Calibrationless B1 Mapping for Accurate Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping Using Relaxometry Constraints
Alexey Samsonov1
1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States
B1 mapping can be performed in fast MPF mapping protocol without additional B1 measurements.
Figure 3. Representative results in a healthy volunteer. (a) Proposed calibrationless (calculated) B1 and measured B1 maps. (b) MPF maps estimated with the maps in (a). (c) Whole brain MPF histograms for three scenarios of availability of B1 information (measured, calculated, no B1 maps). Note high consistency of the results obtained with calibrationless and measured B1 maps.
Figure 4. Results of application of the proposed method to data acquired on a scanner from a different vendor. Note high consistency of the proposed and measured (AFI) B1 maps, as well as effects of MPF correction (as compared to no B1 MPF results). Application of the proposed method did not require recalibration of the relaxometric constants used in the technique.