ORYX-MRSI: A data analysis software for multi-slice 1H-MRSI
Sevim Cengiz1, Muhammed Yildirim1, Abdullah Bas1, and Esin Ozturk-Isik1
1Biomedical Engineering Institution, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Oryx-MRSI is a fully automated software for a comprehensive analysis of multi-slice proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI) data.
fCSF corrected NAA concentration map and its overlay onto reference T2w MRI (figure 5a) and ROI analysis of an example dataset on 400 brain parcellations defined on 17 rs-fMRI networks (figure 5b).
Segmentation module shows fCSF, fWM and fGM maps for a selected metabolite (NAA+NAAG) at different slices.