16:00 |
0365. |
DREAM B1+ Mapping
for Short-T2 and
-T2* Components 
Kay Nehrke1, Maarten J. Versluis2,
Andrew Webb2, and Peter Börnert1,2
1Philips Research Laboratory, Hamburg,
Germany, 2Leiden
University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
A new acquisition scheme based on virtual stimulated
echoes has been developed for the DREAM B1+ mapping
approach, which allows compensation of both, T2and
T2*, effects. The new option has been studied
on phantoms and in vivo at 7T. For the phantom
experiments, rubber phantoms were employed, showing that
the sequence allows accurate B1+ mapping
for a short T2 in
the order of a millisecond. For the in vivo experiments,
B1+ maps
of the brain were acquired, showing that the contrast
between brain tissue and CSF is reduced for the new
sequence option.
16:12 |
0366. |
3D B1 Mapping
for Short T2* Spins
Using Radial Gradient Echo with Gradient Offset Independent
-permission withheld
Naoharu Kobayashi1 and
Michael Garwood2
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
States, 2University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Obtaining the B1 map is necessary for a number of MRI
methods, including T1 measurement. We introduce a new
approach to actual flip angle imaging (AFI) that
achieves 3D B1 mapping even when T2* is short. The
approach utilizes COncurrent Dephasing and Excitation
(CODE) with Gradient Offset Independent Adiabaticity
(GOIA). CODE is a short TE radial GRE sequence that is
relatively robust compared to some other ultra-short TE
sequences. The use of GOIA pulses in CODE significantly
reduces the peak power and SAR.
16:24 |
0367. |
Hybrid Excitation and
Bloch-Siegert Encoding Pulses for Short-TE 3D |B1+|
Marcin Jankiewicz1 and
William A. Grissom2
1MRC/UCT Medical Imaging Research Unit,
Department of Human Biology, University of Cape Town,
Observatory, Western Cape, South Africa, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
We introduce a new hybrid excitation and off-resonance B1+-encoding
pulse that enables Bloch-Siegert B1+ mapping
with a much shorter TE, enabling mapping of short-T2 species.
16:36 |
0368. |
Unexpected Lateral
Asymmetry in TSE Image Contrast Explained: Tissues with
Short T2 Show Extreme Sensitivity to B1 Inhomogeneity 
Jaco J.M. Zwanenburg1, Fredy Visser1,2,
Jeroen Hendrikse1, and Peter R. Luijten1
1Radiology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
In heavily T2-weighted FLAIR images at 7T, a lateral
asymmetry was observed in the contrast of the pulvinar,
a nucleus of the thalamus. Due to the small distance
between the bilateral pulvinars, B1 inhomogeneity seemed
unlikely as explanation for the asymmetry in contrast.
In this work, however, we show with simulations and
experiments that TSE trains exhibit a highly T2
dependent sensitivity to B1 inhomogeneity, which leads
to asymmetry in image contrast (rather than in signal
intensities alone). This finding urges for careful
interpretation of TSE images (also at clinical field
strengths), and highlights the need for precise B1
16:48 |
Multiband Spokes Pulses and
Design Algorithm for B1+ Inhomogeneity-Compensated
Multislice Excitation at 7T 
Anuj Sharma1, Samantha J. Holdsworth2,
Rafael O'Halloran2, Eric Aboussouan2,
Anh Tu Van2, Murat Aksoy2, Julian
R. Maclaren2, Roland Bammer2,
Victor Andrew Stenger3, and William A.
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 3Medicine,
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
An approach to designing patient-tailored 3D spokes
excitation RF pulses that simultaneously excite multiple
slices and compensate transmit RF field inhomogeneity at
high static field is presented. An interleaved greedy
and local optimization algorithm for spokes pulse design
was extended to the multiband spokes pulse design
problem. In-vivo results demonstrate the effectiveness
of the designed multiband spokes pulses in reducing flip
angle inhomogeneities caused by field inhomogeneity at
17:00 |
B1 Estimation
Using Adiabatic Refocusing: BEAR 
Kalina V. Jordanova1, Dwight G. Nishimura1,
and Adam B. Kerr1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
A novel phase-based B1 estimation
method using adiabatic refocusing (BEAR) is proposed and
validated experimentally at 1.5T. The method exhibits a
linear relationship between phase and B1 that
is insensitive to off-resonance, T1, and T2.
