Simultaneous Quantification of Mean Intracellular Water Lifetime and Cell Size Using Temporal Diffusion Spectroscopy
xiaoyu jiang1, sean p devan1, john c. gore1, and junzhong xu1
1Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, nashville, TN, United States
Using simulations, we demonstrated that an appropriate model and analysis allow estimates of intracellular water lifetime and cell size simultaneously over a physiologically relevant range with a $$$t_{diff}$$$ range of 5 – 100 ms, which is clinically feasible.
The hybrid model-derived intracellular water lifetimes from the simulated diffusion data with three SNR levels ($$$\infty$$$, 50, and 25) and two different imaging protocols, including $$$t_{diff}$$$ = 5, 30, 70, and 100 ms (blue circles) and $$$t_{diff}$$$ = 5, 30, 70, and 200 ms (black circles).
IMPULSED- and hybrid model-derived cell sizes from the simulated diffusion data with three SNR levels ( $$$\infty$$$, 50, and 25). The hybrid model was applied to data with two different imaging protocols, including $$$t_{diff}$$$ = 5, 30, 70, and 100 ms (blue circles) and $$$t_{diff}$$$ = 5, 30, 70, and 200 ms (black circles). The IMPULSED model was applied to data with $$$t_{diff}$$$ = 5, 30, 70, and 100 ms (green circles).