Differential diagnosis rectal cancer with and without lymph node metastasis using amide proton transfer-weighted imaging and T1 map
Anliang Chen1, Ailian Liu1, Jiazheng Wang2, Zhiwei Shen2, Deshuo Dong1, Wan Dong1, Yuhui Liu1, Qingwei Song1, and Renwang Pu1
1Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China, 2Philips Healthcare, Beijing, China
APTw imaging combined with T1 map can effectively reflect lesion changes between rectal cancer with and without lymph node metastasis.
Figure 1. A 65-year-old male patient with lymph node metastasis of rectal cancer. T2W image (a), DWI (b), T1 map (c), and APTw-T2W fusion image (d) to show the lesion of rectal cancer with lymph node metastasis. Three ROI of rectal cancer were showed on T2W image. APT and T1 values of the ROI were 0.89%, 0.45%, 0.97% and 1579.90ms, 1449.80ms, 1496.05ms.
Figure 2. A 64-year-old male patient without lymph node metastasis of rectal cancer. T2W image (a), DWI (b), T1 map (c), and APTw-T2W fusion image (d) to show the lesion of rectal cancer without lymph node metastasis. Three ROI of rectal cancer were showed on T2W image. APT and T1 values of the ROI were 2.03%, 2.64%, 1.73% and 1371.23ms, 1337.87ms, 1353.56ms.