Three-Compartment IVIM Model Applied to Psychotic Spectrum Disorders
Faye McKenna1, Yu Veronica Sui1, Hillary Bertisch1, Donald Goff1, and Mariana Lazar1
1New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
We found significantly increased perfusion fraction, free water, and anisotropic diffusion of tissue in psychotic spectrum disorder patients compared to healthy controls by applying a three compartment IVIM technique, which also related to psychosis duration and cognition.
Figure 3. Group differences between healthy controls and the PSD schizoaffective subtype in gray matter cortical areas in a) perfusion fraction (PF), b) free water (FW) and (c) fractional anisotropy of tissue (FAt) measures. Green indicates ROIs with significant differences at q < .05 FDR BH corrected, blue indicates ROIs with differences noted at p < .05.
Figure 4. Significant Pearson’s correlations between IVIM metrics (PF, FW and FAt) and the duration of psychosis in the PSD schizoaffective and schizophrenia subtypes in gray and white matter ROIs. All plots reached significance at the FDR BH q < .05 correction-level.