Metabolism, Diabetes, Fat Imaging
Electronic Poster
Body: Breast, Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis
Monday, 24 April 2017
Exhibition Hall |
13:45 - 14:45 |
Computer # |
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Sex and ethnic differences in abdominal fat partitioning and adipose tissue hydration in 4.5-year-old Asian children 
Suresh Anand Sadananthan, Mya Thway Tint, Navin Michael, Kuan Jin Lee, Lynette Shek, Yap Fabian, Keith Godfrey, Melvin Leow, Yung Seng Lee, Michael Kramer, Peter Gluckman, Yap Seng Chong, Christiani Jeyakumar Henry, Marielle Fortier, S. Sendhil Velan
In this study, we used MR-based estimation of abdominal fat distribution and the degree of adipocyte hypertrophy to study sex and ethnic differences in 4.5-year-old Asian children. Our results show sexual dimorphism in abdominal fat distribution in preschool children. Girls had higher subcutaneous fat depot volumes and lower adipose tissue hydration than boys. We also found that at 4.5 years, both deep and superficial subcutaneous fat volumes in Indian children were higher, while the ethnic difference in internal fat was non-significant. These differences may help explain why Indians are more susceptible to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.
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Inter-ethnic variation and SCD1 polymorphism predict risk for intramyocellular lipid accumulation in early childhood 
Navin Michael, Varsha Gupta, Suresh Anand Sadananthan, Aparna Sampathkumar, Li Chen, Hong Pan, Mya Thway Tint, Kuan Jin Lee, Lynette Shek, Yap Fabian, Keith Godfrey, Melvin Leow, Yung Seng Lee, Michael Kramer, Yap Seng Chong, Christiani Jeyakumar Henry, Marielle Fortier, Peter Gluckman, Neerja Karnani, S. Sendhil Velan
A large intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) pool is associated with early pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Studies from mother-offspring cohorts indicate that, like obesity and metabolic traits, IMCL is also highly heritable. However, here have been not many studies on the effect of genetic variation on IMCL. Although a number of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have established associations between several genetic loci and metabolic disorders, it is not yet known if these loci also contribute to IMCL levels, and help explain ethnic difference in IMCL levels. In this study, we examined the ethnic differences (Indian, Malay and Chinese) in IMCL in Singaporean children and the genetic risk variant(s) associated with these differences.
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Determination of Droplet Size Distribution in Brown Adipose Tissues by Diffusion NMR Spectroscopy - permission withheld
Sanjay Kumar Verma, Jadegoud Yaligar, Navin Michael, Tian Xianfeng, Venkatesh Gopalan, Suresh Anand Sadananthan, Rengaraj Ananthraj, S. Sendhil Velan
Non-Invasive Imaging of Brown Adipose Tissue is of significant interest due to its potential to combat obesity and diabetes. In this study, we have utilized diffusion spectroscopy to estimate the droplet size distribution in chow and high-fat diet fed brown adipose tissues obtained from rodents. The high-fat diet BAT exhibited reduction in the restriction due to the increase in droplet size. The histology results confirm the droplet size distribution in both control and high-fat diet tissues.
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Detection of Brown Adipose Tissue: Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI vs Xenon Enhanced CT 
Rosa Tamara Branca, Andrew McCallister, Hong Yuan, Le Zhang, Alex Burant, Michael Antonacci
Despite histological evidence that all humans have brown adipose tissue, the detection of this tissue in overweight and obese subjects has proven to be a challenge. Here we demonstrate the combined used of hyperpolarized xenon gas (HP129Xe) MRI and xenon enhanced CT for the detection of BAT thermogenic activity and mass in lean and obese mouse phenotypes as well as our preliminary results in healthy young volunteers.
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Anti-FGFR1/KLB treatment reduces hepatic fat fraction in a murine model of NAFLD 
Maj Hedehus, Mark Chen, Jose Zavala-Solorio, Lance Kates, Oded Foreman, Junichiro Sonoda, Richard Carano
Anti-FGFR1/KLB is a novel experimental therapy to treat metabolic disorders and reverse lipid accumulation in the liver. MRI estimates of proton density fat fraction demonstrated a dose-dependent anti-FGFR1/KLB treatment effect in a murine model of NAFLD.
