iSLR: An Improved Shinnar-Le-Roux Frequency Selective Pulse Design Algorithm with Reduced Energy and More Accurate Phase Profiles
Frank Ong1, Michael Lustig2, Shreyas Vasanawala1, and John Pauly1
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
We improve the SLR design process to generate pulses with lower energy (by as much as 26%) and more accurate phase profiles.
Linear phase slice selection pulses and their transverse magnetization profiles after refocusing. The improved SLR (iSLR) pulse has a much flatter phase response than the original one. Pulse energy is reduced by 18.6% and peak is reduced by 9.1%. Note that the improved pulse is asymmetric, which shows that the proposed design compensates for the phase of α to generate a linear phase profile.
Zero phase spin-echo refocusing pulses and their longitudinal magnetization profiles. Pulse energy is reduced by 18.6% and peak is reduced by 13.4%.