13:30 |
0479. |
Time-Resolved In
Vivo Cardiac
Diffusion Tensor MRI of the Human Heart 
Sonia Nielles-Vallespin1,2, Pedro Ferreira3,
Peter David Gatehouse1, Jennifer Keegan1,
Ranil de Silva3, Tevfik Ismail1,
Andrew Scott1, Timothy G. Reese4,
Choukri Meekaoui4, Peter Speier5,
Thorsten Feiweier6, David E. Sosnovik4,
Andrew E. Arai2, and David N. Firmin1
1Royal Brompton Hospital, Imperial College,
London, London, United Kingdom, 2National
Heart Lung and Blood Institue (NHLBI), National
Institues of Health (NIH), DHHS, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 3Royal
Brompton Hospital, London, London, United Kingdom, 4Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 5Siemens
AG Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany, 6Siemens
AG, Erlangen, Germany
Zonal-excitation and partial-Fourier were combined to
speed up a diffusion-weighted stimulated-echo
single-shot-EPI technique to acquire in-vivo cardiac
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (cDTI) at any time point over
the entire cardiac cycle. 5 healthy volunteers were
scanned. Mean-diffusivity, fractional-anisotropy,
helix-angle and superquadric glyph maps were produced.
We show here for the first time in-vivo cDTI images of
the human heart over the entire cardiac cycle. The
rotation of the diffusion tensor as the heart contracts
and expands can be observed. This technique promises to
provide novel insights into the structure-function
relationships in the heart, and its changes in the
presence of disease.
13:42 |
High-Resolution Single-Shot
DTI of the in-vivo Human
Heart Using Asymmetric Diffusion Encoding 
Christian T. Stoeck1, Constantin von Deuster1,2,
Nicolas Toussaint2, and Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Imaging
Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College
London, London, United Kingdom
A single-shot DTI-SE approach employing asymmetric (ASY)
Stejskal-Tanner diffusion encoding is presented
addressing limitations of STEAM acquisition for
diffusion tensor imaging of the in-vivo heart. It is
shown that high-resolution multi-slice cardiac DTI data
can be obtained permitting 3D tensor reconstructions of
the entire left ventricle. The scheme holds potential
for application in patients as data acquisition is
performed during free-breathing of the subject without
requiring any breathhold or guided breathing patterns.
13:54 |
0481. |
Diffusion MRI Tractography
of the Developing Human Fetal Heart 
Choukri Mekkaoui1, Prashob Porayette2,
Marcel Parolin Jackowski3, William Kostis4,
Guangping Dai5, Stephen Sanders6,
and David E. Sosnovik4
1Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts
General Hospital - Athinoula A Martinos center for
Biomedical, Boston, MA, United States, 2Cardiology,
Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, United States, 3University
of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 4Harvard
Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital -
Athinoula A Martinos center for Biomedical, Charlestown,
MA, United States, 5Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 6Children's
Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, United States
There is increased interest in the use of stem cells and
tissue scaffolds to regenerate lost myocardium.
Diffusion MRI tractography of the developing human fetal
heart may provide valuable insights to optimize the
regeneration of myocardium in the adult heart. We show
that myofiber anisotropy develops in the human fetal
heart well after it has looped and started to contract.
This suggests that implanted stem cells may also be able
to endogenously align themselves to form fiber tracts
and subsequently sheets. The use of scaffolds therefore
may not be a prerequisite for successful cell therapy.
14:06 |
0482. |
Quantitative Analysis of
Cardiac Motion Effects on in
vivo Diffusion
Tensor Parameters
-permission withheld
Hongjiang Wei1, Magalie Viallon1,2,
Benedicte M.A. Delattre1, Lihui Wang1,
Vinay M. Pai3, Han Wen3, Pierre
Croisille1,4, and Yuemin Zhu1
(U1044),INSA Lyon,University of Lyon, Lyon, France, 2Department
of Radiology,University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, 3Imaging
Physics Lab, BBC/NHLBI/NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892,
United States, 4Jean-Monnet
University, Saint-Etienne, France
Cardiac motion is a crucial problem in in vivo diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) of the human heart. Its effects of
on diffusion tensor parameters of the human heart have
not been well established. Recently, an efficient method
was proposed that acquires cardiac diffusion weighted (DW)
images at different time points of the cardiac cycle and
removes motion-induced signal loss using PCA filtering
and temporal MIP techniques (PCATMIP). Meanwhile,
polarized light imaging (PLI) provides us the
ground-truth of the heart fiber architecture, and DENSE
technique offers us higher spatial resolution 3D
displacement fields of the human heart. These different
imaging possibilities have led us to investigate a
multimodal approach to quantitatively analyze the
effects of cardiac motion on diffusion tensor
14:18 |
0483. |
Diffusion Tensor MRI
Revealed Developmental Changes of Cardiomyocyte Architecture
in Pig Hearts 
Junjie Chen1, Lei Zhang2, John S.
Allen3, Lingzhi Hu4, Shelton D.
