technicians upward of 20 minutes to perform. We present
two newly developed methods that accurately calculate
the cross-calibration within two minutes with one
operator, thereby reducing the system setup time
considerably. This is a major step in bringing
prospective motion correction to clinical routine.
3756. |
37 |
Cross-Calibration Accuracy
Requirements for Prospective Motion Correction 
Murat Aksoy1, Melvyn B. Ooi1,
Julian R. Maclaren1, and Roland Bammer1
1Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging,
Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
Cross-calibration of the optical tracking system and the
scanner is an essential step in prospective motion
correction. Errors in cross-calibration cause
inaccuracies in motion correction and subsequent motion
artifacts in the image. In this study, we assessed the
accuracy requirement of cross-calibration for robust
motion tracking and correction. Simulations show that
for a maximum of 0.5mm pixel position error and in the
presence of 10° head rotation, the cross-calibration has
to be accurate up to 0.3° and 3 mm. The required
accuracy of cross-calibration depends on the maximum
motion that needs to be corrected and the baseline
position of the camera in the scanner.
3757. |
38 |
2D Nose Navigators
(NoseNav) for Real-Time Correction of Nodding Motion in
Brain MRI 
Axel Hartwig1, Magnus Mårtensson2,
and Stefan Skare1
1Neuroradiology, Karolinska University
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 2EMEA
Research and Collaboration, Applied Science Laboratory,
GE Healthcare, Stockholm, Sweden
A new image based navigation sequence is proposed to
overcome nodding motion in MRI, where a thick coronal
excitation plane over the patient’s nose followed by a
sagittal EPI readout tracks the nose in real time -
NoseNav. This sequence module will be used in a
real-time setting and update the prescribed slices over
the brain so that they follow the nodding motion of the
patient, which also is the direction that is hardest to
restrain in practice.
3758. |
39 |
High-Resolution Multi-Shot
Spiral Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Inherent Correction of
Motion-Induced Phase Errors 
Trong-Kha Truong1 and
Arnaud Guidon1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, NC, United States
In multi-shot spiral diffusion tensor imaging, subject
motion causes phase errors among different shots,
leading to signal loss and aliasing artifacts. A novel
method is proposed to inherently correct for these
errors without requiring a variable-density spiral
trajectory or a navigator echo. This method uses a
sensitivity encoding reconstruction algorithm to
estimate the phase error for each shot and a conjugate
gradient algorithm to correct for them. In vivo
experiments were performed to demonstrate that it can
inherently and efficiently correct for phase errors
caused by rigid and nonrigid motion, without increasing
the scan time or reducing the signal-to-noise ratio.
3759. |
40 |
Prospective Motion
Correction Reduces the Number of False Positive Activations
in an fMRI Group Study Involving Task-Correlated Motion 
Jessica Schulz1, Thomas Siegert1,
Pierre-Louis Bazin1, Julian R. Maclaren2,
Michael Herbst3, Maxim Zaitsev3,
and Robert Turner1
1Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
This study compared the rate of false positive
activations in an fMRI group study with and without
slice-by-slice prospective motion correction using an
optical tracking system. The paradigm involved strong
task-correlated motion - a major cause of false positive
activations in fMRI. The number of voxels with T-values
higher than 5 outside of grey matter – i.e. activations
that are obviously false positive - was strongly reduced
using prospective motion correction. Additionally, the
statistical power of the analysis increased. Therefore,
we suggest that prospective correction techniques should
be used whenever available.
3760. |
41 |
Characterizing Respiratory
Motion of the Major Abdominal Vessels 
Ashley Gould Anderson III1, Christopher J.
François2, and Oliver Wieben1,2
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
A detailed analysis of the motion of 11 segments of
major abdominal vessels (renal, hepatic, mesenteric,
splenic arteries, aorta) during free breathing, as well
as during inspiration and expiration breath holds was
conducted. The results form a comprehensive reference
for motion of the abdominal vasculature that extends the
knowledge from previous motion studies. These data
should be valuable for those interested in imaging the
abdominal vasculature using respiratory-gated or
breath-held acquisitions.
3761. |
42 |
Generalized Multiple
Averages (GRAMA) for Motion Compensation 
Shujing Cao1, Feng Huang2, Rui Li1,
and Chun Yuan3
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of
Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States
A new retrospective motion compensation method named as
GeneRAlized Multiple Averages (GRAMA) is proposed. GRAMA
synthesizes two copies of original k-space with relative
consistency using a couple of optimized convolution
kernel. Based on the interleaved data acquisition
manner, error in different k-space copies is inherent.
Instead of average with original k-space like that in
conventional multiple averages method, GRAMA directly
use the average of two synthetic k-space to reconstruct
motion corrected image. Volunteer experiments indicate
GRAMA effectively balances SNR preservation and artifact
3762. |
43 |
Abdominal Fat-Water
Separation in High Temporal and Spatial Resolution During
Free Breathing 
Riad Ababneh1, Thomas Benkert2,
Martin Blaimer2, and Felix A. Breuer2
1Physics, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 2Research
Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria, Würzburg, Bavaria,
We present a robust approach to separate fat and water
signals in the abdomen during free breathing. The
approach combined with the k-space-weighted image
contrast (KWIC) technique of different respiratory
phases in free-breathing. In this study a radial
TrueFISP sequence was modified, wherein TE was made to
vary between subsequent readouts. Good separation
without streaking artifacts or blurring due to
respiratory motion was obtained in all studied cases.
3763. |
44 |
Prospective Real Time
Correction of Head Motion Using NMR Probes at 7 Tesla
Saikat Sengupta1, Sasidhar Tadanki2,
John C . Gore1, and E. Brian Welch1
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
In this abstract, we report the use of NMR probes for
prospective motion corrections of head motion in
high-resolution gradient echo (GRE) imaging at high
field of 7 Tesla. 3 NMR probes mounted on a volunteer’s
head are used in conjunction with a linear navigator
sequence to measure and correct for head motion in real
time. The system is evaluated with 1 mm3 isotropic
voxel GRE scans with a series of motion patterns on
normal volunteers. Effective real time compensation is
demonstrated for each type of motion tested.
3764. |
45 |
Hybrid MP-RAGE Trajectory
with FID Motion Detection and Self-Navigated Motion
Correction (MoCoRAGE) 
Tobias Kober1,2, Davide Piccini1,2,
Christoph Forman3,4, Thorsten Feiweier5,
and Gunnar Krueger1,2
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology,
Siemens Healthcare IM S AW, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2CIBM
- AIT, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Pattern
Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-University
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 4Erlangen
Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Erlangen, Germany, 5Siemens
AG, Erlangen, Germany
The Magnetisation-Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient
Echo (MP-RAGE) sequence is widely used in clinical
routine and research. However, its comparably long
acquisition times render MP-RAGEs susceptible to motion
artefacts. The present work explores the feasibility of
mitigating the motion susceptibility of MP-RAGEs. While
a free-induction-decay navigator is used for motion
detection, the self-navigating properties of a hybrid
acquisition trajectory are exploited to perform motion
correction directly from portions of the imaging data.
The motion detection and correction performance was
tested in five volunteers proving the feasibility of
this concept.
3765. |
46 |
Inherent Correction of
Artifacts from Large-Scale Patient Motion in High-Resolution
Multishot Diffusion-Weighted EPI 
Shayan Guhaniyogi1, Allen Song1,
Jeffrey Petrella2, and Nan-Kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analsyis Center, Duke
University, Durham, NC, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States
Multishot EPI in diffusion weighted imaging allows
improved spatial resolution and reduced geometric
distortions compared to single-shot acquisitions.
However, multishot EPI acquisitions are very sensitive
to patient motion. To overcome this limitation we
present a technique which inherently corrects
motion-induced artifacts and blurring in multishot
diffusion-weighted EPI images using only the originally
acquired data, without needing navigator echoes. The
technique is shown to greatly reduce artifacts and
blurring, enabling visual identification of small
structures such as the optic nerve fibers. This method
is anticipated to be valuable in clinical and
neuroscience investigations requiring high resolution
images with detailed microstructure information.
3766. |
47 |
On the Robustness of
Prospective Motion Correction for Clinical Routine 
Michael Herbst1, Cris Lovell-Smith1,
Benjamin Haeublein1, Rebecca Sostheim1,
Julian R. Maclaren2, Jan G. Korvink3,
and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Department of Radiology, University Medical
Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States, 3Laboratory
for Simulation, IMTEK - Institute of Microsystem
Technology, Freiburg, Germany
Despite the recent advances in prospective motion
correction (PMC) for the correction of rigid body
motion, the application of this technique to clinical
routine still lacks behind. External tracking and motion
correction has been shown to be applicable to a wide
range of sequences and to provide sufficient accuracy
and precision to improve even data from cooperative
volunteers. However, when used in patients, problems
such as marker fixation and involuntary skin motion
limit the abilities of PMC and can even lead to
additional motion artifacts. The aim of this work was to
address this last key barrier to help bring PMC to
clinical routine.
3767. |
48 |
Non-Rigid Motion-Corrected
Averaging for Improved Pelvic MRI 
Patrick J. Bolan1, Xiufeng Li1,
and Gregory J. Metzger1
1Radiology, CMRR, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States
While strategies for handling cardiac and respiratory
motion are well established for cardiac and abdominal
imaging, the aperiodic and non-rigid deformations from
bowel contractions can limit the ability to perform
high-resolution imaging in the lower abdomen and pelvis.
This work assesses the feasibility of using a
retrospective, non-rigid motion-corrected averaging
approach to reduce the impact of involuntary motion on
anatomical MRI of the pelvis.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (17:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
Artifacts & Corrections: Off-Resonance & Eddy Currents
Computer # |
3768. |
49 |
Improved RF Pulses for 3D
SSFP with Minimised Off-Resonance Out-Of-Slab Corruption 
Anthony N. Price1, Shaihan J. Malik1,
and Joseph V. Hajnal1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
Balanced SSFP provides excellent contrast and SNR
efficiency, however, its familiar off-resonance
characteristics result in black-band artefacts, which
are particularly problematic at higher field strengths.
Less well-known, but also significant to image quality,
are the unwanted signal fluctuations arising from
out-off-slice contributions, which are folded back into
the imaging plane. Here we design a new RF pulse
specifically for 3D SSFP that has very low stopband
ripple. When compared to the standard truncated sinc
pulse typically used, it yields effective suppression of
off-resonance signal ripple whilst achieving a more
homogeneous slab profile.
3769. |
50 |
Using Spatio-Temporal
Duality for Memory-Efficient Non-Uniform Fourier
Transformation with Field Correction
Kaveh Vahedipour1,2 and
Nadim Jon Shah1,3
1Juelich Research Centre, Juelich, Germany, 2Maastricht
University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
The spatio-temporal duality of the Fourier transform,
the time-reveral parity of Bloch equation without T1 and
T2* relaxation as well as the principle of reciprocity
can be used to rewind the physical process of gradient
encoding along the time axis to obtain images from
signals acquired along arbitrary k-space trajectories.
