10:30 |
Interplay of Choline
Metabolites and Genes in Patient-Derived Breast Cancer
Maria T. Grinde1,2, Saurabh S. Gorad1,
Nirma Skrbo3,4, Siver A. Moestue1,
Einar A. Rødland5, Eldrid Borgan1,6,
Alexandr Kristian3, Beathe Sitter1,7,
Tone Frost Bathen2,8, Anne Lise Børresen-Dale4,6,
Gunhild M. Maelandsmo3,9, Olav Engebråten4,10,
Therese Sørlie6, Elisabetta Marangoni11,
and Ingrid Susann Gribbestad2,8
1Dept. of Circulation and Medical Imaging,
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2St.
Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 3Dept.
of Tumor Biology, Institute of Cancer Research, Oslo
University Hospital Radiumhospitalet, Oslo, Norway, 4Institute
of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 5Dept.
of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 6Dept.
of Genetics, Oslo University Hospital Radiumhospitalet,
Oslo, Norway, 7Dept.
of Technology, Sør-Trondelag University College,
Trondheim, Norway, 8Dept.
of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 9Dept.
of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway,10Dept. of Oncology,
Oslo University Hospital Radiumhospitalet, Oslo, Norway, 11Preclinical
Investigation Unit, Translational Research Department,
Institut Curie, Paris, France
We employed high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR
MAS) MR spectroscopy and gene expression microarray to
map the metabolomic and transcriptomic characteristics
related to choline metabolism in large panel of
patient-derived breast cancer xenografts (N=34) and to
evaluate the clinical relevance of xenograft models for
metabolomic studies. The results showed significantly
different choline metabolic and gene expression profiles
in luminal B and basal-like subtypes of breast cancer.
It also indicated that the patient-derived xenografts
are representative of human breast cancer, and may be
valuable for further exploration of subtype-specific
metabolic and transcriptomic traits.
10:42 |
IDH1 Mutated Gliomas
Exhibit a Distinct 31P MRS Profile
-permission withheld
Morteza Esmaeili1, Bob C. Hamans2,
Anneke C. Navis3, Remco V. Horssen4,
Tone Frost Bathen1, Ingrid Susann Gribbestad5,
William P. Leenders3, and Arend Heerschap1,2
1Department of Circulation and Medical
Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 2Departments
of Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3Departments
of Pathology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 4Departments
of Cell Biology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 5Department
of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Glioma patients harboring the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1
(IDH1) mutation have a better prognosis than those
without. As IDH1 regulates several pathways towards
lipid synthesis we hypothesized that IDH1 mutant tumors
can be identified by 31P-MRS. Localized 31P MR spectra
were acquired from four distinct human glioma xenografts
including an IDH1mutated model. The IDH1 mutated
xenografts were distinguishable from the IDH1wt tumors
by significantly higher PC/PE and GPC/GPE ratios. This
31P-spectral profile of the IDH1-mutated model was also
observed in extracted tumor tissues and in cell lines
expressing mutated-IDH1, and finally in intact human
surgical biopsies harboring IDH1-mutation.
10:54 |
0806. |
Lactate and Pyruvate as
Mediators of Metabolic Cooperation Between Stromal and
Breast Cancer Cells 
Ellen Ackerstaff1, Brij B. Patel2,
Yanique I. Rattigan2, Natalia Kruchevsky1,
John W. Glod2, George Sukenick1,
Jason A. Koutcher1, and Debabrata Banerjee2
1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY, United States, 2The
Cancer Institute of New Jersey, RWJMS, UMDNJ, New
Brunswick, NJ, United States
Previously, we have shown that cancer-associated
fibroblasts (CAFs) take up and metabolize lactate. Here,
we hypothesize that breast cancer cells and stromal
cells have lactate-mediated metabolic coupling similar
to muscle cells, where glycolytic muscle cells secrete
lactate that is used by neighboring, oxidative muscle
cells as an energy source. Our 13C
MRS studies indicate that lactate-metabolizing CAFs
secrete 13C-labeled
pyruvate. While uptake of exogenous pyruvate in
MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells is increased by
cocultured CAFs, subsequent 13C
MRS indicates 13C-labeled
lactate in the media conditioned by 13C-pyruvate-treated
MDA-MB-231 cells, closing the cycle.
