Myocardial T1, T2, T2* and Fat Fraction Quantification via Low-Rank Motion-Corrected Cardiac MRF
Gastao Cruz1, Carlos Velasco1, Olivier Jaubert1, Haikun Qi1, René M. Botnar1, and Claudia Prieto1
1School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
ECG-triggered, multi-echo gradient-echo cardiac MRF using large acquisition window is proposed to simultaneously map T1, T2, T2* and fat fraction. A low-rank non-rigid motion correction reconstruction corrects cardiac motion, yielding 4 co-registered parameter maps from a single scan.
Fig.3 T1, T2, T2* and FF maps for one representative subject obtained with (long cardiac acquisition window) MRF with no motion correction (NMC), with motion correction (proposed LRMC) and the corresponding conventional methods (MOLLI, T2-GraSE, 8-echo GRE for T2* and 6-echo GRE for FF). Residual artefacts (predominantly blurring) are present with NMC and are reduced with LRMC, achieving comparable quality to conventional single-parameter mapping methods.
Fig.1 Diagram for the proposed T1, T2, T2* and FF cardiac MRF. a) ECG-triggered data is acquired with varying preparation pulses; b) low rank subspace is estimated from the MRF dictionary; c) long acquisition window data is binned into multiple cardiac phases; d) cardiac resolved images are reconstructed with LRI-HDPROST; e) motion is estimated with free-form deformations; f) LRMC is performed producing a set of motion corrected singular values for all echoes; g) T1 and T2 is estimated via MRF dictionary matching, T2* and FF are estimated via a water/fat separation algorithm.