Locus coeruleus degeneration is associated with disorganized functional topology in Parkinson’s disease
Cheng Zhou1, Tao Guo1, Jingjing Wu1, Xueqin Bai1, Xiaojun Guan1, and Minming Zhang1
1Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
This study demonstrated that, in addition to dopamine deficiency, the degeneration of LC is another important pathway for PD clinical manifestation through associating with the disorganization of functional topology. 
Figure 1. Comparison of CNRLC between the HC and PD groups. (A) Signal intensity measurements of the LC (two small red circles) and pontine (a big red circles) from a HC; (B) and (C) The location of LC in continuous layers (red arrow); (D) Significantly decreased CNRLC was found in PD group when compared with HC group. CNRLC: Contrast-to-noise ratio of the locus coeruleus; HC: Healthy control; PD: Parkinson's disease; L: Left; ***: P < 0.001.
Figure 3. Correlation analysis among CNRLC, network attributes, and MoCA score in PD group. (A) CNRLC was significantly correlated with MoCA score in PD group; (B) CNRLC was significantly correlated with the network attributes of cognitive and motor related regions in PD group; (C) Network attributes of two cognitive related regions were associated with MoCA score in PD group; (D) Mediation analysis showed that damaged NE of STG was a mediator between LC degeneration and cognitive decline.