In this work we show advantages of such a reconstruction
scheme when compared to the state of the art non-uniform
FFT solutions. The algorithm can be implemented in a
very efficient way with respect to memory as well as
processing complexity. It is discussed why this
algorithm behaves favourably particularly for larger
number of receive elements and large image matrices.
3770. |
51 |
An Extended PSF Mapping
Method for Distortion Correction in DW-EPI with Both Forward
and Reverse Phase-Encoding Polarity at UHF 
Myung-Ho In1, Oleg Posnansky1,
Erik B. Beall2, Mark J. Lowe3, and
Oliver Speck1
1Biomedical Magnetic Resonance,
Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Radiology,
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States,3Radiology,
Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH,
United States
The geometric distortion correction quality is important
to generate a distortion free diffusion weighted echo
planar image (DW-EPI) without loss of spatial
information. To recover spatial information in strongly
compressed areas, two sets of DWIs with opposite
phase-encoding (PE) polarities have been measured and
combined after distortion correction. The point spread
function (PSF) mapping method was used for correction
due to its very high accuracy and robustness. To reduce
PSF scan time, the PSF method was extended to correct
distortions in both DW-EPIs with opposite PE polarities
from a single PSF reference.
3771. |
52 |
Phase-Labeled Reference EPI
for Frequency-Segmented Inhomogeneity Corrections (PREFICS) 
Mario Zeller1, Alexander Müller1,
Dietbert Hahn1, and Herbert Köstler1
1Institute of Radiology, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Artifacts induced by field inhomogeneities in
non-Cartesian EPI acquisitions typically cannot be
corrected by simple pixel-shifting. Instead, conjugate
phase based methods can be applied. These methods
require the acquisition of a separate gradient-echo
field map. The acquisition of such a map is relatively
time-consuming, as multiple radiofrequency pulses are
applied. In this work, a method is described, which
allows deriving the field map from a phase-labeled
reference EPI scan comprising of only two fast EPI
acquisitions. With this map, geometric distortions
arising in non-Cartesian EPI can be successfully
3772. |
53 |
Parallel Transmission
Z-Shimming to Compensate GE-EPI Signal Voids at 7 Tesla 
Benedikt A. Poser1, Soeren Johst2,
Weiran Deng1, Stephan Orzada2,
Mark E. Ladd2,3, and Victor Andrew Stenger1
1John A Burns School of Medicine, University
of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 2Erwin
L Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 3Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and
Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Essen,
Gradient-echo BOLD fMRI suffers signal voids in regions
of strong susceptibility variation e.g. near ear canals
and frontal sinuses. “z-shimming” can correct this by
applying a z-gradient moment to counteract the local
background gradient. The global correction affects all
spins and dephases originally intact signal, hence an
intermediate compromise is required. Timeshifting an RF
pulse equivalently creates a shim. This gives “pTX
z-shimming” some spatial selectivity following each
channel’s sensitivity profile. pTX z-shimming is
explored at 7T, using EPI with slice and channel
specific corrections and breathold fMRI. Signal recovery
was seen near ear canals, but not the frontal cortex.
3773. |
54 |
VOI-Based Fourier Transform
Method for Rapid Partial Calculation of B0 Maps
from Sparse Susceptibility Distributions 
Rahul Dewal1 and
Qing X. Yang1
1Radiology, Pennsylvania State University,
Hershey, PA, United States
Calculation of B0 field
inhomogeneity maps from susceptibility models via
convolution with dipole kernels is limited by computer
memory (RAM) and calculation time requirements in the
case of large data matrices. In some applications, only
small portions of the full matrix may be of interest as
a susceptibility perturbation source or as a volume of
interest (VOI). A VOI-based approach is here proposed
that can reduce memory usage or calculation time in this
sparse case. The method can be expected to accelerate
various applications, such as passive shimming
simulations and patient-specific B0 field
calculations derived from anatomic scans.
3774. |
55 |
Gradient Nonlinearity Terms
in the Concomitant Field for Quantitative Phase Contrast
Ek T. Tan1, Christopher J. Hardy1,
and John F. Schenck1
1Diagnostics and Biomedical Technologies, GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States
The correction of residual phase intrinsic to
phase-contrast velocity measurements remains a
challenging problem, and affects accurate flow
quantitation in imaging of congenital heart disease. A
high degree of correlation between the residual phase
and the concomitant field motivated an investigation
into an improved concomitant field correction that
accounts for gradient nonlinearity. The nonlinear
correction resulted in a residual phase that was more
quadratic in shape, but did not affect the residual
phase near the vessels of interest. However, the
incorporation of nonlinear concomitant fields into a
hybrid-fitting method showed an improvement in the
fitted result over the linear correction.
3775. |
56 |
Temporal Unwrapping of
Highly Wrapped Multi-Echo Phase Images at Ultra-High Field:
Simon P. Robinson1, Horst Schödl1,
and Siegfried Trattnig1
1Department of Radiology, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria
We describe a temporal phase unwrapping method
applicable to multi-echo data called UMPIRE. This uses
unequal spacings between echoes and an assessment of
phase evolution in the time difference between the echo
spacings to allow - uniquely amongst temporal unwrapping
approaches - a number of wraps between echoes to be
resolved. UMPIRE successfully resolved wraps in
complicated simulated shapes which could not be
unwrapped with prior temporal methods or the spatial
methods PRELUDE and PHUN. UMPIRE also outperformed
spatial methods in unwrapping in-vivo data and was
faster than spatial methods.
3776. |
57 |
Correction of
Gradient-Induced Phase Errors in Radial MRI 
Amir Moussavi1,2, Markus Untenberger1,
Martin Uecker3, and Jens Frahm1,2
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, am
Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie,
Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany, 2DFG
Research Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain
(CMPB), Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany, 3Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California, Berkeley, California, United
Gradient-induced eddy currents affect the MRI data
acquisition by gradient delays and phase errors that may
lead to severe image artifacts. This work introduces a
robust method for quantifying and correcting phase
errors in radial MRI without the need of complementary
measurements. The proposed method yields a specific
phase error per gradient that can be used for correcting
the raw data. It is also able to distinguish between and
separately correct for phase errors due to eddy currents
caused by the in-plane gradients and other phase
alterations which are constant for an image and that may
carry relevant physiologic information.
3777. |
58 |
Measurement of Short Time
Constant Eddy Currents with Zero TE Imaging 
Kevin F. King1, Graeme C. McKinnon1,
Xu Dan1, and Joseph K. Maier1
1GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Eddy currents are typically measured using small samples
with a special fixture. As part of an image-based tool
without a special fixture, we propose to measure eddy
currents with time constants of a few hundred
microseconds or less with ultrashort TE imaging. A
spherical phantom was scanned with eddy current
generating preparation gradients followed by readouts at
increasing delays. The image phase was fit to spatially
linear terms which were then fit to sums of decaying
exponentials. Reasonable agreement with fixture-based
decay curves and comparable correction for ghosting in
single-shot EPI and spectral-spatial RF pulse banding
was found.
3778. |
59 |
Correction Method for Thin
Slice Spectral Spatial RF Pulses 
Yuval Zur1
1GE Healthcare, Haifa, Israel
Spectral spatial (spsp) RF pulses are used for
simultaneous fat suppression and slice selective
excitation. However, spsp pulses are very sensitive to
RF gradient delay and eddy currents. We present a
correction method, such that spsp pulses are, in
practice, not sensitive to system imperfections. This
correction enables practical use of spsp RF pulses with
slice width of 1.5 mm at high field strength (3T).
3779. |
60 |
A Novel Approach in the
Network Analysis of Eddy Current Induced by Planar Z
Gradient Coil 
Md. Shahadat Hossain Akram1 and
Katsumi Kose1
1Institute of Applied Physics, University of
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Tsukuba, Japan
Transient response of eddy currents generated by planar
z gradient coil in the local Rf shielding box of a 0.3T
permanent magnet MRI system are simulated by applying a
novel approach in the network analysis of
electromagnetic system. Magnetic scalar potential of
Biot Savart’s law is implemented in the calculation of
mutual inductances between the z gradient coil and the
conducting structure in interest, which is always the
most crucial part in network analysis method. This very
unique and efficient method would be possible to
implement in network analysis of eddy current generated
by any type of planar gradient coil.
61 |
Correction of RF Spike
Noise in MR Images Using Robust Principal Component Analysis 
Adrienne E. Campbell-Washburn1,2, David
Atkinson3, Oliver Josephs4, Mark
F. Lythgoe5, Roger J. Ordidge6,
and David L. Thomas7
1Centre for Advnaced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Department
of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University
College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Medical Imaging and Centre for Medical Image
Computing, University College London, London, United
Kingdom, 4University
College London and Birkbeck College, London, United
Kingdom, 5Centre
for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, Division of Medicine
and Institute of Child Health, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 6Centre
for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, 7Department
of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, University College London, London, United
RF spike noise, caused by hardware problems, can lead to
striping artefacts in MR images. These artefacts affect
the image quality and quantitative information from the
MRI data, and often must be removed in post-processing.
This abstract presents an algorithm for semi-automated
detection and correction of RF spike noise based on
Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA). RPCA is used
to decompose the measured k-space into low-rank (artefact-free)
and sparse (RF spike) matrix components, including an
automatic correction for the misidentification of the
central k-space cluster. This algorithm is demonstrated
to efficiently and effectively recover artefact-free
data and regain quantitative information.
3781. |
62 |
DC Artifact Correction for
Arbitrary Phase-Cycling Sequence 
Paul Kyu Han1, Jong Chul Ye1,
HyunWook Park2, and Sung-Hong Park1
1Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Daejeon,
Korea, 2Electrical
Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Daejeon, Daejeon, Korea
We proposed a new technique that allows for the
correction of DC artifact for any phase-cycled pulse
sequence. The proposed method includes receiver phase
unification and its reversal before and after the
application of a usual DC artifact removal technique in
the specifically phase-cycled pulse sequence. Results
show complete removal of the DC artifact for phase
cycling angles of 0¡Æ, 90¡Æ, 180¡Æ, 270¡Æ in the
phase-cycled bSSFP sequence, and provides useful insight
for the application of DC artifact removal in other
phase-cycled pulse sequences.
3782. |
63 |
Fast, Parallelized
Implementation of a Novel Temporal Phase Unwrapping Method,
and Comparison with Spatial Approaches
-permission withheld
Horst Schödl1, Siegfried Trattnig1,
and Simon Robinson1
1Department of Radiology, Medical University
Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Phase images can be unwrapped with spatial or temporal
approaches. A new and fast temporal approach, suited to
highly wrapped phase images at ultra-high field, is
UMPIRE. It is based on a multi-echo acquisition with
unequal echo spaces, and uses the difference between
phase difference images (essentially a wrap-free
estimation of B0) to unwrap phase images. UMPIRE was
implemented in C using parallelization. The performance
of UMPIRE was compared with region growing methods PHUN
and PRELUDE using simulated data with complicated shapes
and in-vivo images. UMPIRE was dramatically faster than
the spatial methods PHUN and PRELUDE in all tests.
