Attenuation of left ventricular blood flow kinetic energy and direct flow in repaired Fontan patients: a 4D flow MRI study
Liwei Hu1, Xiaodan Zhao2, Rongzhen Ouyang1, Shuang Leng2, Yong Zhang3, Liang Zhong2,4, and Yumin Zhong1
1Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai, China, 2National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 3GE Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 4Duke-NUS Medical School, National University of Singapore, singapore, Singapore
The main findings were the following: (1). LV flow components may be sensitive indexes for early assessment of the hemodynamics difference; Our explanation was that abnormal intracardiac flow components lead to reduction in the efficiency of these vortices. This might unveil a new mechanism of compensation in post-Fontan patients by intracardiac flow components. (2). We found energy dissipation increased and KE decreased in Fontan patients. The explanation for the reason might be that the impaired ventricular filling and afterload in Fontan patients result in disruption of intracardiac flow pattern. (3). Regional kinetic energy was significant diļ¬€erence in two groups except for base peak A-wave KEiEDV. We understood that peak A-wave KEiEDV represent a compensatory mechanism of atrial booster.
Fig 2.Examples of the LV endocardial contours at end-diastolic phase and flow components in a repaired Fontan (rFontan) patient (9-year-old boy). rFontan patient had reduced direct flow, increased residual flow than normal volunteer.
Fig 3.Examples of the LV endocardial contours at end-diastolic phase and flow components in a normal volunteer (11-year-old boy).