Task-Based Assessment for Neural Networks: Evaluating Undersampled MRI Reconstructions based on Signal Detection
Joshua D Herman1, Rachel E Roca1, Alexandra G O'Neill1, Sajan G Lingala2, and Angel R Pineda1
1Mathematics Department, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, United States, 2Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States
Task-based assessment of image quality for signal detection by humans for neural network reconstructions leads to a different choice of undersampling than SSIM, NRMSE or ideal observers.
Figure 3. Sample 2AFC trial where a subject chooses which of the two images contains the signal in the middle. Each of the 4 observers conducted 200 trials for each amount of undersampling.
Figure 2. U-Net Diagram. For this study x = 64 channels and a 0.1 dropout was used.