Accelerate Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Deep Low Rank Hankel Matrix
Yihui Huang1, Jinkui Zhao1, Zi Wang1, Di Guo2, and Xiaobo Qu1
1Department of Electronic Science, National Institute for Data Science in Health and Medicine, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 2School of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen, China
we proposed a deep learning reconstruction method based on unrolling the iterative process of a state-of-the-art model-based low rank Hankel matrix method, which provides a better approximation of low rank and preserves the low-intensity signals much better.
Figure 1. The architecture of DHMF. (a) the general process of the k-th block, (b) P and Q modules with time domain convolution in the basic DHMF, (c) P and Q modules with frequency domain convolution in the enhanced DHMF, (d) dense convolutional neural network.
Figure 2. The reconstructed spectra and singular values at each block. (a) fully sampled spectrum, (b-f) the reconstructed spectrum by the 1st to 5th blocks, (g) the nuclear norm of Hankel matrix of time-domain signal, and (h-l) denote corresponding singular values of the output of each block. Note: To show small singular value clearly, there exists a break from 0.084 to 0.085 in Y axis of (h-l).