ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference • 08-14 August 2020

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Weekend Educational Session

Diffusion: Encoding & Acquisition

Session Topic: Diffusion: Encoding & Acquisition
Session Sub-Topic: Diffusion: Encoding & Acquisition
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Carl-Fredrik Westin, Noam Shemesh
Sunday Parallel 1 Live Q&A Sunday, 9 August 202014:30 - 15:00 UTC Moderators: Marco Palombo & Carl-Fredrik Westin
Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate

Session Number: WE-19

This course will review the diffusion experiment from two perspectives: how information about the diffusion process and microstructure is encoded, and how the imaging part can be refined to provide high-quality images.

Target Audience
Basic scientists interested in learning about new developments in diffusion MRI encoding and acquisition and how to design the best possible diffusion acquisition protocol.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Describe different ways to encode information about the diffusion process into the images; and
- Explain different ways to accelerate the image acquisition.


    Advanced Diffusion Encoding Gradient Waveforms
Markus Nilsson

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Most studies using diffusion MRI today rely on a pair of gradient pulses to do the diffusion encoding. However, this approach is fundamentally limited in several ways. This talk will provide examples of these limitations and show how to use advanced gradient waveforms to overcome them. Examples from recent papers will demonstrate how such advanced encodings can radically change the interpretation of diffusion MRI data.
    Diffusion-Relaxation MRI
Jana Hutter

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This talk will focus on the recent developments combining diffusion MRI with relaxometry. It will first give details on the parameters and choices available on the acquisition side. Next, possible analysis techniques will be presented and finally recent results detailing possible applications will be discussed.
    The Quest for High-Spatial-Resolution Diffusion MRI
Lucio Frydman

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    Spiral Acquisition for Diffusion MRI
Lars Mueller

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Spiral readouts for diffusion weighted MRI are gaining more interest. The idea has been around for quite a while, because of the shorter echo time and thus signal to noise ratio achievable compared to EPI. With the advent of field monitoring and/or gradient impulse response function, high quality single shot imaging has become possible. This was achieved by employing an expanded signal model, which incorporates higher order k-space and B0-inhomogeneities. We will have a look at the steps necessary to achieve high quality diffusion imaging with spiral readouts.
    SPEN for Diffusion MRI
Eddy Solomon

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This talk will discuss a relatively new MRI methodology called SPatio-temporal ENcoding (SPEN). SPEN is a highly robust method overcoming B0-inhomogeneities and heterogeneous chemical shift environments, and hence presents advantages in multiple diffusion studies. Attention will be focused on the physical basis employed to quantify diffusion experiments using SPEN and recent substantial advantages will be discussed in terms of both anatomical image qualities and diffusional information vis-à-vis EPI.
    Diffusion MRI Outside the Brain
Rita Nunes

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Clinical applications of DWI outside the brain have grown significantly over the years, particularly in the detection and characterization of cancer lesions. This lecture will focus on the specific challenges of applying this technique to body imaging, presenting some of the existing strategies for dealing with these issues.