Using this method, B1 mapping
can be localized to a slice or 3D volume, with a
spin-echo acquisition that is appropriate for fast
projection measurements. These properties make BEAR an
ideal candidate for use in robust transmitter gain
calibration of nominally homogeneous volumetric RF
17:12 |
Spatial Phase Encoding
Using a Bloch-Siegert Shift Gradient 
Ralf Kartäusch1, Florian Fidler1,
Toni Drießle1, Thomas Kampf2,
Thomas C. Basse-Lüsebrink1,2, Uvo C.
Hoelscher1, Peter M. Jakob1,2, and
Xavier Helluy2
1MRB Research Center for
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2EP5,
Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany
In this work we introduce a robust RF only spatial
encoding method, which is mimicking conventional phase
encoding using B0-gradients by exploiting the properties
of spatially dependent Bloch-Siegert phase shifts
induced by a RF gradient coil. Being a RF only encoding
technique it has immunity against eddy currents and very
short switching time. The application of BS-gradients
are not restricted in principle to spatial phase
encoding and could be for example applied to flow or
diffusion measurements.
17:24 |
0372. |
Improved Bloch-Siegert
Based B1 Mapping
by Reducing Off-Resonance Shift 
Qi Duan1, Peter van Gelderen1, and
Jeff H. Duyn1
1Advanced MRI section, LFMI, NINDS, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
This abstract investigates fast simultaneous B0/B1+ mapping
by Bloch-Siegert shift via lowering the off-resonance
frequency of this pulse, as theoretical analysis
indicated that the sensitivity of Bloch-Siegert based B1+ mapping
can be substantially improved when irradiating closer to
resonance. Using optimized irradiation pulse shape and
gradient crushers to minimize direct excitation effects,
in vivo experiments on human brain at 7T confirmed the
improved sensitivity available with this approach
operating with peak B1+ much
larger than the frequency offset. This improved
sensitivity translated into an 80% reduction in B1+ estimation
errors, without increasing tissue heating.
17:36 |
0373. |
Bloch-Siegert Shift B1
Mapping with Multi-Band Excitation 
Tiejun Zhao1, Yujuan Zhao2,
Anthony DeFranco2, and Tamer S. Ibrahim2
1Siemens Healthcare; Siemens Medical
Solutions USA, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Multi-band (MB) excitation for data acquisition was
successfully incorporated into the Bloch-Siegert Shift
B1 mapping sequence. The B1 maps from the MB excitation
were validated against the conventional Bloch-Siegert
data acquisition and were found to be highly comparable
with conventional Bloch-Siegert method. The SAR
reduction with a factor of two and the slice coverage
increased by three folds were demonstrated with the MB
17:48 |
Compensating Temporal B1
Field Inhomogeneities Using Paired Self-Compensated
Spin-Lock Pulses 
Bogdan G. Mitrea1, Axel J. Krafft1,
Ruitian Song1, Ralf B. Loeffler1,
and Claudia M. Hillenbrand1
1Radiological Sciences, St Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States
Spin-lock prepared acquisitions generate a new image
contrast that provides molecular-level information from
biological systems. Because spin-lock pulses are usually
long, amplitude changes in the B1 field can occur (e.g.
due to thermal effects of the RF amplifier). Such
changes can create imaging artifacts that will introduce
errors in the T1 quantification.
Here, we present an improved approach that uses paired
self-compensating spin-lock pulses to reduce artifacts
from temporal inhomogeneities of the B1 field while
preserving the compensation for B0 inhomogeneities.