3783. |
64 |
Nonlinear Phase Correction
of Multi-Shot Diffusion Weighted EPI Using Parallel Imaging
Estimated Phase Cycled Reconstruction (PIPCR) Method
Wentao Liu1, Xin Tang1, Yajun Ma1,
and Jia-Hong Gao1,2
1MRI Research Center and Beijing City Key Lab
for Medical Physics and Engineering, Peking University,
Beijing, China, 2Brain
Research Imaging Center and Department of Radiology, The
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Multi-shot echo-planar imaging (msEPI) has advantages of
high spatial resolution and less distortion when
comparing to single-shot EPI (ssEPI). However, in the
application of diffusion imaging, msEPI often suffers
ghosting artifacts due to phase shifts from shot to
shot. A recently proposed phase cycled reconstruction
(PCR) method can correct 2D linear phase errors in msEPI
efficiently using a search algorithm, but phase shifts
caused by the pulsing of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are
nonlinear and hard to be compensated by PCR method
directly. In this study, an efficient parallel imaging
estimated phase cycled reconstruction (PIPCR) method is
introduced. The inter-shot phase maps are estimated from
the parallel imaging (PI) reconstruction of the subset
k-space of msEPI data. After a smoothing process, these
phase maps are utilized as nonlinear phase compensation
for PCR msEPI reconstruction. The proposed PIPCR is a
fast and robust method to correct arbitrary inter-shot
phase errors of diffusion weighted msEPI and the
reconstruction result is demonstrated in the report.
3784. |
65 |
Removing Echo Planar
Imaging Banding Artifact Using Phase Matching 
Dan Xu1, Kenichi Kanda1, Kevin F.
King1, Zhenghui Zhang1, and Robert
D. Peters1
1GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Conventional echo planar imaging (EPI) phase correction
can introduce a channel dependent phase which could
conflict with parallel imaging unaliasing especially for
high channel count coils, leading to banding or residual
aliasing artifacts in the final images. In this paper we
propose a phase matching method to remove the
incompatibility by introducing a channel dependent phase
while retaining the odd-even phase correction
capability, thereby producing images free of banding and
aliasing artifacts, in addition to minimizing EPI
Nyquist ghost.
66 |
Robust Estimation of True
K-Space Center Position for Radial Center-Out Trajectories 
Martin Krämer1, Karl-Heinz Herrmann1,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany
Radial center-out trajectories are extremely sensitive
towards imperfections in the gradient and data sampling
hardware. Even the smallest jitter between data sampling
and gradient onset must be compensated during image
reconstruction in order to obtain images free of delay
artifacts. We propose to estimate such delays with a
template scan using a very short additional dephaser.
The delay is given from the difference between the
expected k-space center position along the template
readouts and the actual center crossing. We shot that a
very robust estimation of the true k-space center
crossing can be made by analyzing k-space phase
3786. |
67 |
Fast Automatic Coil
Selection for Radial Stack-Of-Stars GRE Imaging 
Robert Grimm1, Christoph Forman2,
Jana Hutter1, Berthold Kiefer3,
Joachim Hornegger1, and Kai Tobias Block4
1Pattern Recognition Lab, FAU
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Pattern
Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-University
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 4Department
of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City,
NY, United States
In radial stack-of-stars GRE imaging, distortions of the
magnetic B0 field
and gradient fields distant from the isocenter can cause
significant streaking artifacts. The image quality can
be severely degraded by coils that contribute mostly
artifacts but little image information. Here, an
efficient, k-space-based score is proposed as an
indicator for channels that are corrupted by streaking
artifacts. A k-means clustering algorithm is employed to
detect affected channels in order to exclude them from
reconstruction. The method requires no manual training
and, therefore, can be applied easily to different scan
3787. |
68 |
Intensity Inhomogeneity
Correction in Human Brain Imaging at 7 Tesla Using SPM8 
Ikuko Uwano1, Kohsuke Kudo1, Fumio
Yamashita1, Jonathan Goodwin1,
Tsuyoshi Metoki1, Satomi Higuchi1,
Kenji Ito1, and Makoto Sasaki1
1Division of Ultrahigh Field MRI, Institute
for Biomedical Sciences, Iwate Medical University,
Morioka, Iwate, Japan
In ultra-high field 7 Tesla (T) MRI, signal intensity
variation or inhomogeneity are caused by main magnetic
field (B0) and RF field (B1) inhomogeneity,
susceptibility effects, and inhomogeneous coil
sensitivity. We tested a post-processing technique
available with SPM8, for signal intensity correction of
various scan sequences on 7 T MRI. We found that by
using SPM8, signal inhomogeneity was successfully
corrected and a reduction in signal non-uniformity
between the subcortical and deep white matter was
3788. |
69 |
A Retrospective, Fully
Automated and Fast Method for Intensity Inhomogeneity
Correction in 7T MRI 
Sven Jaeschke1,2, Robin Martin Heidemann2,
and Aleksandar Petrovic2
1HAW Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
Ultra high field (UHF) MRI offers improved image
contrast and higher SNR enabling isotropic,
high-resolution in vivo anatomical imaging. However,
image quality is affected by bias fields, which can be a
hindrance for tissue segmentation or classification. In
this study, we propose a novel, fast and fully automated
image inhomogeneity correction method, which is well
suited for UHF applications. In comparison to former
methods, we employ a bounded Nelder-Mead simplex
optimizer and use a joint intensity-gradient histogram
to calculate entropy. We show that our approach
outperforms other methods in UHF-MRI in terms of
processing speed and promises better inhomogeneity
3789. |
70 |
A Clinical Evaluation of a
Novel, Retrospective and Entropy-Based Intensity
Inhomogeneity Correction Method in 3T MRI 
Sven Jaeschke1,2, Alexander Hubert3,
Andreas J. Bartsch4, Antje Kickhefel2,
and Aleksandar Petrovic2
1HAW Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany, 3Neuroradiology,
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 4Neuroradiology,
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Intensity inhomogeneities remain an issue in high-field
MRI and can degrade clinical interpretability of images.
To improve image quality in a fast, robust and fully
automated fashion, we developed and clinically validated
a novel image inhomogeneity correction method, based on
entropy minimization. A wide range of different MR-contrasts/sequences
in healthy-control and images with pathological findings
were assessed. Two trained radiologists evaluated each
image in a blind fashion and both agreed on each rating.
We show that the combination of the 3D implementation of
our method and the current built-in Siemens solution
significantly improves the clinical impression of 3T
neuroradiological MRI.
3790. |
71 |
N/2 Ghosting Artifacts in a
Radial 3D EPI Pulse Sequence
Sumeeth Vijay Jonathan1, Parmede Vakil1,
Yong Jeong1, and Timothy J. Carroll1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Radiology,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States
We characterize and introduce a phase correction scheme
for N/2 ghosting artifacts in 3D RAZIR, a new radial 3D
GRE-EPI pulse sequence. Phase modulations between
alternating echoes in our radial 3D EPI acquisition are
dependent on radial view. Our phase correction scheme
measures phase modulations for each radial view without
the need for a separate reference scan. N/2 ghosting
artifacts that occur in radial 3D multiecho acquisitions
like 3D RAZIR can be corrected with our technique.
3791. |
72 |
Eye Movement Artifact
Suppression Via 2D Spatially Selective RF-Excitation 
Paul Wighton1, Matthew Dylan Tisdall1,
and André J. W. van der Kouwe1
1Department of Radiology, MGH, Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown,
Massachusetts, United States
In this abstract, we explore the suppression of
eye-movement artifacts using a subject-specific,
spatially-selective RF-excitation pulse designed to
excite only the subject's brain, ensuring no signal (and
therefore no artifact) originates from the eyes. A
3D-encoded FLASH sequence was augmented with a
2D-selective RF-excitation pulse. A subject specific 2D
brain-excitation shape was generated using a FreeSurfer
segmentation of the subject acquired in a previous scan.
Compared to a conventional FLASH scan, eye-motion
artifacts were significantly suppressed with our
modified spatially-selective RF-excitation scan.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (16:00-17:00) Exhibition Hall |
Computer # |
3792. |
49 |
Iterative Hard Thresholding
and Matrix Shrinkage (IHT+MS) for Low-Rank Recovery of K-T
Undersampled MRI Data 
Mark Chiew1, Karla L. Miller1,
Peter J. Koopmans2, Elizabeth M. Tunnicliffe3,
Stephen M. Smith1, and Thomas Blumensath4
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 2Donders
Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud
University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3AVIC,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4ISVR,
University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire,
United Kingdom
In matrices that are low rank or approximately so,
matrix completion strategies can be used to recover data
in the presence of undersampling. Here we present a
novel algorithm, iterative hard thresholding + matrix
shrinkage (IHT+MS), for the recovery of low rank
approximations to k-t undersampled MRI data. Performance
of the IHT+MS algorithm is compared to other matrix
completion techniques in retrospectively undersampled
cardiac cine and fMRI data. Results indicate that good
reconstruction fidelity is observed in both cardiac and
fMRI data, even at high undersampling factors, and that
IHT+MS produces the best results in many cases.
3793. |
50 |
Fast Compressed Sensing
Reconstruction Using a Direct Fourier-Wavelet Transform 
KyungHyun Sung1 and
Brian Andrew Hargreaves2
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA, Los Angeles,
California, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
High computational complexity is one major issue for
compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction. We present a new
way to reduce the computational complexity for the CS
reconstruction by directly transforming between k-space
and wavelet domains. This replaces FIR filtering in the
image domain with a multiplication in k-space and can
reduce computational complexity. This efficient
computation can benefit almost all CS methods that
exploit the wavelet sparsity, and we have shown the
actual CS reconstruction time can be reduced by 46% on
51 |
AMP-SENSE: Parallel Imaging
Compressed Sensing with Approximate Message Passing 
Evan Levine1,2, Kyunghyun Sung3,
Manojkumar Saranathan2, Bruce Daniel2,
and Brian Andrew Hargreaves2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Palo Alto, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 3Radiological
Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Iterative Soft Thresholding (IST) and a more recent
method, Approximate Message Passing (AMP) are promising
techniques for fast compressed sensing (CS)
reconstruction. Combining CS, parallel imaging,
partial-Fourier, and other techniques is still being
investigated, and the reconstruction time is critical.
The AMP method, as is currently implemented on a single
coil basis, does not exploit known dependencies among
coil images. We have developed a novel reconstruction
method, AMP-SENSE, that incorporates coil sensitivity
information into AMP to address the combined CS and
parallel imaging problem, improving both performance and
computational efficiency. We demonstrate an application
to dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) breast MRI.
