Feasibility of T1 Mapping with Histogram Analysis for the Diagnosis and Staging of Liver Fibrosis: Preclinical Results
Qing Wang1, Ye Sheng2, HaiFeng Liu2, Zuhui Zhu2, wei Xing2, and Jilei Zhang3
1Radiology, Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University & First People's Hospital of Changzhou, changzhou, China, 2Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University & First People's Hospital of Changzhou, changzhou, China, 3Healthcare,Shanghai,China, shanghai, China

 Histogram analysis have advantages over conventional representative ROI selection for LF.Entropy characterizes image complexity by evaluating fibrosis heterogeneity and Entropy20min has a substantial advantage as a biomarker of LF.

Comparisons of the diagnostic ability of three optimal parameters (75th of T1native, entropy20min and entropy10min) for discriminating LF ≥ F1 (a), ≥ F2 (b), ≥ F3 (c) and F4 (d), respectively. Entropy20min showed the highest diagnostic performance, with AUC=0.908, 0.951, 0.969, and 0.914, respectively.
Examples of ROIs drawn over T1 maps of F1 liver tissue. The liver borders, major vessels, and gallbladder were manually excluded. The ROIs were delineated to include the whole liver on all slices for T1native (a), T110min (b), and T120min (c), and a minor adjustment was adopted to update the ROI. The histogram curves of T1native (d), T110min (e), and T120min (f) are shown.