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Supraclavicular and gluteal adipose tissue PDFF is associated to volumes of VAT and SAT and to anthropometric obesity markers in healthy adults 
Daniela Franz, Dominik Weidlich, Friedemann Freitag, Christina Holzapfel, Thomas Baum, Holger Eggers, Ernst Rummeny, Hans Hauner, Dimitrios Karampinos
Proton density fat fraction (PDFF) mapping has been emerging as important metabolic phenotyping parameter in obesity enabling spatially-resolved fat quantification in multiple organs. PDFF of adipose tissue has also recently gained significant attention due to the interest in developing biomarkers of brown fat which is assumed to be present in the adult supraclavicular fossa. However, it remains unknown how adipose tissue PDFF relates to other fat depots and anthropometric parameters. The present study aims to investigate the relationship of the supraclavicular and gluteal fat PDFF with SAT and VAT volumes and anthropometric obesity markers.
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Clinical evaluation of the early renal hypoxia in Type 2 Diabetes based on BOLD-MRI - permission withheld
Junjie Ren, Shengzhang Ji, Chunxia Li, Zhizheng Zhuo, Hao Wang
Till now the type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is more and more prevalent, and diabetic nephropathy (DN) has become the main leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). However the onset of DN is always ambiguous. In recent years, many studies focused on the change of renal oxygenation in diabetes and showed renal hypoxia especially in medulla. Blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI) is a non-invasive method that can assess hypoxia in prostate gland by utilizing the endogenous contrast generated by paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin.
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Characterization of brown and white adipose tissue in 7-year old children 
Jonathan Andersson, Emma Kjellberg, Elin Lundström, Mathias Engström, Josefine Roswall, Stefan Bergman, Pär-Arne Svensson, Håkan Ahlström, Jovanna Dahlgren, Joel Kullberg
The purpose of this study was to characterize and compare brown and white adipose tissue in 7 year-old overweight/obese and normal weight children using whole-body water-fat MRI. Correlations were also performed between the brown adipose tissue measurements and other measurements, such as VAT and SAT volumes. Results overall showed expected differences and associations to several measures relevant for obesity. We conclude that whole-body water-fat MRI of 7 year-old children is feasible and allows characterization of brown and white adipose tissue.
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Urine Metabolic profiling of patients with colorectal cancer based on NMR and Pattern Recognition - permission withheld
Wang Zhening, Liang Jiahao, Huang Yao, Ma Changchun, Wu Renhua, Yang Jurong, Liu Xingmu, Lin Yan
After our fecal metabonomic study of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients recently published in Oncotarget , we profiled urine metabolites from the same group of CRC patients, 40 age-matched healthy controls (HC), 18 esophageal cancers (EC), using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in conjunction with a multivariate statistics technique. OPLS-DA revealed that each stage of CRC could be clearly distinguished from HC and EC based on their different metabolomic profiles. These altered urine metabolites of CRC patients from HC potentially involved in the disrupted common pathways, and the different metabolites in CRC compare to EC indicated the special of the CRC.
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Spin Densities and Relaxation Parameters of the Spectral Components of Brown Fat and Subcutaneous Fat with Localized 1H-MRS at 3T. 
Ronald Ouwerkerk, Aaron Cypess, Kong Chen, Peter Herscovitch, Robert Brychta, Brooks Leitner, Ahmed Gharib
1H-MRS was used to measure relaxation properties, lipid peak ratios and water content of white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT) in humans with the aim of providing information that can be used to improve MRI based methods for identifying BAT.
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Receiver operating characteristic analysis of fat fraction reveals no universal cut-off to reliably identify in vivo brown adipose tissue in adult humans 
Terence Jones, Sarah Wayte, Narendra Reddy, Oludolapo Adesanya, Thomas Barber, Charles Hutchinson
Lower fat content within brown adipose tissue (BAT) compared to white adipose tissue (WAT) has been exploited using Dixon-based MRI imaging methods to visualize BAT but is subject to inter-rater variability. To determine the optimal fat fraction threshold for identifying BAT, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses of fat fraction maps derived from 3 point IDEAL MRI scans were performed for sixteen subjects. This method had good-to-excellent accuracy in four cases, and fair accuracy in two, but failed in ten. A single universal cut-off point to differentiate BAT and WAT could not be identified, instead the optimal thresholds varied between individuals.
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Adipose tissue and ectopic fat responses to an extended fast in healthy male adults - permission withheld
Alison Sleigh, Ajay Thankamony, Albert Koulman, Vlada Bokii, Graham Kemp, Leanne Hodson, David Dunger
We have investigated the response of different fat deposits to a 28 h fast in healthy nonobese males and shown significant increases in CH2 IMCL in both the soleus and tibialis anterior muscles, and significant decreases in subcutaneous fat. Increases in TA and SOL IMCL correlated with oleic and palmitic acid FFA concentrations respectively. The compositional change of IMCL during the fast related inversely to the baseline composition, suggesting a selective efflux of unsaturated shorter chain IMCLs for preferential oxidation, which is in agreement with rat biopsy data, and supportive of the idea of IMCL as a flexible lipid store.
