Learning the relationship between human brain tissue microstructure and diffusion MRI data
Emmanuelle Weber1, Christoph Leuze1, Daniel A. N. Barbosa1, Gustavo Chau Loo Kung1, Kalanit Grill-Spector1, and Jennifer A. McNab1
1Stanford, Stanford, CA, United States
Feasibility study of a machine learning direct prediction of tissue microstructure from raw diffusion MRI data. We attempted to predict the well-understood main fiber orientation from both simulated and dMRI-3D histology dataset.
Figure 1: Deep learning framework aiming at predicting the microstructural features from raw diffusion MRI (dMRI) data using histology images as ground truth. Example of prediction of main fiber orientation from previously acquired data on human thalamus.
Figure 2: Summary of the whole pipeline that enables to predict a single simulated fiber orientation using deep learning. A) Normalized dMRI signal from an B) infinitely long rotating cylinder as a function of the C) PGSE sequence b values for different gradient orientation. D) This signal is then fed to a neural network to predict the E) orientation of the cylinder given by the spherical angles theta and phi.