Weekend Educational Course Physics for Physicists |
Physics for Physicists: Part 1
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Matthias Günther, Herbert Köstler
Saturday, 16 June 2018
N02 |
08:00 - 09:40 |
Moderators: Michael Steckner, Susann Boretius |
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Session Number: WE-01A
This course will describe commonly used imaging pulse sequences and their building blocks, data acquisition and artifact suppression strategies, and basic image reconstruction techniques.
Target Audience
MR physicists and engineers, pulse sequence developers and clinicians who want to deepen their understanding of MRI acquisition and reconstruction methods. Individuals who will likely benefit most from the course are those who have recently completed or will complete a graduate educational program in MR physics, chemistry, applied mathematics or engineering and those practitioners of MR with extensive practical experience but seek to obtain a more systematic foundation.
Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
-Express a systematic understanding of pulse sequence building blocks and components;
-Show an in-depth understanding of advanced data acquisition strategies, and their potential and limitations;
-Describe common approaches to address motion;
-Describe state-of-the-art fast imaging techniques;
-Discuss advanced image reconstruction algorithms; and
-Identify common artifacts and understand how to reduce them.
Introduction to MRI |
MRI: The Classical Description
Adrienne Campbell-Washburn
This lecture will cover the basics of MRI physics and image formation using the classical description. It will describe the basic concepts in magnetic moments, net magnetization of tissue and precession, as well as the manipulation of magnetization using RF pulses and magnetic field gradients to generate an image. Spin echoes and gradient echoes will be described along with the basics of T1 and T2 relaxation and their effect on image contrast. The Bloch equations will be used to summarize the evolution of magnetization and pulse sequence diagrams will be introduced to describe image formation.
MRI: A Systems Overview
Ralf Loeffler
MRI systems consist of 3 main components plus computer systems for user interaction, measurement control and signal processing. The 3 components are dedicated to static and gradient magnetic field generation, as well as the RF system for RF transmission and reception. While the purpose of the components has not changed over time, actual implementation has due to technological advances as well as demands by new MRI techniques. This talk will present the basic designs for the different components and discuss current implementations and potential future developments.
Bioeffects & Hazards from Static Field, Gradient, & RF Exposures
Johan van den Brink
This talk provides an overview of the MR safety risks and its scientific background
T1- & T2-Contrasts & Their Molecular Origin
Siegfried Stapf
This tutorial aims at introducing the molecular mechanisms behind the relaxation times, and possible pitfalls in their experimental determination. The focus of the contribution is on the field-dependence of relaxation times, the importance of parasitic effects, and on addressing non-exponential signal behavior in a quantitative manner.
Break & Meet the Teachers |
Physics for Physicists: Part 2
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Matthias Günther, Herbert Köstler
Saturday, 16 June 2018
N02 |
10:00 - 11:15 |
Moderators: Susann Boretius, Michael Steckner |
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Session Number: WE-01B
This course will describe commonly used imaging pulse sequences and their building blocks, data acquisition and artifact suppression strategies, and basic image reconstruction techniques.
Target Audience
MR physicists and engineers, pulse sequence developers and clinicians who want to deepen their understanding of MRI acquisition and reconstruction methods. Individuals who will likely benefit most from the course are those who have recently completed or will complete a graduate educational program in MR physics, chemistry, applied mathematics or engineering and those practitioners of MR with extensive practical experience but seek to obtain a more systematic foundation.
Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
-Express a systematic understanding of pulse sequence building blocks and components;
-Show an in-depth understanding of advanced data acquisition strategies, and their potential and limitations;
-Describe common approaches to address motion; -Describe state-of-the-art fast imaging techniques;
-Discuss advanced image reconstruction algorithms; and
-Identify common artifacts and understand how to reduce them.
Encoding |
Spatial Encoding (Introduction to k-Space, MRI as a Linear & Stationary System, PSF, MTF, Nyquist)
Tobias Wech
This presentation will provide an introduction to the k-space formalism. MRI will be approximated as a linear and stationary system and the point spread function as well as the modulation transfer function will be introduced as descriptive tools. Finally, the sampling-theorem of Nyquist and Shannon will be discussed with respect to classical MRI and newer techniques like compressed sensing or MR-fingerprinting.
How to Get the Optimal Signal-to-Noise
Claudia Hillenbrand
Acquiring an optimal image for clinical applications often means to strike the right balance between resolution, scan time, and signal to noise (SNR) in order to achieve the desired imaging objectives. The SNR is a fundamental measure of quality and performance in MRI. This presentation will review the basic principles relevant to signal and noise, measurement of SNR, factors influencing SNR, and discuss techniques that attempt to optimize SNR.
More than One RF-Pulse: Echoes & Phase Graphs
Matthias Weigel
The basic ideas and the resulting potential of the Extended Phase Graph (EPG) concept are described. It represents an elegant means for the pictorial and quantitative depiction of the resulting magnetization response in multi pulse sequences. EPGs also aid in the understanding and classification of echo generation. Based on these powerful properties and possibilities, the EPG concept has got a lot of attention during the last years. Additionally, the syllabus provides a collection of known and less known references.
Lunch & Meet the Teachers |
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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. |