3795. |
52 |
Improving Compressed
Sensing Initialization and Convergence Using an Efficient
Auto-Calibrating Parallel Imaging Method 
Peng Lai1, Shreyas S. Vasanawala2,
Michael Lustig3, Kang Wang4, and
Anja C.S Brau5
1MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare,
Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Electrical
Engineering & Computer Science, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, United States, 4MR
Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Madison, WI,
United States, 5MR
Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Garching,
Munchen, Germany
Compressed sensing reconstruction requires many
iterations to converge. This work developed an
auto-calibrating parallel imaging method that can
efficiently reconstruct coil-combined k-space data from
random k-space sampling. Our preliminary results show
that the proposed method can provide similar
reconstruction accuracy with much faster computation
compared to conventional auto-calibrating parallel
imaging and can significantly improve the initial
condition and convergence of compressed sensing
3796. |
53 |
CIRcular Cartesian
UnderSampling (CIRCUS): A Variable Density 3D Cartesian
Undersampling Strategy for Compressed Sensing and Parallel
-permission withheld
Jing Liu1 and
David A. Saloner1
1University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States
Compressed sensing (CS) and parallel imaging (PI) have
been exploited to reduce scan time by undersampling
k-space data, which is highly desirable for 3D
applications that usually involve unreasonably long scan
times. This study proposes a novel method for generating
undersampling patterns for 3D Cartesian acquisition,
providing easy implementation, flexible sampling
patterns, and high accuracy of image reconstruction with
3797. |
54 |
Highly Accelerated 3D
Dynamic Imaging with Variable Density Golden Angle
Stack-Of-Stars Sampling 
Zhitao Li1, Benjamin Paul Berman2,
Maria I. Altbach3, Jean-Philippe Galons3,
Diego R. Martin3, Bin Dong4,
Puneet Sharma3, Natarajan Raghunand3,
and Ali Bilgin1,5
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States, 2Applied
Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,
United States, 3Medical
Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United
States, 4Mathematics,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States, 5Biomedical
Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,
United States
High spatial and temporal resolution in DCE are
desirable. High temporal resolution is needed for
accurate kinetic data analysis and high spatial
resolution contributes to small structures
identification. Radial DCE techniques have been combined
with CS to accelerate DCE. Radial trajectories provide
desirable attributes: Oversampling of the center
k-space, incoherent artifacts from undersampled
trajectories can be exploited in CS. Radial trajectories
are also less sensitive to motion. A dynamic MRI
technique using 3D stack-of-stars was proposed for free
breathing 3D liver perfusion MRI. We propose a highly
accelerated 3D dynamic MRI technique which uses 3D
stack-of-stars with non-uniform kz sampling.
3798. |
55 |
Optimising for Eddy
Currents in Compressed Sensing Spiral Acquisitions
Kaveh Vahedipour1,2 and
Nadim Jon Shah1,3
1Juelich Research Centre, Juelich, Germany, 2Maastricht
University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Combination of non-Cartesian data sampling and
Compressed Sensing is an obvious way to go for
approaching to the best SNR per unit time. Here, the
non-Cartesian sampling strategy must incorporate the
random sampling paradigm in the most efficient way in
multiple facets. In general, one would like to acquire
as much signal amplitude as possible per image while
achieving as much randomness as possible of the sampling
footprint and thus as little coherences in the artifact
domain as achievable. However, a third aspect, which has
thus far remained unconsidered, is that of induction of
Eddy-currents and their effect on the image quality.
3799. |
56 |
Evaluation of Sparse
K-Space Sampling Schemes for Fast Cardiac MRI Using
Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Technique 
Youngseob Seo1,2, Jonathan M. Chia3,
Nancy K. Rollins2,4, and Zhiyue J. Wang2,4
1Division of Convergence Technology, Korea
Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon,
Korea, 2Radiology,
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at
Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States, 3Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 4Radiology,
Children's Medical Center Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United
Using compressed sensing reconstruction method for fast
cardiac MRI, we shows how the number of central k-space
lines with varying k-space sampling schemes affects
sparsely sampled reconstructed image quality.
3800. |
57 |
Unifying Compressed-Sensing
Reconstruction Framework for Multidimensional MRI: Combining
Novel Dictionary Models with Frame-Based Sparsity and
Flexible Undersampling Schemes 
Suyash P. Awate1 and
Edward V.R. DiBella2
1Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI)
Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
United States, 2Utah
Center for Advanced Imaging Research (UCAIR), University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
We propose a novel unified framework for
compressed-sensing reconstruction of multidimensional
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including dynamic MRI
and high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI).
This brand-new framework incorporates a novel
formulation for the compressed-sensing reconstruction
problem which makes it very flexible with regards to (i)
the kinds of imaging or undersampling strategies that
can be exploited as well as (ii) the kinds of sparse
models that need to be enforced on the data, allowing a
variety of wavelet-frame models, total-variation models,
and novel dictionary models.
3801. |
58 |
Region of Interest
Compressive Sensing (ROICS) 
Amaresha Sridhar Konar1, Steen Moeller2,
Julianna Czum3, Barjor Gimi3, and
Sairam Geethanath1
1Biomedical Research Center, Dayananda Sagar
Institutions, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 3Dept.
of Radiology, Giesel School of Medicine at Dartmouth,
Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States
Compressed sensing (CS) performance depends
significantly on sparsity of the image data.The current
work aims at providing additional sparsity regardless of
the transform chosen to achieve increased acceleration
than the conventional CS approach, usinga novel
technique called “Region of Interest Compressed Sensing”
(ROICS). ROICS allows for enhanced sparsity by
decreasing the number of non-zero coefficients to be
estimated by restricting the CS reconstruction to a ROI.
This work demonstrates that ROICS outperforms CS at
higher acceleration factors, quantified through reduced
normalized root mean square error, as applied to cardiac
MRI frames.
3802. |
59 |
Blind Compressive Sensing
Dynamic MRI with Sparse Dictionaries 
Sajan Goud Lingala1 and
Mathews Jacob1
1The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA,
United States
We propose an sparse blind compressive algorithm to
learn dictionary atoms that are constrained to be sparse
for accelerated dynamic MRI reconstruction. The sparsity
promoting norm on the dictionary atoms penalizes the
learning of noisy basis functions. We demonstrate
through examples on free breathing cardiac data, that
the proposed scheme results in superior image quality in
comparison to the conventional blind CS scheme and
methods with fixed dictionaries.
3803. |
60 |
Motion Residual
Reconstruction Using Low Rank Property of Similarity Patches
in Motion Compensated Compressed Sensing Dynamic MRI 
Huisu Yoon1, Daniel Kim2, Kyung
Sang Kim1, and Jong Chul Ye1
1KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, 2The
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Recently, many compressed sensing (CS) based algorithms
have been developed for dynamic MR imaging applications
by exploiting sparsity in temporal transform domain. For
example, in k-t FOCUSS with motion estimation and
compensation (ME/MC), when a high resolution reference
frame is available, ME/MC is shown a quite effective
sparsifying transforms. However, one of the limitations
of ME/MC is that the energy of the residual measurement
after motion compensation is significantly reduced
compared to the original k-space measurement. Hence, a
new reconstruction algorithm for motion residual is
required that judiciously reconstructs geometrically
meaningful features. One of main contributions of this
paper is a novel patch-based signal processing algorithm
for motion residual reconstruction that overcomes the
limitation of the existing k-t FOCUSS with ME/MC. More
specifically, we impose a non-convex patch-based
low-rank penalty that exploits self-similarities within
the residual images. This penalty is shown to favor
capturing geometric features such as edges rather than
reconstructing the background noises. To solve the
resulting non-convex optimization problem, we propose a
globally convergent concave-convex procedure (CCCP)2
using convex conjugate, which has closed form solution
at each sub-iteration.
3804. |
61 |
Accelerating Dynamic MRI
Using Patch-Based Spatiotemporal Dictionaries 
Yanhua Wang1 and
Leslie Ying1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Department of Electrical Engineering, The State
University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York,
United States
We propose a patch-based dictionary learning model for
dynamic MRI reconstruction. The image sequence is
divided into overlapping patches along both spatial and
temporal directions. A set of temporal dependent
dictionaries with three-dimensional atoms are adopted to
provide sparse representations for compressed sensing
reconstruction. This model adapts to specific local
spatial-temporal features. Results on cardiac cine
dataset demonstrate that the proposed method is capable
of preserving both spatial structures and temporal
3805. |
62 |
Cardiovascular MRI
Reconstruction with Data-Driven Sparsifying Transform
Qiu Wang1, Jun Liu1, Nirmal
Janardhanan1, and Mariappan S. Nadar1
1Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens
Corporation, Corporate Technology, Princeton, NJ, United
Dynamic cardiovascular MRI facilitates the assessment of
the structure and function of the cardiovascular system.
To fit the data acquisition time, the data must be
highly undersampled. Compressed sensing or sparsity
based MR reconstruction takes advantage of the fact that
the image is compressible in some transform domain, and
enables reconstruction based on under-sampled k-space
data thereby reducing the acquisition time. The design
of such transform is a key to the success of the
reconstruction. In this paper, we propose to use tight
frame learning for computing data-driven transforms.
Empirical results demonstrate improvement over the
transform associated with the redundant Haar Wavelets.
3806. |
63 |
Dictionary Based
Reconstruction of Dynamic Complex MRI Data 
Jose Caballero1, Anthony Price2,
Daniel Rueckert1, and Joseph V. Hajnal2
1Department of Computing, Imperial College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Department, King's College London, London, United
The reconstruction of MR data from undersampled
observations has been studied as a solution to the
acceleration of MR acquisition and shown to have great
potential. Nonetheless, exploration of sparsity models
has been somewhat limited, particularly in the case of
dynamic MRI. Here we propose a combination of dictionary
learning techniques and temporal gradient sparsity for
the reconstruction of cardiac cine sequences. A
comparison with an established method enforcing x-f
support sparsity shows the benefits of carefully
choosing a model. The technique presented is able to
reconstruct the full complex data with an independent
treatment of real and imaginary components.
64 |
Spatiotemporal Sparse SENSE Reconstruction to Preserve
Geometric and Temporal Fidelity 
Jerome Yerly1,2, Mari Elyse Boesen2,3,
Michel Louis Lauzon2,4, and Richard Frayne2,4
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Seaman
Family MR Research Centre, Foothills Medical Centre,
Calgary, AB, Canada, 3Physics
and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB,
Canada, 4Radiology
and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB, Canada
Prospectively gated FSE sequence for time-resolved
imaging of physiological motion is often prohibitively
lengthy. In this study, we propose to use a sparse SENSE
approach with spatial and temporal constraints to
reconstruct dynamic retrospectively gated undersampled
FSE carotid images. Our spatiotemporal sparse SENSE
reconstruction yielded readily interpretable and
quantifiable vessel wall motion. We measured a maximum
change in diameter of approximately 0.5 mm over a
cardiac cycle. Our approach enables time-resolved
characterization of the motion of the carotid vessel
wall. To measure small changes more precisely, however,
an increase in spatial resolution is necessary.
