ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 07-13 May 2016 • Singapore

Weekend Educational Course: Diffusion MRI Applied

Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate

Organizers: Daniel C. Alexander, Ph.D., Chunlei Liu, Ph.D. & Stephan E. Maier, M.D., Ph.D.

Saturday 07 May 2016

This course will explore selected clinical and research applications of diffusion MRI in brain and body. The first five lectures will focus on applications in neurodevelopment, aging, stroke, psychiatric disorders and forensic medicine. The next four lectures will focus on applications in tumor imaging and the musculoskeletal system. Ample time will be provided for discussion with the speakers.

Target Audience
This course is designed for basic scientists, clinicians and technologists, who would like to learn more about the broad applications of diffusion MRI both in brain and body.

Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the broad range of clinical and research applications of diffusion MRI;
  • Explain the basic findings in the selected applications;
  • Utilize the analysis techniques for corresponding applications; and
  • Understand the limitations and challenges.

Moderator: Els Fieremans, Stephan Maier
Diffusion MRI of Neurodevelopment
Pratik Mukherjee
Diffusion MRI of Aging & Neurodegeneration - Permission Withheld
Osamu Abe1
1Radiology, Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Diffusion MRI can provide not only parametric and but also directional information, which quantify white matter fiber integrity and cellular density as well as neural connectivity between nodes in the brain. In this talk, we will give the audience how to preprocess imaging data, for example, distortion and bias correction. Then, we will show several results for parametric analyses and structural connectivity measured by diffusion MRI in normal aging and neurodegenerative disorders.

Diffusion MRI of Stroke
Ona Wu
Stroke is the second leading cause of death world-wide. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) is very sensitive to early acute ischemic injury, with mean diffusivity reduced in the hyperacute stage, but elevated in the chronic stages. In addition, DWI can potentially be combined with other MRI sequences to stage extent of ischemic injury and identify potentially salvageable tissue. Diffusion-tensor MRI and high angular resolution diffusion MRI techniques can be used to evaluate ultrastructural injury post-stroke. DWI has been shown to critical for improving the diagnosis, prognosis and management of acute ischemic stroke patients and for monitoring post-stroke recovery.

Diffusion MRI of Psychiatric Disorders
Kelvin O. Lim1,2
1Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Diffusion MRI has proven to be a very popular brain imaging technique for the study of psychiatric disorders. In schizophrenia alone, there are 570 publications that use diffusion tensor imaging.  Diffusion MRI data has been used in many ways including: assessment of white matter integrity,  tractography and structural connectivity analyses.  Many different analytic approaches have been developed.  Like other MR modalities, diffusion MRI is also subject to artifacts from multiple sources which can result in erroneous values.  Diffusion models, other than the tensor model, are beginning to become popular as fast imaging techniques make them more feasible for clinical populations.

Diffusion MRI in Forensic Medicine
Kathrin Yen1
1Institute for Forensic and Traffic Medicine, Heidelberg
Educational lecture on Diffusion MR Imaging in forensic medicine and research.

Break & Meet the Teachers
Water Diffusion Characteristics of Tumors
Thomas Chenevert
Diffusion MRI of Brain Tumors
Fumiyuki Yamasaki1
1Neurosurgery, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan
The presentation will provide the diagnostic tips of brain tumors and tumefactive lesions by using DWI and ADC. 

Diffusion MRI of Tumors Outside the Brain
Taro Takahara
Musculoskeletal Applications of Diffusion MRI - Permission Withheld
Gustav Strijkers1
1Biomedical Engineering and Physcis, Academic Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam, Netherlands
In this educational contribution the use of diffusion-tensor (DT-) MRI muscle fiber tracking for studying muscle architectural properties will be discussed. Topics include the importance of muscle structure to muscle function, how muscle architecture is typically assessed, and DT-MRI and its application to muscle. Examples will be given of how DT-MRI data have been used to provide new insights into muscle function, and lastly, important future research directions will be highlighted. 

Adjournment & Meet the Teachers

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.