Caruthers3, Gregory M. Lanza3, and
Samuel A. Wickline3
1Internal Medicine, Washington University In
Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 2Washington
University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, mo, United
States, 3Internal
Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine,
Saint Louis, mo, United States, 4Physics,
Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis,
mo, United States
The new-born heart undergoes substantial structural and
functional changes to accommodate the rapid switching
from fetal to neonatal circulation immediately after
birth. We hypothesized that three dimensional
cardiomyocyte architecture might be required to adapt
rapidly to accommodate programmed perinatal changes of
cardiac function. Our results showed that the helical
architecture of left ventricular cardiomyocytes was
developed as early as mid-gestation period, After birth,
cardiomyocytes architecture in the right ventricular
free-wall and septum changed rapidly, illustrating the
plasticity of cardiomyocyte architecture in response to
the new demands of the left and right ventricular
14:30 |
Cardiac Laminae Structure
Dynamics from in-vivo Diffusion
Tensor Imaging 
Nicolas Toussaint1, Christian T. Stoeck2,
Tobias Schaeffter1, Maxime Sermesant3,
and Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering,
King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH, Zurich,
Switzerland, 3Asclepios
Research Group, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
The laminae arrangement within the left ventricle is
believed to strongly determine the tissue shearing that
allows the muscle contraction. In this work we
demonstrate that in-vivo DTI is capable of detecting
discrepancies between diastolic and systolic laminae
organization that agrees with previously reported
histological studies.
14:42 |
Improved Cardiac Motion
Fei Han1, Stanislas Rapacchi1, and
Peng Hu2
1Department of Radiological Sciences, David
Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States, 2Department
of Radiological Sciences, University of California Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States
A new cardiac self-gating method in which the
self-gating signal is derived from repeatedly acquired
non-phase-encoded k-space centerline instead of the
center k-space point used in conventional self-gating
method. Principle Component Analysis is used for
processing the acquired self-gating signal and triggers
are generated by detecting peaks on the processed
signal. Experiment results shows that the motion signal
provided by the proposed method is free of the
distortion and artifact usually seen in conventional
self-gating method and the detected triggers are with
high reliability and accuracy when using ECG as
14:54 |
Characterising Global and
Regional Myocardial Motion Patterns for the Whole Cardiac
Cycle Using Retrogated Spiral Phase Velocity Mapping 
Robin Simpson1,2, Jennifer Keegan1,2,
and David N. Firmin1,2
1Imperial College London, England, United
Kingdom, 2Cardiovascular
BRU, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom
A novel sequence for measuring myocardial velocities
with high spatial and temporal resolution using spiral
k-space trajectories is presented. The use of
retrospective cardiac gating allows the analysis of the
entire cardiac cycle, including atrial systole. Results
from ten healhty volunteers show consistent patterns of
motion characterised by average peak and TTP velocities
throughout the cardiac cycle. Complex regional motion
patterns can be easily assessed using newly developed 2D
colour plots.
15:06 |
Myocardial Tagging in the
Polar Coordinate System; Initial Clinical Results 
Sarah N. Khan1, Abbas N. Moghaddam2,
Razieh Kaveh2, Ali Nsair3, Mona
Bhatia1, and J. Paul Finn4
1Diagnostic Cardiovascular Imaging,
Department of Radiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran,
Iran, 3Department
of Cardiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4Diagnostic
Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology,
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
We compared grid, radial and circular tagging patterns
for assessment of radial and circumferential myocardial
displacement in 10 volunteers and 18 patients (10
congenital heart disease (CHD) and 8 cardiomyopathy
(CM)). Images were scored subjectively and processed
quantitatively for circumferential and radial strain.
Polar tagging was easier to interpret (ave 3.6) than
grid tagging (ave 2.9). Tag quality and confidence in
strain assessment was similar among the three tag
groups. Patients with CM had diminished radial strain
rate (1.19±0.26 sec-1) when compared to volunteers
(1.64±0.61 sec-1). We conclude that polar tagging has
advantages for the visual and quantitative assessment of
myocardial strain.
15:18 |
Left Ventricular Twist and
Systolic Twist-Per-Volume Slope in Patients with Mitral
Meral L. Reyhan1,2, Ming Li3, Hyun
Grace Kim1, Himanshu Gupta4,5,
Steven G. Lloyd4,5, Louis J. Dell'Italia4,5,
Thomas Stewart Denney3, and Daniel B. Ennis1,2
1Department of Radiological Sciences,
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA,
United States, 2Biomedical
Physics Interdepartmental Program, University of
California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United
States, 3Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn
University, Auburn, AL, United States, 4Division
of Cardiovascular Disease, Department of Medicine,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,
United States, 5Birmingham
VA Medical Center, Birmingham, AL, United States
Primary mitral regurgitation (MR) is a common valvular
disorder that foments left ventricular (LV) dysfunction.
LV twist is a quantitative imaging biomarker for LV
dysfunction and was studied in normal subjects and
patients with moderate and severe MR. Compared to normal
subjects peak LV twist was decreased in moderate and
severe MR. No differences were detected in CL-shear
angle between the groups. Peak systolic twist-per-volume
slope was significantly different for all pairwise
comparisons and was decreased in moderate MR and further
decreased in severe MR compared to normal subjects. Peak
systolic twist-per-volume slope may possibly serve as
sensitive imaging biomarker of LV dysfunction in
patients with primary MR.