3808. |
65 |
Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE)
Imaging with a Time Frame Regularized Compressive Sensing (TF-CS) 
Xun Jia1, Yifei Lou2, and Jiang Du3
1Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA,
United States, 2Mathematics,
University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, United
States, 3Radiology,
University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA,
United States
Regular two-dimensional (2D) UTE imaging sequences
employ half pulse excitations followed by radial ramp
sampling. The 2D UTE sequence requires the summation of
two acquisitions which adds a significant penalty to the
total scan time. 3D UTE imaging employs a short
rectangular pulse excitation followed by 3D radial ramp
sampling, which is even more time consuming. Both 2D and
3D UTE sequences typically require undersampling to
reduce scan time, but this produces streak artifacts.
Recent advances in compressive sensing (CS) permits data
recovery from extremely under-sampled measurements. In
this study we aimed to reconstruct UTE image from the
understampled data using a tight-frame (TF) regularized
compressive sensing (TF-CS) technique.
3809. |
66 |
Bringing Compressed Sensing
to Clinical Reality: Prototypic Setup for Evaluation in
Routine Applications 
Kai Tobias Block1, Robert Grimm2,
Li Feng3, Ricardo Otazo1, Hersh
Chandarana1, Mary Bruno1,
Christian Geppert4, and Daniel K. Sodickson1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, NYU Langone
Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Pattern
Recognition Lab, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Erlangen, Germany, 3Center
for Biomedical Imaging, New York University Langone
Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 4Siemens
Medical Systems, New York, NY, United States
Compressed sensing is a promising technique for MRI
reconstruction from incomplete data, but the feasibility
and reliability for clinical routine applications have
not been verified. Here, we present a prototypic setup
that allows evaluating a recently proposed CS approach
for motion-robust dynamic T1-weighted imaging in daily
patient exams. It consists of a 3D stack-of-stars GRE
sequence, a fully-automatic service for raw-data
transfer to a multi-core server, and a highly
parallelized implementation of the reconstruction
algorithm. Images are saved in DICOM format and
forwarded to the PACS archive, which enables our
radiologists to read the images along with the
conventional exams.
67 |
Field-Corrected Sparse SENSE Reconstruction 
Joshua D. Trzasko1, Yunhong Shu1,
Armando Manduca1, John Huston III1,
and Matthew A. Bernstein1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
In this work, we describe a sparsity-driven
reconstruction framework for single-phase
(non-Cartesian) SWIRLS 3D CE-MRA that incorporates both
sensitivity encoding and off-resonance correction. As
demonstrated, the proposed framework substantially
reduces both noise amplification and geometric
distortion that are routinely present in, and can
compromise the diagnostic utility of, standard gridding
reconstruction images.
3811. |
68 |
Highly Undersampled Time
Resolved Phase-Contrast MRA with Flow-Adapted Compressed
Sensing Reconstruction 
Jana Hutter1,2, Andreas Greiser3,
Robert Grimm1, Christoph Forman2,4,
Joachim Hornegger1,2, and Peter Schmitt5
1Pattern Recognition Lab,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg,
Erlangen, Germany, 2School
of Advanced Optical Technologies, Erlangen, Germany, 3Siemens
AG, Erlangen, Germany, 4Friedrich-Alexander-University
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 5MR
Application & Workflow Development, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany
The proposed compressed sensing based algorithm for
velocity-encoded phase contrast MRA combines an
incoherent interleaved undersampling pattern in both
velocity-encoding and temporal dimension with a
flow-adapted temporal resolution. High undersampling
factors are supported while preserving the contrast and
temporal resolution. Results are compared with
state-of-the-art Grappa and Sense methods and the fully
sampled reference.
3812. |
69 |
Motion-Dependent L1
Minimization for Dynamic Cardiac MRI Reconstruction 
Qiu Wang1, Jun Liu1, Zhili Yang1,
Nicolas Chesneau1, Michael O. Zenge2,
Michaela Schmidt2, Nirmal Janardhanan1,
Edgar Mueller2, and Mariappan S. Nadar1
1Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens
Corporation, Corporate Technology, Princeton, NJ, United
States, 2MR
Application & Workflow Development, Siemens AG,
Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
High temporal resolution is often desired in Cardiac
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMRI). Compressed sensing
has enables the reconstruction with a reduced the number
of acquired frequencies, hence accelerating the
acquisition. Spatial-temporal regularization has been
proven effective for enforcing the smoothness. However,
the fine details of the heart such as valve leaflets can
be eliminated by strong regularization. In this work, a
new approach was proposed for dynamic cardiac MRI
reconstruction by setting the motion-dependent L1
regularization. Experiments conducted on CMRI data
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach
in preserving fine details of the heart.
3813. |
70 |
Iterative/Shrinkage Approach to SPIRiT for Real-Time Cardiac
Samuel T. Ting1, Rizwan Ahmad1, Yu
Ding1, Hui Xue2, Lee C. Potter1,
and Orlando P. Simonetti1
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States, 2Siemens
Corporate Research, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
We propose shrinkage SPIRiT (S-SPIRiT), an application
of the fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA)
to SPIRiT that results in an L1-regularized
implementation of SPIRiT that is more efficient than
typical nonlinear conjugate gradient (NLCG) approaches
and exhibits robustness to suboptimal parameter tuning
and presence of noise. This approach may be especially
applicable to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, where
kernel mismatch due to breathing motion can impact image
71 |
Denoising Image Sequences:
Algorithm and Application to Quantitative MR Imaging 
Fan Lam1,2, Bo Zhao1,2, Michael
Weiner3,4, Norbert Schuff3,4, and
Zhi-Pei Liang1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 2Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States, 3Center
for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Department of
Veteran Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA,
United States, 4Department
of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, United States
We propose a new method to jointly denoise a sequence of
noisy images typically acquired in quantitative imaging
experiments. The proposed method uses a penalized
maximum likelihood estimation formalism, integrating two
modeling constraints: a low-rank model that captures any
correlation in the edge structures from one frame to
another and a penalty function that promotes sparse edge
structures. A computationally efficient algorithm is
developed to solve the associated optimization problem.
Representative results from a parametric mapping
experiment are presented to demonstrate the performance
of the proposed method.
3815. |
72 |
From Matrix to Tensor:
Compressed Sensing Dynamic MRI Using Tensor Based Sparsity 
Yeyang Yu1, Jin Jin1, Feng Liu1,
Stuart Crozier1, and Mingjian Hong2
1The School of Information Technology and
Electrical and Engineering, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 2School
of Software Engineering, Chongqing Univeristy,
Chongqing, Chongqing, China
In this work, we introduce the conception of tensor
sparsity for Compressed Sensing dynamic MRI.
Conventionally, the spatial and temporal information
were then sparsified independently and sequentially.
Therefore the spatial-temporal correlation may not be
sufficiently exploited. This work applys the Tucker
model based Higher-order Singular Value Decomposition (HOSVD)
in the Compressed Sensing dynamic MRI framework. Instead
of treating the 3D/4D data as series of 2D images, HOSVD
inherits the high-dimensional data format, leading to
significantly improved dMRI reconstructions compared
with those well-established CS-dMRI methods. The
advantages of the tensor sparsity in terms of
reconstruction accuracy have been demonstrated in a
given cardiac dynamic MRI study.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (17:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
Non-Cartesian & Parallel Imaging
Computer # |
73 |
Taming an Ill-Conditioned
SPIRiT: Improved Iterative Image Reconstruction for
Real-Time Cardiac MRI 
Samuel T. Ting1, Yu Ding1, Rizwan
Ahmad1, Hui Xue2, and Orlando P.
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States, 2Siemens
Corporate Research, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
We seek to address the ill-conditioned properties of the
SPIRiT reconstruction method when applied in scenarios
requiring highly accelerated acquisitions, as is the
case in real-time cardiac imaging under free-breathing
conditions. We show that the use of a suitable data
initialization in the POCS implementation of SPIRiT can
help alleviate the issues resulting from the
ill-conditioned properties of SPIRiT.
3817. |
74 |
Suppressing Mulit-Channel
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Noise Using the Data Consistency
Ying-Hua Chu1, Shang-Yueh Tsai2,
Yi-Cheng Hsu3, Wen-Jui Kuo4, and
Fa-Hsuan Lin1,5
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Applied Physics, National Cheng-Chi
University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Mathematics, Nnational Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 4Institute
of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 5Department
of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science,
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
We exploit the redundancy among channels of a receiver
coil array to improve the SNR of DTI. Our method uses a
universal kernel to enforce the data-consistency (DC)
among k-space data across receiver coils. This DC
constraint was then applied to all diffusion-weighted
images to suppress noise disturbing the data consistency
required by the parallel MRI theory. Experimental
results at 3T with b = 4,000 s/mm2 demonstrate that the
SNR can be improved by approximately 40% by applying
this constraint to DTI reconstructions.
75 |
TRIPLET: Transmit and
Receive Fields Reconstruction from a Single Low-Tip-Angle
Gradient-Echo Scan. 
Alessandro Sbrizzi1, Alexander Raaijmakers1,
Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1, Jan J.W.
Lagendijk1, Peter R. Luijten1, and
Hans Hoogduin1
1Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
It is shown how the fields derived upon singular value
decomposition are related to the true receive and
transmit fields maps of a pTx coil array. TRIPLET
produces all necessary RF field maps for a parallel
transmit and parallel imaging experiment in a very short
time and with use of minimal RF power. In addition, the
methods results in receive sensitivity maps per channel
without the need for a homogeneous receive reference.
The method is generic and will also work in case of a
single transmit channel combined with several receive
76 |
Efficient Hybrid Parallel
Imaging Reconstruction with Rotating Radiofrequency Coil
Mingyan Li1, Jin Jin1, Feng Liu1,
Adnan Trakic1, and Stuart Crozier1
1School of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
With the ability of encoding larger number of
sensitivity profiles, the novel 4-element rotating
radiofrequency coil array (RRFCA) has better imaging
acceleration performance than stationary phased-array
coils (PACs). However, with more time-varying
sensitivity encoding, the system matrix of RRFCA is more
complex and leads to a longer reconstruction time. In
this work, while maintaining the same acceleration
capability, the fast hybrid image reconstruction
strategy reduces the number of sensitivity encodings and
obtains the fast initial estimation to improve the
efficiency and accuracy of accelerated image
reconstruction with RRFCA.
3820. |
77 |
Combining Coil Compression
and Direct Virtual Coil for Dynamic MRI Using
Auto-Calibrating Parallel Imaging 
Kang Wang1, Tao Zhang2, Philip J.
