Comparison of high-resolution DTI in ex vivo newborn and adult marmoset brain
Emmanuelle Weber1, Erpeng Dai1, Christoph Leuze1, Nikola T. Markov2, Nicholas Tran1, Mariko Bennett1, Samuel Baker1, Kerriann Casey1, Kalanit Grill-Spector1, Keren Haroush1, and Jennifer A. McNab1
1Stanford, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Buck Institute, Novato, CA, United States
We present a two stage acquisition of high-resolution DTI in ex vivo newborn and adult marmoset brain. FA was lower in the newborn than the adult with smaller differences observed in regions known to develop earlier.
Figure 1: Co-registration of the anterior and posterior diffusion MRI data.
Figure 2: Main vector orientation modulated by the FA map for the newborn (A) and the adult (B) marmoset brains.