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Identification and in vivo quantification of fatty acid metabolism in liver of a lipogenic methionine-choline-deficient diet-fed animal model by using magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 9.4 T 
Kyu-Ho Song, Song-I Lim, Min Young Lee, Chi-Hyeon Yoo, Bo-Young Choe
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is associated with metabolic syndrome as a result of insulin resistance and the accumulation of lipid droplets within hepatocytes. There is a need to diagnose and to accurately assess the progressive severity of hepatic steatosis with non-invasive biomarkers that are distinguishable from those in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Our findings demonstrate that fatty acid metabolism (saturated- and unsaturated-fatty acids) of hepatic steatosis induced by a methionine-choline diet can be distinguished from progressive NAFLD by using high-resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).
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Metabolic Imaging of Brown Adipose Tissue Activation by Exercise in Control and High Fat Diet Fed Rats 
Venkatesh Gopalan, Jadegoud Yaligar, Sanjay Kumar Verma, Suresh Anand Sadananthan, Anna Ulyanova, Navin Michael, Anantharaj Rengaraj, Tian Xianfeng, S. Sendhil Velan
Exercise is an important intervention for correction of irregular fat-partitioning and treatment of metabolic dysfunction. There is a large interest in development of non-invasive methods for activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) due to its potential to combat obesity. In this study we have investigated exercise induced BAT activation and IMCL from skeletal muscle of rodents fed with control and high fat diet. Our results show that exercise modulates the brown fat with reduction in fat fraction, increased UCP1 expression and reduction in “white” like adipocytes in control and high fat diet fed rats.
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Metabolic Imaging of Aging Adipose Tissues 
Venkatesh Gopalan, Sanjay Kumar Verma, Jadegoud Yaligar, Anantharaj Rengaraj, Tian Xianfeng, Bhanu Prakash K N, Suresh Anand Sadananthan, Navin Michael, S. Sendhil Velan
There is a global interest in healthy aging and also to avoid metabolic dysfunction. BAT and WAT play an important role in modulating the energy expenditure. In this study we have investigated the interscapular BAT and abdominal adipose tissues in young and old rats. During aging the iBAT activity is reduced due to the increase in “white” like adipocytes. The abdominal adipose tissues including VAT and SAT show increase in adipocyte size resulting in hypertrophy. Modulating these fat depots with nutritional interventions is of significant clinical interest.
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Automated MRI fat quantification in obese patients – impact of reader experience and degree of obesity on time exposure - permission withheld
Nicolas Linder, Alexander Schaudinn, Nikita Garnov, Roland Stange, Kilian Solty, Thomas Rakete, Nora Dipper, Sophia Michel, Thomas Karlas, Matthias Blüher, Stefanie Lehmann, Andreas Oberbach, Rima Chakaroun, Thomas Kahn, Harald Busse
The last decades have seen an increasing socioeconomic impact of obesity and obesity-related diseases. Noninvasive measures like subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue (SAT, VAT) amounts and are also increasingly correlated with other, often clinical or metabolic findings as well as independent patient characteristics, even interventional complication rates. MRI fat quantification is common but manual processing is often laborious and time consuming while fully automatic segmentation is prone to errors. This work takes a custom-made semiautomatic MRI tool and prospectively analyzes the processing and interaction times for readers with different experience as well as patients from different BMI groups.
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Preliminary study for the quantification of fatty composition and relation to metabolic syndrome using modified Dixon method. 
Satoshi Goshima, Kimihiro Kajita, Tomoyuki Okuaki, Keita Fujimoto, Shoma Nagata, Yoshifumi Noda, Hiroshi Kawada, Nobuyuki Kawai, Hiromi Koyasu, Masayuki Matsuo
We successfully quantified fatty acid composition in the liver, subcutaneous, and visceral fat tissue using modified Dixon technique with flexible six echo times and seven-peak spectral model with lipid components. Our results suggested that fatty acid composition of depot fat was varied among the patients with different metabolic status. We also demonstrated the possible relationship of unsaturated fatty acid in depot fat to cholesterol level and insulin tolerance.
