10:00 |
0204. |
The Robustness of DSC-PWI
for Acute Stroke Imaging; Timing Is Everything: The
Vanishing Perfusion Abnormality. 
Irene Klaerke Mikkelsen1, Lars Riisgaard Ribe1,
Susanne Lise Bekke1, Kim Mouridsen1,
and Leif Østergaard1
1Center for Functionally Integrative
Neuroscience, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
In patients with acute ischemic stroke, millions of
neurons die by the minute. For those who are eligible
for thrombolytic therapy, the duration of diagnostic
DSC-scans are therefore reduced to a minimum. This study
shows that this practice may lead to severe
underestimation of the perfusion abnormality, and
therefore the therapeutic target. The degree of
underestimation is investigated for three different
deconvolution techniques.
10:12 |
0205. |
Multi-Parametric Arterial Spin-Labeled Perfusion MRI in
Acute Ischemic Stroke – Comparison with Dynamic
Susceptibility Contrast Enhanced Perfusion Imaging 
Danny J.J. Wang1,2, David S. Liebeskind1,
Joe X. Qiao2, Matthias Günther3,
Whitney B. Pope2, Jeffrey L. Saver1,
Noriko Salamon2, and Jeffry R. Alger1,2
1Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Radiology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Institute
for Medical Image Computing, University of Bremen,
Bremen, Germany
A novel multi-delay multi-parametric pseudo-continuous
ASL (pCASL) protocol was presented. Its accuracy was
evaluated by comparison with dynamic susceptibility
contrast (DSC) enhanced perfusion MRI in 29 patients
with acute and subacute ischemic stroke. Consistent
results between multiple hemodynamic parameters derived
using ASL and DSC were demonstrated.
10:24 |
0206. |
Derivation of Flow
Information from a Hypocarbia Challenge Study Using Time
Delay Correlation Processing 
Blaise Frederick1,2, Yunjie Tong1,2,
Megan Strother3, Lisa Nickerson1,2,
Kim Lindsey1,2, and Manus Donahue3
1Brain Imaging Center, McLean Hospital,
Belmont, MA, United States, 2Department
of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
United States,3Department of Radiology,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
We present a novel analysis technique which allows the
extraction of detailed cerebrovascular flow information
from fMRI data acquired during a hypercarbia challenge.
Flow data is derived in 20 subjects, and comparison of
flow before and after surgical intervention is
10:36 |
0207. |
Noninvasive Multi-Echo
Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling Reactivity for More
Comprehensive Quantification of Hemodynamic Compensation:
Development and Clinical Implementation in 50 Patients with
Cerebrovascular Disease 
Manus J. Donahue1, Paul Clemmons1,
Ricardo Andal1, Robert Singer1,
Diane Brown1, Morgan Anderson1,
Dan Claassen1, John Connors1, Lisa
Hermann1, Lori Jordan1, Howard
Kirshner1, J. Mocco1, Ryan Moore1,
Anne O'Duffy1, Derek Riebau1,
Allen Sills1, and Megan Strother1
1Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
The purpose of this work is to develop and clinically
implement a noninvasive MRI protocol for quantifying the
relationship between key hemodynamic compensation
mechanisms including cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR),
baseline cerebral blood flow (CBF), CBF reactivity, and
CBF territory dynamics in patients with cerebrovascular
disease. This approach was implemented in 50 patients
and results illuminated impairment not clear from
structural imaging.
10:48 |
0208. |
Cerebral Perfusion and
Vascular Reactivity in Insulin Resistance and Obesity 
Henry Rusinek1, Jenny Ha2, Po Lai
Yau2, Aziz Tirsi2, Wai Hon Tsui2,
and Antonio Convit2
1Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
New York, United States, 2Psychiatry,
NYU School of Medicine, New York, New York, United
The obesity epidemic is responsible for the increasing
prevalence of Type 2 diabetes (DB). Using a
high-resolution ASL we present evidence that brain
perfusion and vascular reactivity are affected in the
early stage of DB. Insulin resistant (IR) subjects had
significantly lower (p=0.008) resting gray matter flow
(60.0±4.5) compared to healthy controls (63.6±6.4), with
a trend for hypoperfusion in DB. There was a significant
detrimental effect of obesity on vascular reactivity.
Our findings suggest that cerebral blood flow and
vascular reactivity changes resulting from obesity and
insulin resistance are reversible.