11:06 |
Effects of
Phosphatidylcholine-Specific Phospholipase C Inhibition on
Tumour Growth, Metabolism and HER2 Expression in Preclinical
Models of HER-2 Overexpressing Ovarian Cancer 
Rossella Canese1, Alessandro Ricci1,
Maria Elena Pisanu1, Luisa Paris1,
Luisa Altabella1, Emiliano Surrentino1,
Marina Bagnoli2, Ludmila Liliac3,
Anna Granata2, Silvana Canevari2,
Delia Mezzanzanica2, Egidio Iorio1,
and Franca Podo1
1Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, RM,
Italy, 2Fondazione
IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori;, Milan, Mi, Italy, 3Morphofunctional
Sciences - Histology, University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Iasi, Iasi, Romania
The altered MRS choline profile of human epithelial
ovarian cancer (EOC) cells was found to be associated
with activation of both choline kinase and
phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (PtdCho-PLC).
Inhibition of the latter enzyme by D609 induced
decreases in both in vitro cell proliferation and in
vivo tumor growth. Quantitative in vivo MRI/MRS
examinations and ex-vivo analyses showed marked
decreases in the tCho content, increases in the mean T2
and ADC values and decreases in the Ki67 index and HER2
expression in a subset (three out of six) xenografts of
SKOV3.ip cells in SCID mice, following intraperitoneal
administration of D609.
11:18 |
0808. |
Mutation in Isocitrate
Dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) Leads to Increased T2, ADC and
Decreased Lactate and Glutamate in Glioblastoma Model 
Jelena Lazovic1, Soto Horacio2,
Sichen Li3, Albert Lai3, Linda
Liau2, Robert Prins2, Timothy F.
Cloughesy4, and Whitney Pope5
1Radiology, University of California at Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Neurosurgery,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 3Neuro-Oncology,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 4Neuro-Oncology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 5Radiology,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Recent reports strongly correlate presence of isocitrate
dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) mutation (IDH1-R132) with
improved overall survival among glioblastoma patients.
This mutation is associated with production of
2-hydroxyglutaric (2-HG) acid, with not well established
role in malignant progression. Human glioblastoma cell
line (U87) was modified to overexpress mutated
isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) R132 in order to
determine if 2-hydroxyglutaric acid could be detected in
vivo and the consequence on tumor growth and metabolism.
We found glioblastoma that overexpressed IDH1-R132 to
have significantly increased growth rate along with
accumulation of 2-HG and reduction in lactate and
11:30 |
Lonidamine Induced
Selective Acidification of DB-1 Human Melanoma Xenografts
Enhances Tumor Response to Doxorubicin 
Kavindra Nath1, David S. Nelson1,
Christina Gustafson1, Andrew M. Ho1,
Cory Alvey2, Rong Zhou1, Dennis B.
Leeper3, and Jerry D. Glickson1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Pharmacology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
States,3Radiation Oncology, Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Synopsis: The inverted pH gradient between the inside
and outside of cells that is observed in tumors presents
both obstacles to and opportunities for cancer therapy.
As a consequence of their high levels of aerobic
glycolysis, DB-1 melanoma xenografts exhibit a selective
decrease in their intracellular pH by ~0.6 units
following treatment with the lonidamine (LND), which
inhibits the export of lactic acid from the tumor cell
via the monocarboxylic acid transporter (MCT). In
addition, LND decreases the bioenergetics state of the
tumor by inhibiting transport of pyruvate into
mitochondria via the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC).
Under these conditions, doxorubicin accumulates in the
tumor as a result of protonation of its amino group
(i.e., cation trapping), which produces a pronounced
enhancement of the antineoplastic activity of this
anthracycline. Treatment of DB1 melanomas with
doxorubicin following tumor acidification with LND
produced long-term (>50 day) growth delays in four out
of five melanoma xenografts demonstrating the potential
clinical utility of combining LND with doxorubicin in
the treatment of melanoma and other human cancers.