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Liver and muscle energy metabolism in patients with organic acidemias using 31P and 1H MR spectroscopy 
Alessandra Bierwagen, Daria Caspari, Maik Rothe, Klaus Straßburger, Jong-Hee Hwang, Michael Roden, Regina Ensenauer
This study assessed energy and fat metabolism in a well phenotyped cohort of patients with organic acidemias using non-invasive MR spectroscopy. 31P and 1H spectra of the liver as well as 1H spectra of the muscle were acquired in 27 patients and 30 healthy controls (age-, sex-, BMI-matched). We found higher liver fat content in patients with propionic acidemia. The level of creatine in the soleus muscle was higher in patients with methylmalonic acidemia and propionic acidemia. In conclusion, the results provide evidence for previously unknown abnormalities of liver fat and muscle energy metabolism in patients with organic acidemias.
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Validity of estimating subcutaneous and visceral fat volume from single MRI slice in older adults with sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity 
Yu Xin Yang, Wee Shiong Lim, Mei Sian Chong, Laura Tay, Suzanne Yew, Audrey Yeo, Cher Heng Tan
The demand for measurements of fat quantities is driven by the rising prevalence of sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity (SO). In order to reduce the time and the cost of image processing, several studies have estimated the subcutaneous fat (SF) and visceral fat (VF) volume from a single slice. However, the population of studies may not have necessarily included patients with either sarcopenia or SO. This study aims to determine the correlation between the cross-sectional areas in a single slice at different vertebra levels and the volumes of SF and VF in the abdomen for sarcopenic and SO populations using MRI.
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Water-fat MRI demonstrates seasonal proliferation of brown adipose tissue near the eyes of juvenile hibernators: An additive effect of cold exposure 
Amanda MacCannell, Kevin Sinclair , Lannete Friesen-Waldner, Charles McKenzie, James Staples
Hibernating mammals use brown adipose tissue (BAT) as a primary source of heat production. Volumes of both white adipose tissue (WAT) and BAT increase in the autumn even when temperatures are warm. Between Aug 19th and Oct 13th we used water-fat MRI to measure the dynamics of BAT and white adipose tissue as ground squirrels prepared for hibernation under either cold or thermoneutral temperatures. We found that the volume of a tissue that resembles BAT around the eye, increased significantly in cold exposed animals to warm exposed in October, as the animals are preparing for winter.
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Evaluation of renal hemodynamics and oxygenation with BOLD, oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and ASL techniques in animal model of diabetic nephropathy 
Rui Wang, Zhiyong Lin, Xueqing Sui, Kai Zhao, Feng Wei
Our study was to investigate the feasibility of using blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD), oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) techniques for the detection of renal hemodynamics and oxygenation changes in rabbits with diabetic nephropathy (DN).
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The effects of sprint interval training on visceral, subcutaneous and hepatic fat stores: An MRI and 1H-MRS study of lipid content and composition 
Stephen Bawden, Jack Sargeant, Liz Simpson, Mehri Kaviani, Myra Nimmo, Penny Gowland, Ian MacDonald, James King, Guruprasad Aithal
In this study, 9 obese male participants underwent 6 weeks of sprint interval training (SIT) and changes in visceral, subcutaneous and intra-hepatocellular fat were measured using MRI and MRS at baseline, control (>4 weeks later) and post exercise. Change in liver lipid composition was also assessed.
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Multiparametric MR characterisation of a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet rodent model of liver disease 
Manil Chouhan, Tim Bray, John Connell, Jane MacNaughtan, Alan Bainbridge, Helen Jones, Abeba Habtieson, Nathan Davies, Rajiv Jalan, Shonit Punwani, Tammy Kalber, Mark Lythgoe, Margaret Hall-Craggs, Rajeshwar Mookerjee, Stuart Taylor
There is a growing interest in the development of new animal models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In this study, we use T1, proton density fat fraction (PDFF) and R2* mapping to characterise hepatic parenchymal tissue and the evolution of MR properties over time in a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet model of fatty liver disease.
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Longitudinal Assessment of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Obese Patients undergoing Weight Loss Surgery 
Curtis Wiens, Cristobal Arrieta, Ignacio Osorio, Ben Ratliff, Timothy Colgan, Alan McMillan, Nathan Artz, Luke Funk, Guilherme Campos, Jacob Greenberg, Daniela Esparza, Sergio Uribe, Claude Sirlin, Scott Reeder
This work monitored longitudinal changes in visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous (SCAT) adipose tissue in response to weight loss. Twenty-one patients undergoing clinical weight loss surgery (WLS) were recruited for 5 MRI studies: 2-3 weeks prior, 1 day prior to WLS and 1, 3, and 6 months post-WLS. Single breath-hold, chemical shift encoded acquisitions were analyzed using an Osirix semi-automated segmentation software to monitor changes in VAT and SCAT volumes. Continual reductions in VAT and SCAT were measured over the five visits. At every visit, each patient’s relative body fat distribution remained relatively constant despite overall reductions in both VAT and SCAT.