16:00 |
Time-Resolved Non-Contrast
Enhanced 4-D Dynamic MRA Using Multi-Bolus TrueFISP Based
Spin Tagging with Alternating Radiofrequency (True-STAR) 
Lirong Yan1, Noriko Salamon2, and
Danny J.J. Wang1
1Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Radiology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
The purpose of this study is to introduce a new
non-contrast dynamic MRA (dMRA) technique termed
multi-bolus TrueSTAR, by combining the benefits of
pulsed ASL, including short RF duration and low SAR, and
pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL), including higher SNR and
prolonged labeling bolus. Multi-bolus dMRA offered a
prolonged tagging bolus compared to the standard
single-bolus dMRA, and allowed improved visualization of
the draining veins in arteriovenous malformation.
Compared to pCASL based dMRA, multi-bolus dMRA provided
visualization of the full passage of the labeled blood
with the flexibility for both static and dynamic MRA.
16:12 |
0540. |
Non-Contrast Enhanced
Time-Resolved MR Angiography with Time-Of-Arrival Mapping: A
Feasibility Trial in Cerebral AVM 
Masanobu Nakamura1, Masami Yoneyama1,
Takashi Tabuchi1, Atsushi Takemura2,
Makoto Obara2, and Taro Takahara3
1Yaesu clinic, Tokyo, Japan, 2Philips
Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 3Tokai
University School of Engineering, Kanagawa, Japan
A new technique was presented for non-contrast
volumetric time-resolved MRA (Contrast inherent INflow
Enhanced Multi phase Angiography using pseudo-continuous
arterial spin labeling; CINEMA-PCASL) [4]. This
technique requires no catheter insertion or contrast
agent and provides useful qualitative information on the
morphologic and dynamic filling of intracranial vessels.
The feasibility study of CINEMA-PCASL sequence has been
reported recently on healthy volunteers, but its
clinical application in patients with AVMs has not been
conducted. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
diagnostic use of non-contrast time-resolved MRA with
time-of-arrival map in patients with cerebral AVM.
16:24 |
0541. |
Comparison of Noncontrast
FSD MRA to Time Resolved (TWIST) and High Resolution
Contrast Enhanced MRA of the Hands in Patients with Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Clinical Vasculopathy. 
Rola Saouaf1, Zhaoyang Fan2,
Mariko L. Ishimori3, Lindsy J. Forbess3,
Emmanuil Smorodinsky1, Daniel J. Wallace3,
Michael H. Weisman3, and Debiao Li2
1Imaging, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los
Angeles, California, United States, 2Biomedical
Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,
Los Angeles, California, United States,3Rheumatology,
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California,
United States
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune
disease which can affect hand vasculature. Noncontrast
FSD MRA was compared to contrast enhanced (CE) Time
resolve (TWIST) and high resolution MRA. Vascular
pathology was compared to clinical findings. Preliminary
data shows FSD MRA was superior to CE MRA in all
segments evaluated. Vascular pathology had variable
concordance with clinical presentation which will
warrant further investigation.
16:36 |
High Spatial and Temporal
Resolution Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance
Angiography (CE-MRA) Using Compressed Sensing with Magnitude
Image Subtraction 
Stanislas Rapacchi1, Fei Han1,
Yutaka Natsuaki2, Randall Kroeker3,
Adam Plotnik1, Evan Lehrman1,
James Sayre1, Gerhard Laub4, J.
Paul Finn5, and Peng Hu5
1Departement of Radiology, UCLA, Los Angeles,
CA, United States, 2Cardiovascular,
Siemens Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 4Siemens
Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 5Departement
of Radiology, University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
We propose a compressed sensing technique based on
magnitude image subtraction for high spatial and
temporal resolution dynamic contrast-enhanced MR
angiography (CE-MRA). In a breath-held CE-MRA
acquisition, the subtraction of a pre-contrast mask to a
post-contrast image promotes sparsity of the difference
image. This "subtraction-sparsity" has been previously
reported and our proposed magnitude subtraction-based
technique takes advantage of this sparsity while
avoiding a number of issues with direct k-space
subtraction. Full-sampled Cartesian 3D CE-MRA datasets
were retrospectively under-sampled and different
strategies of reconstruction were evaluated. Our
technique was tested with a prospectively under-sampled
CE-MRA sequence achieving an acceleration of 12.5x.
16:48 |
Velocity-Selective Magnetization Preparation for
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Peripheral MRA 
Taehoon Shin1, Bob S. Hu1,2, and
Dwight G. Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Palo
Alto Foundation, Palo Alto, CA, United States
Velocity-selective (VS) excitation is a promising
magnetization preparation for non-contrast-enhanced (NCE)
MRA as it can generate positive angiographic contrast
directly without subtraction. This work aims to develop
a new version of the VS excitation pulse sequence that
is robust to off-resonance and demonstrate its
application to NCE peripheral MRA. The proposed VS pulse
design modifies a reference k-space-based design by
incorporating 180° refocusing pulses and tailoring
sequence parameters in a limited velocity
region-of-interest. The improved off-resonance immunity
and clinical feasibility of NCE peripheral MRA using the
proposed VS preparation are shown in healthy and patient
17:00 |
0544. |
Time-Resolved Nonenhanced
QISS MR Angiography Using a Golden Angle Radial Trajectory
and HYPR 
Ioannis Koktzoglou1,2, Charles A. Mistretta3,
Shivraman Giri4, Parag Amin5, and
Robert R. Edelman1,6
1Radiology, NorthShore University
HealthSystem, Evanston, Illinois, United States, 2The
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL, United States, 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
States, 4Siemens
Healthcare, Chicago, IL, United States, 5Radiology,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 6Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
United States
A time-resolved variation of nonenhanced quiescent
interval single-shot (QISS) MRA using a golden angle
radial trajectory and highly constrained back projection
(HYPR) reconstruction is presented. The method permits
rapid display of peripheral arterial anatomy and flow
with high spatial and temporal resolution.