11:00 |
Evaluation of a
Multiparamteric QBOLD Approach in Acute Stroke Patients 
Julien Bouvier1,2, Olivier Detante1,
Irène Troprès3, Sylvie Grand1,4,
David Chechin2, Jean-François Le Bas3,4,
Alexandre Krainik1,4, and Emmanuel Luc
1INSERM U836, Grenoble Institute of
Neurosciences, Grenoble, France, 2Philips
Healthcare, Suresnes, France, 3Plate-forme
IRMaGe, UJF – INSERM US17 – CNRS UMS 3552, Grenoble,
France, 4CHU
de Grenoble, Clinique Universitaire de Neuroradiologie
et d’IRM, Grenoble, France
In stroke, Perfusion Weigthed Imaging (PWI) allows the
identification of hypoperfused tissues. MRI
characterization of the ischemic penumbra, defined by
the diffusion-perfusion mismatch, can delineate
penumbral and irreversibly infarcted fields with a
similar degree of reliability to the gold standard,
positron-emission tomography (PET). The presence of a
diffusion-perfusion mismatch could justify thrombolysis
therapy beyond 3h. The assessment of the penumbra using
MRI remains controversial, however. The aim of this
study is to evaluate how tissular oxygen saturation
(StO2), assessed with a multiparametric qBOLD approach,
fits between diffusion and perfusion acute stroke
11:12 |
Brain Connectivity and CBF
Canges Fllowing Motor Training by MI-BCI Combined with TDCS
in Stroke Patients 
Xin Hong1, Yan Zhi Ong2, Irvin Teh3,
Fatima Ali Nasrallah1, Zhong Kang Lu4,
Wei Peng Teo5, Cuntai Guan4, Kai
Keng Ang4, Kok Soon Phua4, Ling
Zhao5, Effie Chew5, and Kai-Hsiang
1Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore,
Singapore, 2Department
of Biological Sciences, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 3A*STAR-NUS
Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Singapore, Singapore, 4Institute
for Infocomm Research, Singapore, Singapore, 5The
Division of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine,
National University Hospital System, Singapore,
Perfusion and diffusion MRI were used to understand the
plasticity in gray and white matters after motor
training in stroke patients with impaired upper
extremity. Robot-assisted motor imagery and
brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) combined with or
without transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
were conducted. Brain CBF change and FA changes along
motor related fiber tracts are found after 2 weeks of
training and correlate with clinical improvement. tDCS
did not show significant effects on motor recovery.
These findings will be helpful in understanding the role
of neuroplasticity in motor recovery, and in the
development of effective therapeutic approach for stroke
11:24 |
0211. |
Diffusion-Weighted EPI for Better Sensitivity to Acute
Samantha J. Holdsworth1, Stefan Skare2,
Kristen Yeom1, Michael U. Antonucci1,
Jalal B. Andre3, Jarrett Rosenberg1,
Matus Straka1, Nancy J. Fischbein1,
Greg Zaharchuk1, and Roland Bammer1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 2Karolinska
Institute, Clinical Neuroscience, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States
Here we investigate an alternative approach to
diffusion-weighting imaging (DWI) with the use of a
parallel-imaging enhanced dual-echo sequence. It was
found that dual-echo DWI is a powerful method for
evaluating diffusion-restricting lesions. The long echo
time of Echo 2 gives rise to DW images that exhibit
superior sensitivity to diffusion lesions than DW images
acquired at a shorter echo time; Echo 1 provides high
SNR ADC maps for specificity to acute stroke; and the
information from both echoes is a potential source of
complementary information for the assessment of blood
and mineralization products.
11:36 |
Subcortical Volumetric
Differences in Children with Sickle Cell Disease and Silent
Jamie M. Kawadler1, Jonathan D. Clayden2,
Fenella J. Kirkham3, and Christopher A. Clark2
1Imaging & Biophysics Unit, UCL Institute of
Child Health, London, United Kingdom, 2Imaging
& Biophysics Unit, University College London, London,
United Kingdom,3Neurosciences Unit, UCL
Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom
This work investigates for the first time specific
subcortical structure volumes in children and
adolescents with sickle cell disease, which has been
shown to affect cortical grey matter and deep white
11:48 |
0213. |
Amide Proton Transfer (APT)
Imaging of Acute Cerebral Infarction: A Preliminary Study on
Clinical Patients 
Takashi Yoshiura1, Akio Hiwatashi1,
Osamu Togao2, Jochen Keupp3, Koji
Yamashita1, Kazufumi Kikuchi1,
Yuriko Suzuki4, Makoto Obara4, and
Hiroshi Honda1
1Department of Clinical Radiology, Kyushu
University, Fukuoka, NA, Japan, 2Department
of Molecular Imaging and Diagnosis, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka, NA, Japan, 3Technical
Systems, Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, NA,
Germany, 4Philips
Electronics Japan, Tokyo, NA, Japan
Animal experiments have shown that APT imaging can
detect lowered pH in acute cerebral infarction, but
evidence for human stroke patients is extremely limited
in amount. Our purpose was to test the feasibility of
APT imaging in assessing clinical acute infarction. APT
imaging data from 8 patients with acute infarctions
showed significantly reduced APT signal in infarcted
tissue compared to normal tissue, demonstrating the
clinical feasibility of APT imaging. Moreover, we found
that APT contrast between normal ad infarcted tissues
was critically dependent on the saturation time,
suggesting the importance of imaging parameter