A Novel Fast Quantitative Parameter Distribution Estimator Applied to Diffusion Tensor Distribution Imaging
Anders Garpebring1
1Radiation Sciences, div. Radiation Physics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Non-parametric diffusion tensor distribution estimation is very computationally expensive and can require several hours of processing for a single 3D volume. This work shows that this time can be reduced to minutes or even seconds.
Figure 1. A comparison between a high quality reference mean axial diffusivity map (left column) and mean axial diffusivity maps obtained using the REF and FAST methods. The label in the upper left corner shows the estimation method used and the numbers indicate number of b-tensors / number of averaged estimates. The number in the lower left corner shows the normalized mean absolute error between the image in the left column and the current image.
Figure 3. The time required to estimate one sample for the REF and FAST methods. Note that this time scales linearly with the number of samples. I.e. if 25 estimates are averaged as for some of the maps in Figure 1 and 2 the time in the table needs to be multiplied by 25.