SNR efficiency and effectiveness of 7T high-b diffusion imaging with MESMERISED and PGSE
Alard Roebroeck1, Benedikt A Poser1, and Francisco J Fritz2
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Department of Systems Neurosciences, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany
MESMERISED’s SAR and gradient duty cycle efficiency allows it to outperform PGSE for 7T high-b diffusion MRI and provide highly efficient and effective microstructure modeling, while also decreasing Gibbs ringing and allowing efficient quantitative multi-contrast MRI
B1+ inhomogeneity and Gibbs ringing (A) Flip angle map (in degrees; top) and deviation from the nominal 90 degrees (bottom) (B) tSNR for MESMERISED with ESxMB=3x3 (top) for both STE and SE b0 volumes and PGSE with MB=2 (bottom). (C) Average b0 image MESMERISED STE volumes (top) and PGSE (bottom). Magnification of red box and line-plot at the red line (D) The Fraction of Sticks (FS) map for MESMERISED (ESxMB=3x3) STE volumes (top) and PGSE (bottom). Magnification of blue box and line-plot at the blue line.
Full coronal, sagittal and axial views of (A) absolute flip angle (B) deviation from the nominal 90 degrees, and for for PGSE (MB=2) volumes: (C) average b0 with line-plot at the red line, (D) b0 tSNR (E) FS map with line-plot at the blue line, (F) FS map uncertainty with line-plot at the blue line.