Beatty3, Dan W. Rettmann4, Ersin
Bayram5, and James H. Holmes1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Madison, WI, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States,3Sunnybrook Research Institute,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Rochester,
Minnesota, United States, 5GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Auto-calibrating parallel imaging (acPI) methods have
advantages over physically-modeled methods in reduced
FOV applications or when it is difficult to accurately
measure coil sensitivity maps, such as breath-hold
exams. However, for challenging clinical protocols that
use large channel counts, big matrix sizes and high
parallel imaging factors, conventional
channel-by-channel acPI methods may still have long
reconstruction latency. To address this issue, Coil
Compression (CC) and Direct Virtual Coil (DVC)
techniques have been proposed independently. This work
is to demonstrate the feasibility of combining the two
techniques to achieve even higher reduction in
computation without compromise in image quality.
3821. |
78 |
k-T Accelerated 4D Flow MRI
in the Aorta: Effect on Scan Time, Flow Quantification and
Analysis of Wall Shear Stress 
Bernd A. Jung1, Michael Markl2,
Pegah Entezaril2, Riti J. Mahadevia2,
and Susanne Schnell2
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany, 2Dept.
of Radiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern
University, Chicago, Illinois, United States
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of
k-t parallel imaging for the acceleration of aortic
4D-flow MRI by systematically investigating the impact
of different acceleration factors R and coil elements on
quantification of hemodynamics parameters such as blood
flow and wall shear stress. K-t accelerated 4D-flow MRI
was performed in 10 healthy volunteers with R=3, 5 and 8
using a 12-channel and a 32-channel receiver coil and
compared to conventional parallel imaging (GRAPPA, R=2).
Data analysis included 3D blood flow visualization and
quantification of peak velocities, flow rates and wall
shear stress in different aortic locations.
3822. |
79 |
Denoising in Parallel
Imaging Via Structured Low-Rank Matrix Approximation 
Derya Gol1 and
Lee C. Potter1
1Electrical & Computer Engineering and Davis
Heart & Lung Institute, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, United States
Interpolation approaches in parallel MRI exhibit a noise
amplification effect that may be mitigated via
regularization techniques which are computationally
expensive. In this study, we propose a pre-processing
technique based on structured low-rank matrix
approximation via truncated singular value decomposition
(TSVD), which is able to suppress noise and ghost
artifacts efficiently. TSVD method has been previously
used in parallel MRI to improve the conditioning of the
system matrix and to reconstruct k-space via matrix
completion. In contrast to previous work, here rank
properties are used to denoise acquired data in a
computationally simple preprocessing for GRAPPA
3823. |
80 |
Differential Energy: A
K-Space PPI Reconstruction Optimization Metric 
Thomas A. Depew1 and
Qing-San Xiang1,2
1Physics & Astronomy, University of BC,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of BC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Partial Parallel Imaging (PPI) is a popular choice for
performing accelerated acquisitions in MRI. PPI
algorithms that use calibration and fitting to recreate
the omitted k-space signals are candidates for using the
Differential Energy (ED) as a metric for
optimizing reconstruction parameters. ED provides
a measure of the accuracy of the reconstruction and can
be calculated without a fully sampled reference image.
The ED reliably
predicted optimal RW for a regionally tuned GRAPPA
algorithm (r-GRAPPA).
3824. |
81 |
Stack-Of-Stars (SOS)-CAIPIRINHA for Improved Parallel
Felix A. Breuer1, Simon Bauer2,
and Martin Blaimer1
1Research Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria,
Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
In this work, the concept of CAIPIRINHA is applied to 3D
stack-of-stars (SOS) VIBE liver imaging. It is
demonstrated that by rotating the stars by Δφ with
respect to each other significantly improved parallel
imaging performance is achieved compared to standard
acceleration in only the radial direction. pMRI
reconstruction was performed using a novel
self-calibrating segmented radial GRAPPA algorithm
tailored to the individual CAIPIRINHA undersampling
schemes eliminating the need of an extra calibration
scan. This allows for robust high resolution 3D liver
imaging within a 12s breath-hold.
3825. |
82 |
Accelerated MRI Through
Aliased and Sub-Sampled K-Space Acquisitions 
Arjun Arunachalam1
1Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
A method for restoring aliased, sub-sampled k-space for
a multiplicative increase in scan acceleration is
presented. Recently, the RATE method for accelerating
dynamic MRI by acquiring and then restoring aliased
k-space through a Fourier transformation was presented.
In this work, it’s shown that for normal and dynamic
MRI, receiver sensitivities can be used to restore
aliased k-space. Also, if aliased k-space is
sub-sampled, Parallel Imaging is used first to
synthesize the un-acquired samples. Next, the coil
sensitivities are used again with the acquired,
synthesized samples in an iterative reconstruction to
enable acceleration factors as high as 12 for 2D scans.
3826. |
83 |
L1-Regularized GRAPPA
Kernel Estimate 
Yu Ding1, Rizwan Ahmad1, Hui Xue2,
Samuel T. Ting1, Ning Jin3, and
Orlando P. Simonetti1
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 2Corporate
Research, Siemens Corporation, Princeton, NJ, United
States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Columbus, OH, United States
SENSE is a widely used parallel imaging technique. The
so-called g-factor represents how noise in the raw data
affects the noise in the reconstructed image. However,
the g-factor calculation does not take into account the
noise in the channel sensitivity map. In this abstract,
we present a noise transfer model in SENSE
reconstruction that takes into account the noise in both
the raw data and the channel sensitivity map. A phantom
study showed that the model has satisfactory accuracy.
We observed that a large portion (> 35%) of the image
noise originates from the noise in the sensitivity map.
3827. |
84 |
Image Reconstruction of
Single-Shot North West EPI Data Acquired with PatLoc
Gradients Using Magnetic Field Monitoring and Total
Generalized Variation – Conjugate Gradient 
Stefan Kroboth1, Frederik Testud2,
Kristian Bredies3, Kelvin J. Layton4,
Daniel Gallichan5, Chris A. Cocosco2,
Gerrit Schultz2, Florian Knoll1,
Christoph Barmet6,7, Klaas P. Pruessmann8,
Maxim Zaitsev2, and Rudolf Stollberger1
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2Medical
Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany,3Institute for Mathematics and
Scientific Computing, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 4Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of
Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 5LIFMET,
Ecole Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 6Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zürich, Switzerland, 7Skope
Magnetic Resonance Technologies, Zürich, Switzerland, 8Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University of Zürich and ETH
Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
This work investigates the reconstruction of single shot
North-West Echo Planar Imaging (NW-EPI) data with
estimated trajectories using field cameras. NW-EPI is a
multidimensional trajectory designed to improve the
resolution in a selected region by exploiting the
spatially varying resolution characteristic of nonlinear
PatLoc fields. Reconstruction with Total Generalized
Variation (TGV) was successfully applied to PatLoc
imaging with 2D trajectories to reduce noise, Gibbs
ringing and undersampling artifacts. However, for
multidimensional trajectories, TGV converges very
slowly. We therefore present a new concept of
numerically solving the inverse problem, called Total
Generalized Variation - Conjugate Gradient (TGV-CG) to
increase convergence speed.
3828. |
85 |
Real-Time Cardiac MRI Using
a Golden-Ratio-Ordered Spiral Trajectory and Self-Consistent
Parallel Imaging 
Holden H. Wu1,2 and
Dwight G. Nishimura3
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA, Los Angeles,
CA, United States, 2Cardiovascular
Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 3Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
A new real-time cardiac MRI technique combining the
advantages of spiral imaging with flexible golden-ratio
acquisition ordering and acceleration from
self-consistent parallel imaging is presented in this
work. The scan acceleration achieved by the proposed
technique is used to acquire free-breathing real-time
images at a relatively high in-plane resolution of 1.6
mm and expanded field of view of 40 cm. Adequate
temporal resolution is maintained to visualize cardiac
and respiratory motion.
3829. |
86 |
How to Stack the Stars: A
Variable Center-Dense K-Space Trajectory for 3D MRI 
Benjamin Paul Berman1, Zhitao Li2,
Maria I. Altbach3, Jean-Philippe Galons3,
Diego R. Martin3, Bin Dong4,
Puneet Sharma3, Bobby T. Kalb3,
and Ali Bilgin2,5
1Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Arizona, United States, 3Medical
Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United
States, 4Mathematics,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States, 5Biomedical
Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,
United States
There is constant demand for high quality images and
short data acquisition times for MRI. Traditionally, a
choice is made for one or the other, but due to the
development of CS theory, it is often possible to have
both. For 3D MR imaging, various trajectories are used
to undersample in Fourier space including Cartesian,
radial, and cylindrical. The cylindrical trajectory – or
stack-of-stars – is used for dynamic and motion
sensitive 3D imaging. For CS it is crucial that each
measurement contain as much information as possible. We
show that the 3D stack-of-stars trajectory benefits from
a center-dense sampling scheme.
3830. |
87 |
Iterative Auto-Calibrated
Reconstruction of 3D Non-Cartesian Trajectories 
Daniel Kopeinigg1, Murat Aksoy1,
Samantha J. Holdsworth1, Rafael O'Halloran1,
and Roland Bammer1
1Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging,
Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
An iterative POCS algorithm for reconstructing arbitrary
3D k-space data is introduced and applied to
undersampled 3D Cones trajectories. Our results indicate
that the algorithm can greatly reduce aliasing artifacts
after only 3-5 iterations.
3831. |
88 |
Highly Accelerated
Projection Imaging (HAPI) with Coil Sensitivity Encoding 
Ali Ersoz1, Volkan Emre Arpinar2,
and L. Tugan Muftuler2,3
1Department of Biophysics, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Department
of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States, 3Center
for Imaging Research, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States
We developed a new technique, named Highly Accelerated
Projection Imaging (HAPI) with coil sensitivity
encoding, which is capable of reconstructing a 2D image
using fewer projections than the previous reports. The
essence of this new technique is to sample each spoke
more densely than the conventional scheme. The
feasibility of this new technique was investigated with
realistic simulations and experimental phantom studies.
Simulation results show that 1-2 projections might be
sufficient to reconstruct a 2D image. Experimental
results demonstrated that HAPI is a promising new
technique for fast imaging.
3832. |
89 |
Direct Virtual Coil (DVC)
Coil Combination for Non-Cartesian 4D Flow Imaging 
Kang Wang1, Ann Shimakawa2, Kevin
M. Johnson3, Philip J. Beatty4,
Oliver Wieben3,5, and James H. Holmes1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Madison, WI, United States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States, 3Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI,
United States, 4Sunnybrook
Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 5Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
Multi-channel non-Cartesian phase contrast imaging has
been demonstrated with great capability for various 4D
flow MRI applications. However, reconstruction latency
has been challenging, as well as the need for a robust
phase preserving coil combination algorithm. Among
several recently reported algorithms, the Direct Virtual
Coil (DVC) technique provides great potential to address
both challenges simultaneously. This work is to
demonstrate the usage of the DVC technique for
non-Cartesian phase-contrast imaging, specifically,
3833. |
90 |
Two-Dimensional Spatiotemporally-Encoded Single-Scan MRI
with Spiral Sampling 
Jing Li1, Lin Chen1, Congbo Cai2,
Shuhui Cai1, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Department
of Communication Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen,
Fujian, China
Last decades have witnessed a continuous growth of
single-scan MRI, both in scientific research and
clinical application. Spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN)
MRI has an intrinsic immunity to field inhomogeneity.
