A New Diffusion-based Elastography for Quantitatively Assessing Liver Fibrosis without External Devices in a Large Set of Patients
Jie Yuan1, Fan Mo2, Yongming Dai2, Yuan Feng3, Suhao Qiu3, Songhua Zhan1, and Zhigang Gong1
1Department of Radiology, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 201203, Shanghai, China, 2MR Collaboration, United Imaging Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 3Institute for Medical Imaging Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 200240, Shanghai, China
A new diffusion-based elastography method for quantitatively characterzing liver fibrosis without external devices
Figure 1. The processing flowchart. Both μMRE and ADC were processed with corresponding in-house prototype software developed by MATLAB. Same ROIs were calculated to find the relationship of μMRE and ADC for all patients.
Figure 2. Linear regression of μMRE and ADC calculated from different combinations. a) μMRE vs. ADC calculated from b = 200 & 500 s/mm2; b) μMRE vs. ADC calculated from b = 200 & 800 s/mm2; c) μMRE vs. ADC calculated from b = 200 & 1200 s/mm2. (d) Mean ADC values for all 73 patients at different stage of liver fibrosis stages. Significant differences were observed at different stages.