A lightweight and efficient convolutional neural network for MR image restoration
Aowen Liu1, Meiling Ji2, Xiaoqian Huang1, Yawei Zhao2, Renkuan Zhai2, Guobin Li2, Dinggang Shen1, and Shu Liao1
1United Imaging Intelligence, Shanghai, China, 2United Imaging Healthcare, Shanghai, China
An efficient and lightweight neural network EEDN with a novel loss function for MRI restoration is proposed, which  can not only greatly improve network efficiency with reduced network parameters and FLOPs, but also help enhance image quality with better visualization. 
Fig. 1. The architecture of EEDN. FLB represents feature learning sub-module, which is implemented with EAM [5]. Up and Down are the up and down sampling operation, respectively. For FLB modules, multiple inputs of each FLB module are first concatenated and then reduced for channels by 1x1 conv.
Fig. 2. Comparison of different models using five different metrics.