However, its phase encoding dimension is always sub-Nyquist
sampling for ultrafast acquisition, which leads to
aliasing artifacts. In this study, we propose a spiral
sampling method for two-dimensional SPEN single-scan
MRI. It can not only maintain the advantages of SPEN
method, but also eliminate the aliasing artifacts due to
undersampling. In combination with a super-resolved
reconstruction based on the singular value
decomposition, images with good quality can be obtained.
3834. |
91 |
Golden Angle Through-Time
Radial GRAPPA for Real-Time Cardiac MRI 
Xu Han1, Katherine L. Wright1,
Vikas Gulani2,3, and Nicole Seiberlich1
1Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United
States, 2Dept.
of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 3Dept.
of Radiology, University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio,
United States
The goal of this work is to demonstrate that
undersampled golden angle radial data can be
reconstructed using through-time radial GRAPPA. The
golden-angle trajectory is advantageous when it is not
clear what acceleration factor is desired, as any subset
of temporally adjacent k-space lines can be used for the
reconstruction. This abstract describes two approaches
for through-time radial GRAPPA weight calibration: using
an additional sequentially ordered golden angle
calibration dataset and a self-calibrating golden angle
technique. Using these formulations, real-time
free-breathing cardiac images can be reconstructed at
retrospectively selected temporal resolutions from the
same golden angle dataset.
92 |
Iterative K-T PCA with
Motion Corrected Training Regularization for 3D Myocardial
Perfusion Imaging 
Johannes F.M. Schmidt1, Lukas Wissmann1,
Robert Manka1,2, and Sebastian Kozerke1,3
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2University
Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Imaging
Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College
London, London, United Kingdom
In this work, an iterative k-t PCA algorithm is proposed
where an additional spatial transformation is used to
further sparsify the data. Training data based
regularization is performed in a motion corrected x-pc
domain where each time frame is warped to a reference
respiratory position. Spatial transformations are
derived from frame-by-frame composite images using
atlas-based image registration. Using 3D perfusion data
acquired in vivo it is demonstrated that this approach
successfully corrects for incomplete unfolding due to
respiratory bulk motion.
3836. |
93 |
Interleaved Reconstruction for Through-Time Non-Cartesian
Jesse I. Hamilton1, Katherine L. Wright1,
Mark A. Griswold2, and Nicole Seiberlich1
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
Despite the high acceleration factors that are
achievable with through-time non-Cartesian GRAPPA, the
major limitation of this method is the need for a
separate fully-sampled calibration scan. Here we present
a self-calibrating method for through-time non-Cartesian
GRAPPA using interleaved trajectories. In free
breathing, non-gated cardiac scans, the self-calibrating
reconstruction with both interleaved radial and
interleaved variable density spiral trajectories
produced images with higher quality and less blurring
compared to view-sharing without parallel imaging
reconstruction. Due to its shorter temporal footprint,
less blurring was observed with self-calibrating
through-time non-Cartesian GRAPPA using an undersampled
spiral trajectory than the radial trajectory.
3837. |
94 |
Retrospective Self-Gated
MRI of the TMJ Dynamics During Mastication 
Stefan Wundrak1,2, Jan Paul1,
Johannes Ulrici2, Erich Hell2, and
Volker Rasche1
1Klinik für Innere Medizin II, Ulm
University, Ulm, Germany, 2Sirona
Dental Systems, Bensheim, Germany
We introduce a retrospective self-gated MRI
reconstruction method for the imaging of the
temporomandibular joint dynamics. Compared to real-time
imaging the proposed technique shows an improved
tempo-spatial resolution and allows for the first time
the imaging of the TMJ dynamics under a continuous
3838. |
95 |
A Generic, Multi-Node,
Multi-GPU Reconstruction Framework for Online, Real-Time,
Low-Latency MRI 
Haris Saybasili1, Daniel A. Herzka2,
Kestutis Barkauskas3, Nicole Seiberlich3,
and Mark A. Griswold1
1Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH, United States
In the recent years, many research oriented,
customizable, external MR image reconstruction
frameworks have been presented. To the best of our
knowledge, none of these frameworks provided fully
automated, remotely and locally distributed (multi-node,
and multi-GPU) image reconstruction capabilities.
Additionally, these frameworks may depend on high-level
software libraries that make it difficult to maintain,
debug and update the existing code. In this work, we
present a highly customizable, automatically
distributed, multi-threaded image reconstruction
environment, built using only low-level system libraries
for improved performance and portability. Our framework
utilizes multiple GPUs and multiple workstations (nodes)
by transparently distributing reconstruction tasks.
3839. |
96 |
Method for Estimating K-T
Sensitivity from Under-Sampled Data with No Training Scans 
Hidenori Takeshima1, Shuhei Nitta1,
Taichiro Shiodera1, Tomoyuki Takeguchi1,
Masao Yui2, and Shigehide Kuhara2
1Corporate Research & Development Center,
Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan, 2MRI
Systems Division, Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation,
Otawara-shi, Tochigi, Japan
The number of calibration samples is relatively high
when the number of phase encodes is small or when the
reduction factor is high. To reduce the acquisition
time, we have developed a novel method for estimating
k-t coil sensitivity maps from only the k-t data to be
reconstructed. The images reconstructed by the proposed
method are as clear as those reconstructed by k-t SENSE.
The processing time of the proposed method is about 11.6
seconds for data scanned with reduction factor R = 4,
256 readout encoding steps, 96/R phase encoding steps,
32 coils, and 96 frames.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (16:00-17:00) Exhibition Hall |
Computer # |
3840. |
73 |
Regularized Susceptibility
Tensor Imaging for Generating White Matter Fiber Color Maps
in Human Brain 
Xu Li1,2, Issel Anne L. Lim1,2,
Craig K. Jones1,2, and Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2
1F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional
Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 2Radiology,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
We propose regularization strategies for susceptibility
tensor imaging (STI) based on a combination of
structural information and the values of mean magnetic
susceptibility (MMS) and magnetic susceptibility
anisotropy (MSA). The goal is to generate color maps of
fiber tracts using MR phase data from a small number of
orientations. Human brain imaging data acquired at 7
Tesla using six head orientations with rotation angles
of absolute magnitude 5° to 15° show that the principle
eigenvector (PEV) map obtained from the regularized STI
method resembles the PEV map from DTI, whereas the PEV
map from the non-regularized STI method does not.
3841. |
74 |
Measurement Precision of
Contrast Agent with R2* (Magnitude) and Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping (Phase) 
Hongchen Wang1, Xavier Maître1,
Jean-Pierre Ruaud1, Luc Darrasse1,
and Ludovic De Rochefort2
1Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Médicale
et Multi-Modalités (UMR8081) IR4M, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud,
Orsay, France, 2Univ
Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Apparent transverse relaxation rate R2* and magnetic
susceptibility χ are distinct measurable parameters that
can be used to quantify paramagnetic and
superparamagnetic materials. R2* mapping requires
several echoes times in a gradient-echo scan and is
based on the analysis of signal amplitude decrease.
Magnetic Susceptibility mapping uses field mapping that
can be measured from the same multi-echo dataset using
phase images. Here, phantom experiments are done to
compare the precision of R2* and susceptibility methods
for quantifying contrast agent concentration.
3842. |
75 |
Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Using an Adaptive Frequency
Junmin Liu1, David A. Rudko1,2,
Joseph S. Gati1, Ravi S. Menon1,2,
and Maria Drangova1,2
1Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts
Research Institute, Shulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London,
ONtario, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Biophysics, Shulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada
When a frequency mask (FM) is used for generating
multi-echo susceptibility-weighted images, a cutoff
frequency value (fth) must be defined for the frequency
image at each echo. In this work, we present a new FM
generation method which determines fth by using the
criterion 2π×|fth|×TE =π. The performance of the
proposed technique is evaluated with a set of volunteer
brain images acquired at 7 T, and the results are
compared with the standard frequency normalization
approach, which uses the lowest frequency value in the
image as fth. The proposed method produces a more robust
FM and higher contrast SW images.
76 |
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Amanda C. L. Ng1,2, David K. Wright3,4,
Parnesh Raniga2,5, Stephen Moore6,
Gary F. Egan2, and Leigh A. Johnston4,7
1Dept of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2Monash
Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC,
Australia, 3Centre
for Neuroscience, The University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 4Florey
Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The
University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 5The
Australian e-Health Research Centre-BioMedIA The
Australian e-Health Research Centre-BioMedIA, CSIRO
Preventative Health National Research Flagship ICTC,
Herston, QLD, Australia, 6IBM
Research Collaboratory for Life Sciences-Melbourne,
Victorian Life Sciences Computing Initiative, The
University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 7NeuroEngineering
Laboratory, Dept. Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) aims to derive
reliable estimates of the magnetic susceptibility of
voxels from phase data arising from 3D gradient-echo MRI
acquisitions. Current methods compute the contribution
of all tissue types using a spherical model, however
research has shown that white matter is better modelled
as cylinders. We present a method for deriving
susceptibility maps from MRI phase data that combines
both spherical and cylindrical models. We use MR
diffusion data to identify voxels best modelled as
cylinders and to determine the orientation of those
cylinders. Our results demonstrated improved accuracy
and robustness compared to conventional methods.
77 |
Anisotropic Magnetic
Susceptibility Induced R2* Anisotropy of Human Brain in
Wei Li1, Bing Wu2, and Chunlei Liu1,3
1Brain Imaging & Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 2GE
Healthcare China, Beijing, China, 3Radiology,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States
The dependence of R2* on fiber orientation was evaluated
using multi-orientation brain images. The significant
derivation from sine squared relationship between R2*
and fiber orientation indicated the contribution of
anisotropic magnetic susceptibility. Assuming a constant
ratio of -0.4 between isotropic and anisotropic
susceptibility contributions, R2* anisotropy were
estimated on a voxel-by-voxel basis. R2* anisotropy due
to anisotropic susceptibility accounted for
approximately 10~30% of the total R2* of white matter,
and is highly correlated with diffusion anisotropy.
These results suggested the importance of anisotropic
magnetic susceptibility induced R2* variations and its
value for the study of white matter microstructure and
3845. |
78 |
Quantitative Susceptibility
Mapping Reconstruction with Spatial Prior: Shortening
Reconstruction Time and Choosing Regularization Parameters
Hongchen Wang1, Jean-Sébastien Raynaud2,
and Ludovic De Rochefort3
1Univ. Paris Sud - CNRS, UMR 8081, IR4M,
Orsay, France, 2Experimental
Imaging, MRI unit, Research Division, Guerbet,
Aulnay-sous-bois, France, 3Univ
Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) provides a way
to quantify bulk magnetic susceptibility distribution
from field inhomogeneity images. It involves phase
unwrapping, background filtering and source
reconstruction. QSM reconstruction with spatial priors
can be performed to solve this ill-posed problem.