11:42 |
0810. |
Hypoxia Enhances De Novo
Fatty Acid Synthesis from Glutamine and Reduces De Novo
Fatty Acid Synthesis from Glucose in TSC2-/- Mouse
Anthony Mancuso1, Regina M. Young2,
Brian D. Keith3, Craig B. Thompson4,
and M. Celeste Simon2
1Cancer Biology/Radiology, University of
Pennsylviania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Cell
and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Cell
and Molecular Biology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Sloan
Kettering Institute, New York, NY, United States
The effects of hypoxia on de novo lipogenesis in TSC2-/-
mouse fibroblasts were examined with uniformly labeled
13C glucose and glutamine. These cells are a model for
cancers with oncogenes that dis-regulate the akt/mTOR
signaling cascade. The results demonstrate that both
glucose and glutamine are important for de novo
lipogenesis of both saturated and unsaturated fat under
normoxic conditions. Hypoxia caused a marked reduction
for both saturated and unsaturated lipid synthesis from
glucose but not glutamine. The results have important
implications for the design of anti-cancer therapies
that target lipogenesis, for tumors with significant
levels of hypoxia.
11:54 |
Combining MRSI and Mass
Spectrometric Imaging Reveals Protein Biomarkers in Breast
Tumor Models 
Lu Jiang1, Kamila Chughtai2,
Tiffany Greenwood1, Gert Eijkel2,
Ron Heeren2, and Kristine Glunde3
1Division of Cancer Imaging Research,
Department of Radoilogy, Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, BALTIMORE, MD, United States, 2FOM-Institute
AMOLF, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Division
of Cancer Imaging Research, Department of Radoilogy,
Johns Hopkins University, BALTIMORE, MD, United States
The intensity of the total choline (tCho) signal in
magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) of
tumors is spatially heterogeneous. In vivo H1 MRSI with
the spectral resolution to resolve the components of the
tCho signal and its membrane precursors is currently
unavailable. Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) of
histologic tumor sections is able to detect thousands of
molecules from the tissue surface. We have investigated
the correlations between tCho and peptides in a human
breast cancer model by combining in vivo MRSI with ex
vivo MSI, which identified specific peptide species that
are spatially correlated with tCho.
12:06 |
Establishment of
Patient-Derived Models of Renal Cell Carcinoma to Study
Metabolism and Develop Relevant Clinical Biomarkers 
Renuka Sriram1, Kayvan R. Keshari1,
Mark Van Criekinge1, John Kurhanewicz1,
David M. Wilson1, Donna M. Peehl2,
and Zhen J. Wang1
1University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2Stanford
University, Palo Alto, CA, United States
Renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) are a heterogeneous group
of tumors with a wide range of aggressiveness. There is
a current lack of noninvasive biomarkers that can
confidently predict the behavior of RCCs to guide
treatment selection and to monitor treatment response.
Development of clinically relevant biomarkers of RCC
aggressiveness and response to novel therapeutics
requires robust models that recapitulate the human
situation. The purpose of this study is to establish
both an ex vivo and an in vivo model of RCCs using
patient-derived tissue slices for metabolism studies in
conjunction with hyperpolarized (HP) 13C
12:18 |
0813. |
Inhibition of Prostate
Cancer Growth by Deferiprone 
Rui V. Simoes1, Natalia Kruchevsky1,
Inna Serganova2, Ellen Ackestaff1,
George Sukenick3, Ronald G. Blasberg2,4,
and Jason A. Koutcher1,5
1Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Neurology,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY,
United States, 3NMR
Core Facility, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
New York, NY, United States, 4Radiology,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY,
United States, 5Weill
Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, New York,
NY, United States
Activation of mitochondrial aconitase (m-acon) is an
early biochemical change during prostate cancer (PCa)
development, leading to a shift from citrate-producing
to a citrate-oxidizing malignant phenotype. Deferiprone
(DFP), an iron chelator used in the clinic has been
shown to impair aconitase activity and inhibit cell
growth. We have studied the effects of DFP on TRAMP C2
cells. DFP induced a marked decrease in TRAMP C2 cell
growth (IC50=49 M), affecting many metabolic parameters
detected by 31P and 13C-MRS, and decreasing cellular
oxygen consumption. Our results show the potential of
DFP to inhibit PCa growth at clinically relevant doses.