xSPEN spectroscopy: a self-navigated fast chemical shift encoded echo planar imaging acquisition
Ke Dai1, Hao Chen1, Hongda Shao2, Jianjun Liu2, and Zhiyong Zhang1
1School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2Departments of Nuclear Medicine, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
We propose an alternative fast magnetic spectroscopy imaging termed as xSPEN spectroscopy. The xSPEN spectroscopy has no limitation of spectral bandwidth, a unique J-decoupled spectrum capability and the robustness to in-plane motion.
Figure 2 The representative spectra obtained by conventioal EPSI, xSPEN spectroscopy and J-decouped xSPEN spectroscopy from the spatial location marked by the red dot in the phantom using a spectral bandwidth of 1000 Hz(a) and 2000 Hz(b)
Figure 3 (a) EPSI chemical shift maps from multiplets (b) The map of singlet from J-decoupled xSPEN spectroscopy.