However, the iterative procedure is limited by a long
calculation time, and multiple iterations are needed to
choose adequate regularization parameters. Here we
accelerate QSM using a rapid estimation in k-space and
introduce a general and efficient parameter search
3846. |
79 |
Simulations Show Tumor
Vascular Morphology Affects the Accuracy of Steady-State
Susceptibility Contrast MRI Biomarkers of Angiogenesis 
Eugene Kim1, B. Douglas Ward2, and
Arvind P. Pathak3
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Department
of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
WI, United States, 3Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
The finite perturber method (FPM) and Monte Carlo
simulations were used to compute steady-state
susceptibility contrast (SSC)-MRI biomarkers of
fractional blood volume (FBV), vessel size (VSI), and
vessel density (N) for tumor vasculature from μCT data
and for an ensemble of randomly oriented cylinders (RC).
For the μCT data, the correlations between simulated and
true biomarker values were lower and the median errors
greater compared to the RC data, indicating that
vascular morphology significantly affects the accuracy
of these biomarkers. The FPM can be used to elucidate
how various biophysical factors affect the SSC-MRI
signal and help develop more accurate imaging biomarkers
of angiogenesis.
80 |
Dynamic Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping for Contrast Agent Concentration 
Bo Xu1, Tian Liu2, Pascal
Spincemaille2, Nanda Deepa Thimmappa2,
Martin R. Prince2, and Yi Wang1
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, United States, 2Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, New York, United
A dynamic quantitative susceptibility imaging method is
presented for 3D imaging of Gadolinium concentration at
sub-second frame rate. A multi-echo flow compensated
spiral gradient echo is used for data acquisition.
Temporal resolution acceleration with constrained
evolution reconstruction is used to generate high
temporal frame rate. A morphology enabled dipole
inversion with nonlinear formulation is used to generate
quantitative susceptibility mapping from complex frame
3848. |
81 |
Magnetic Susceptibility as
a Field-Independent MRI Biomarker of Liver Iron Overload 
Diego Hernando1 and
Scott B. Reeder1,2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI,
United States
MR-based quantification of liver magnetic susceptibility
may enable field strength-independent quantification of
liver iron concentration (LIC), for diagnosis, staging
and treatment monitoring of hepatic iron overload.
However, susceptibility measurement is challenging, due
to the non-local effect of the susceptibility
distribution on the measured B0. The purpose of this
work is to demonstrate feasibility of MR-based LIC
quantification using a fat-referenced approach to
estimate liver susceptibility from the measured B0 field
map. The proposed method is validated at 1.5T and 3T
using an R2-based LIC measurement (Ferriscan) as the
reference standard.
3849. |
82 |
Quantification of Blood
Oxygen-Level Dependent Signal Changes of Rat Brain by Using
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping 
Meng-Chi Hsieh1,2 and
Jyh-Horng Chen1,2
1Institute of Biomedical Electronic and
Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2Interdisciplinary
MRI/MRS Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Functional MRI measures brain activity and relative
blood flow using blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD)
contrast. However, the mechanism of BOLD contrast is
caused by intrinsic susceptibility change. A recent MRI
approach, referred to as quantitative susceptibility
mapping (QSM), has been proposed to have the potential
to quantify the susceptibility within tissues, which may
be also capable of improving the measurement of
oxygenation-dependent susceptibility changes. To
understand the relationship between tissue oxygenation
and resulting susceptibility changes, in this study, we
aimed to employ QSM technique on rats with different
oxygenation levels and investigate the susceptibility
changes within different regions of the brain.
3850. |
83 |
Intracerebral Microbleed
Assessment by Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping 
Meng-Chi Hsieh1,2, Jyh-Horng Chen1,2,
and Hon-Man Liu3
1Institute of Biomedical Electronic and
Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2Interdisciplinary
MRI/MRS Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital
and College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan
Cerebral hemorrhage is a common cerebrovascular disease
in elderly people and associated with hypertension
cerebral amyloid angiopathy. However, the amount of
interacerebral microbleeding is strongly and dependently
relate to incidence of cerebral hemorrhage and its
effect on treatment decision. In this study, we accessed
the quantity of microbleed using quantitative
susceptibility mapping technique to provide a possible
quantified approach for medical diagnosis.
3851. |
84 |
Temporal Susceptibility
Variations with Multi-Echo Quantitative Susceptibility
Mapping (QSM) 
Sung-Min Gho1, Yoonho Nam1,
Dongyeob Han1, and Dong-Hyun Kim1
1Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) methods
determined from the image phase have been developed for
description of tissue anatomy, structure and
susceptibility. MR image and its phase value, however,
represent the combined signal of sub-voxel components.
In addition, image voxel signal at an echo times (TE)
represents signal contributions of various T2 and/or T2*
value components. For example, myelin, one of major
sub-voxel components in white matter regions, is hard to
obtain at long TEs because of its very short T2
relaxation times. A QSM, if determined at different TEs,
therefore, would represent different characters even in
the same voxels. We estimated the temporal variations of
QSM images at different TEs using multi-echo gradient
echo data.
3852. |
85 |
Macroscopic B0
Inhomogeneity Corrected QSM Based on a Field Mapping
Algorithm Using a Single-Scan 3D Z-Shim Multi-Echo GRE. 
Dongyeob Han1, Yoonho Nam1,
Sung-Min Gho1, and Dong-Hyun Kim1
1Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei
University, Seoul, Korea
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) based on phase
data of gradient echo (GRE) is a novel technique for
measuring susceptibility differences of the tissue.
However, the macroscopic B0 inhomogeneity due to
air/tissue boundary causes artifacts which is a common
drawback of the GRE1. Furthermore, the effect of the
macroscopic B0 inhomogeneity become worse as the echo
time increases, and this is critical to QSM studies
which have long echo times. To overcome this problem, we
propose a 3D z-shim multi-echo GRE pulse sequence which
can generate B0 inhomogeneity compensated QSM and a
simple robust algorithm for B0 inhomogeneity compensated
field map.
3853. |
86 |
Categorization of Various
Methods for Quantititative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) and
Their Noise Properties 
Shuai Wang1, Tian Liu2, Weiwei
Chen3, Cynthia Wisnieff2, Pascal
Spincemaille2, Apostolos John Tsiouris2,
and Yi Wang2
1School of Electronic and Engineering,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2Department
of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York,
New York, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,
Hubei, China
To help understand various QSM methods, we propose the
following categorization: Non-Bayesian approach with
alteration of the dipole kernel or approximation of the
dipole kernel to overcome ill condition, and Bayesian
approach using a general mathematical prior or a
specific physical structure prior. We also examine the
noise modeling error in QSM methods.
3854. |
87 |
Quantitive Proton Resonance
Frequency Imaging Using Fast Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo 
Wolfgang Stefan1, Erol Yeniaras1,
Ken-Pin Hwang2, Linda Chi3, Ed
Jackson1, John D. Hazle1, and R.
Jason Stafford1
1Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States, 2Applied
Science Laboratory, Healthcare Technologies, WI,
Hosuton, Texas, United States, 3Diagnostic
& Radiology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, Texas, United States
We have developed a new background suppression technique
that can be used to suppress the background in MR phase
images and PRF measurements. In contrast to the most
common approach of high pass filtering, our approach
leaves the low frequency components of the tissue
intact, which enables us to make quantitative
measurements of the PRF. The method separates sparse
structures in the PRF from the non-sprase background by
means of non-convex optimization similar to compressed
3855. |
88 |
A Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Analysis in Subjects with
Alzheimer’s Diseases and Mild Cognitive Impairment
-permission withheld
Eo-Jin Hwang1, Min-Ji Kim2,
Hyug-gi Kim3, Kyung-Mi Lee4,
Ji-Seon Park5, Wook Jin2, Dal-Mo
Yang2, and Geon-Ho Jahng2
1Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong,
Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2KyungHee
University Hospital at GangDong, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 3KyungHee
University, YoungIn, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul,
Seoul, Korea, 5Kyung
Hee University Hospital, Seoul, Seoul, Korea
The objective of this study was to apply voxel-based
analyses to compare the susceptibility changes among
three different groups, cognitive normal (CN), mild
cognitive impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
using a quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM)
technique. The QSM images were produced by implementing
a Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) method, and
the direct comparisons of the whole brains between CN
and MCI, CN and AD, and MCI and AD subjects were
performed. Throughout the study, the brain regions where
different susceptibility effects existed were
identified, and the effects of both paramagnetic and
diamagnetic substances were visible in all comparisons.
3856. |
89 |
SHARP Edges: Recovering
Cortical Phase Contrast Through Harmonic Extension 
Ryan Topfer1,2, Ferdinand Schweser3,
Andreas Deistung4, Alan H. Wilman1,2,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach3
1Department of Physics, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB, Canada, 3Medical
Physics Group, Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology I, Jena University Hospital -
Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Thuringia, Germany, 4Medical
Physics Group, Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology I, Jena University Hospital -
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Thuringia,
SHARP and PDF, two recently proposed techniques for
filtering B0 field (phase) maps, share a common pitfall:
failure to accurately filter background field near the
edges of the brain (e.g. cortex). This study presents an
adaptation to conventional SHARP whereby the analyticity
of the harmonic background field is exploited to recover
local phase contrast (that which pertains to tissue
magnetic susceptibility) of the hitherto lost edge
voxels. The method is quantitatively assessed with a
“field-forward” experiment and qualitatively
demonstrated using in vivo data.
3857. |
90 |
Background Field Removal
Through Infinite Spherical Mean Value Operation 
Yan Wen1,2, Tian Liu1,3, and Yi
1Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell
Medical College, New York, NY, United States, 2Department
of Physics and Astronomy, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony
Brook, NY, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY, United States
A background removal procedure removes background fields
to isolate local fields, which is essential for
susceptibility calculation. A previous method based on
spherical mean value (SMV) principle, Sophisticated
Harmonic Artifact Reduction on Phase Data (SHARP), has
shown promising results but its result depends on the
radius of the sphere and requires a subjective selection
of truncation threshold for the deconvolution procedure.
Here, we present an infinite SMV algorithm to reduce the
dependence of radius and eliminates the need of
3858. |
91 |
Fat-Constrained QSM for
Abdominal Applications 
Debra E. Horng1,2, Diego Hernando1,
Samir D. Sharma1, and Scott B. Reeder1,2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI,
United States
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM), which has
been employed in brain applications to measure iron,
also has the potential to quantify liver iron overload.
However, unlike in the brain, the presence of abdominal
fat provides a unique opportunity to constrain the
ill-posed QSM estimation problem. In this work, we
constrain the QSM estimation by assuming that the
magnetic susceptibility of fat (and air) is constant in
the presence of iron overload. Comparison of a
conventional QSM constraint (ℓ1-regularization) to the
proposed fat/air-constraint shows that the latter is
more accurate even in the presence of background field
variation and noise.