Evolutionarily conserved fMRI network dynamics in the human, macaque and mouse brain
Daniel Gutierrez-Barragan1, Stefano Panzeri2, Ting Xu3, and Alessandro Gozzi1
1Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory,, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, CNCS, Rovereto, Italy, 2Neural Computation Laboratory, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, CNCS, Rovereto, Italy, 3Center for the Developing Brain, Child Mind Institute, New York, NY, United States
We present a set of dynamic features governing whole-brain spontaneous fMRI activity in the mammalian brain (mouse, macaque and human), delineating reproducible and recurrent BOLD co-activation topographies; state-dependent dynamics; and evolutionary links between species.
Fig2.Cross-species CAP topography reveals evolutionarily conserved rsfMRI network engagements. Co-activation patterns (CAPs) from mice, macaques, and humans (p<0.05,Bonferroni corrected). Red indicates significant co-activation, blue significant co-deactivations. Abbreviations: Ctx-Cortex; SMN-Sensory-motor Network; DMN-Default-Mode Network; TH-Thalamus; Cd/Pu-Caudate/Putamen;VIS-Visual Network LN-Limbic Network;HCP-Hippocampus; ECN-Executive-Control Network;DAN-Dorsal-Attention Network; SN-Salience Network.
Fig3. CAPs exhibit infraslow fluctuations and gradual assembly/disassembly. A), C), E) Power-spectral density (PSD) of CAP-to-frame correlation timecourses (mean +/-SEM). B),D),F) CAP temporal assembly by time-lock averaging the highest peaks in the CAP timecourse.