17:12 |
CMRA with 100% Navigator
Efficiency with Radial 2D Self Navigation 
Jonathan Powell1, Markus Henningsson1,
Claudia Prieto1, and Rene M. Botnar1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, Kings College London, London, London,
United Kingdom
We achieve 100% navigator efficiency for free breathing
3D coronary magnetic resonance angiography, using radial
self navigation to retrospectively correct for motion
artefacts. Compared to 1D navigator gated scans we
achieve equivalent image quality with substantially
reduced scan time.
17:24 |
0546. |
Highly Efficient
Respiratory Motion Compensated Free-Breathing Coronary MRA
Using Golden-Step Cartesian Acquisition 
Claudia Prieto1,2, Mariya Doneva3,
Muhammad Usman1, Rene M. Botnar1,
and Tobias Schaeffter1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Escuela
de Ingenieria, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile, 3Philips
Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany
A 3D respiratory motion-corrected reconstruction
approach for whole-heart coronary MRA is proposed. This
approach achieves 100% scan efficiency by correcting all
acquired data directly in the reconstruction after
image-based registration of high-resolution undersampled
reconstructed data. This is achieved by using a
golden-step spiral-like Cartesian acquisition. This
phase-encoding scheme ensures a quasi-uniform sampling
for any respiratory window and at any breathing
position. Motion parameters are estimated from
undersampled respiratory-resolved images reconstructed
with iterative SENSE and 3D motion correction is
performed directly in the reconstruction using a
multiple-coils generalized matrix formulation approach.
The proposed approach achieves high image quality
comparable to that of an 8mm navigator-gated
acquisition, which is less efficient.
17:36 |
0547. |
An Initial Report on the
Performance of Post Contrast Self-Navigated Whole-Heart
Coronary MRI in Patients with Suspected or Established
Coronary Artery Disease 
Davide Piccini1,2, Christophe Sierro3,
Juerg Schwitter3, Pierre Monney3,
Gabriella Vincenti3, Simon C. Koestner3,
Didier Locca3, Tobias Rutz3, Arne
Littmann4, Michael O. Zenge4,
Gunnar Krueger1,5, and Matthias Stuber2
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology,
Siemens Healthcare IM S AW, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV) and University
of Lausanne (UNIL) / Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM),
Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Division
of Cardiology and Cardiac MR Center, University Hospital
of Lausanne (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4MR
Application and Workflow Development, Healthcare Sector,
Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany, 5CIBM-AIT,
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
While self-navigated (SN) whole heart coronary MRA data
have successfully been acquired in healthy adult
subjects, the performance of this technique remains to
be ascertained in patients with suspected or established
coronary artery disease (CAD). In this work our 3D
radial SN whole-heart technique was optionally
integrated in clinical examinations of 60 patients with
suspected or confirmed CAD. All coronary segments were
graded by experts and compared with x-ray angiography,
when available, for detection of stenoses. The SN
technique was also tested for identification of
congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries.
17:48 |
0548. |
Assessment of Coronary
Artery Disease Using 3.0T Magnetic Resonance Coronary
Angiography: A National Multicenter Trial
-permission withheld
Kuncheng Li1, Qi Yang2, Bin Sun3,
Hong Yun4, Lijun Tang5, Junling Xu6,
Shurong Li7, Mengqi Wei8, Zhenbin
Cao9, Lixin Jin10, Mengsu Zeng4,
Qing Duan3, Yi Huan8, Quanfei Meng7,
Xiangquan Kong9, and Dehang Wang5
1Radiology Department, Xuanwu Hospital,
Beijing, China, 2Xuanwu
Hospital, Beijing, China, 3Fujian
Union Hospital, Fuzhou, China, 4Zhongshan
hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 5Jiangsu
Province Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing,
China, 6Henan
Provincial Hospital, Zhengzhou, China, 7First
Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou,
China, 8Xijing
Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian,
China, 9Wuhan
Union Hospital, Huazhong University of Science, Wuhan,
China, 10Siemens
Healthcare, MR Collaboration NE Asia, Shanghai, China
Among patients who were scheduled to conventional x-ray
coronary angiography, coronary MRA at 3.0T demonstrates
high accuracy for detection of significant coronary
artery stenosis. With contemporary techniques, 3.0T
whole heart coronary MRA can be performed efficiently,
and warrants greater consideration as a suitable
noninvasive method to exclude obstructive coronary
artery disease.